
The Loyal Pin – Episode 8

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By: Lisa Steinberg



We pick up the episode with Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) walking with her brothers and thanking them for helping her to surprise their mother and father with her early return and graduation. Anil excuses herself and says she wants to go and also surprise both Lady Pin and Prik.

As Anil runs excitedly through the palace grounds, Prik (Orntara Poonsak) jumps out and grabs her hugging Anil tightly.  Prik is so overwhelming happy to see the Princess and having her back.  Anil says she wanted to surprise Prik but news travels fast. Prik teases Anil that she has eyes and ears everywhere, how could she not have found out! Anil worries that Lady Pin will have found out as well about her surprise, but Prik tells her she hasn’t as Lady Pin spends most of her time reading or in the kitchen. Anil tells Prik she will be off to go surprise Lady Pin then. As she attempts to leave Prik tells her that she will take Anil to Lady Pin, but Anil stops her and says that she wants to be alone with Lady Pin. Prik tells her that she will leave them alone until the next morning.

Anil runs through the palace grounds once again and from afar sees Lady Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) entering the Pine Palace alone.  Anil stops and watches Pin. Lady Pin enters the Pine Palace and stands in the entryway. Anil keeps watching her from behind and hears Pin say out loud that she misses Anil. As Pin starts to walk in further into the palace, Anil wraps her arms around her from behind. Anil says “I miss you too” and then smiling at her turns a bewildered Pin around.  The two stand together and hug tightly. Pin begins to cry and Anil wipes at her tears. Pin attempts to walk away from Anil and Anil asks her why she is doing that, she worries that Pin doesn’t love her anymore. Pin says if she didn’t love Anil, she wouldn’t have counted down every single day until Anil returned. Pin says she is upset because Anil came back without telling her, and she wants to know why Anil played with her feelings that way. Anil apologizes and says she has also been eagerly looking forward to seeing Pin. She goes on to say that during the last few months she immersed herself in her studies so that she could graduate a semester early. She just wanted to be able to see Pin as soon as possible. 

Now together in the dining room, and Anil a little more comfortable without her hat and coat on, Pin tells her that Anil is behaving more and more like westerners each day. Anil says not only her habit of sharing a surprise is like westerners, but also her way of expressing love is also like that. Anil grabs Pin by the waist and the two begin to kiss. Anil starts to try and undress Pin, and Pin tells her that it’s still daylight. Anil tells her it doesn’t matter, she missed Pin. Pin tells her that it’s still not dark outside, and Anil responds by walking over to the light and turning it off. The two begin to kiss again and Anil lays Pin down on the dining room table. Anil undresses Pin and they make love.

Afterwards, Anil and Pin sit by a window together and Pin asks Anil if she changed her perfume. Anil tells her yes. Pin says it might have similar pleasant scent, but she doesn’t think it’s the same. Anil tells her that she owns a lot of perfumes, and that last time she came back she only brought one with her. So the new scent might be unfamiliar to Pin. Pin tells her she hopes that Anil didn’t change her perfume to please someone else or perhaps borrow the perfume from someone. Anil tells Pin that she is overthinking. Other than Pin, she never wants to please anyone else. Pin explains she just wants to be sure, because she heard that there are a lot of people who would like to court Anil. She goes on to say she was wondering why Anil didn’t mention anything importantly about it in her letters to Pin. Anil tells her that she never gave attention to any of those people and if she had mentioned it, it would have only made Pin upset and worried. Pin tells Anil that if she tries to keep such things from her again that she would be very angry at Anil. 

The next day Prik approaches the Pine Palace but before she enters another servant she isn’t familiar with shows up. Prik is confused and asks what she is doing there. The other servant says she is there to see the Princess. The other woman says she is the personal servant to the Princess. An angry Prik shouts that the other servant is a liar and that Prik is the one and only personal servant. The other servant says if that’s so, how come the Princess never mentioned her to Prik. At that moment, Princess Anil and Lady Pin walk out of the Pine Palace and they ask what all of the ruckus is about. Prik tells her that someone is trying to say that they are Anil’s personal servant. Anil explains that the other servant is Pia (Sutthatip Wutichaipradit), and she worked at the palace back in England and that she took care of Anil and her brothers while they were there. Prince Anan asked Pia to follow them back after Princess had graduated. Prik asks Anil what about her? Anil tells her that they both are going to be the personal servants for her. Anil introduces Lady Pin to Pia, and says she talked a lot about her to Pia. She also says that Pia knows all about Anil and Lady Pin’s relationship. Anil asks how come Pia came to see her and Pia advises that Prince Anan would like her to have breakfast with him.  Pin tells her that she will go back to the Lotus Palace and Anil says that she will walk her there. Prik is very upset that she isn’t the only one to know about Lady Pin and Anil’s relationship, and that she isn’t the sole servant any longer to Anil.

At the breakfast table with her brothers, Anil sits eating fast and plentiful. Her brother Prince Arnon (Danny Luciano) teases her that the food isn’t going anywhere. Pia comments that it’s probably because Anil missed the food so much since she has been away for so long. Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) tells Arnon to let Anil do as she pleases since she worked hard and graduated early.  Prince Arnon teases that Anil has been pampered all her life, it isn’t just today that she gets to do what she wants. Prince Arnan asks Anil if she has thought about what she would like to do next, perhaps a master’s degree or going to work. Anil says she hasn’t thought about it yet. Prince Arnon asks if she wants to maybe get married. Anil responds firmly that she she never wants to get married. Prince Anan says that one day she will have to get married. Anil says let her have a break first, she wants to sit back and relax or hang around for a while. Prince Arnon teases that Anil is planning to be mischievous and stay with Lady Pin all day. Prince Anan says Lady Pin has a job already, she is probably working and doesn’t have time to play with Anil. Anil retorts that it doesn’t matter, at least she has time to spend with Pin. 

Cut to Pin in the kitchen making dumplings and Anil sits smiling adoringly staring at Pin. Pin looks up and asks if Anil is going to keep staring at her. Anil says she just wants to keep looking at Pin to compensate for the years that she couldn’t see her. Next, Lady Pin sits and is creating flower arrangements and Anil sits and gazes adoringly at her again. Flash to Pin now sitting at a table and she’s doing work for her job. Anil comes up with Sasa the stuffed bunny and interrupts Pin by having the bunny give Pin bunches of kisses on her face. Pin asks Anil if she is going to keep clinging to her all day and Anil tells her probably all day and night. Pin asks if Anil has anything else to do and Anil responds she is bored and has nothing to do. Anil has the bunny ask for a kiss from Pin and when Pin leans in to kiss the stuffed animal, Anil plants a kiss on Pin’s cheek.

Now at work Pin sits with her colleague and gives him a book back that she borrowed along with some documents for a book that she has already  translated that she wants him to proofread. She asks him what it was that he wanted to discuss with her and he tells her never mind, he will talk to her about it next time. He looks over and sees Anil sitting at another table smiling and looking lovingly at Pin. Anil tells him to ignore her and pretend she isn’t there, but she said he wouldn’t dare to think like that. He tells Lady Pin that she can leave and they will talk another time. Lady Pin and Anil then walk the hallways of the office and Anil asks her why he didn’t finish discussing their work together. Pin asks her if she really doesn’t know who it was that was pressuring him. Pin says she is free now, and inquires if Anil wants to go and grab something to eat. Anil suggests that they go to the market. Pin agrees and they hold each other’s hand and walk off.

At the market we see so many delicious street foods that the two look around and see. They stop at one stall and buy a treat and Pin feeds it to Anil. The two eventually sit down and share a meal together. While sitting and eating, Miss Orn (Tanida Bavornkaisri) and Miss Aon (Neilinyah Taweearayapat) approach the two and greet them. Anil is not happy to see Miss Aon. Anil and Pin greet them back, and Anil remembers the last time she saw Miss Aon. Miss Orn asks Anil if she would like to join her and her sister. Anil turns her down and says that she has other business to attend to and they should enjoy their day. The sisters bid them goodbye. Anil and Pin return to eating.

We next see Anil sitting with Pin on a rooftop staring out at the city below them. Anil comments that she was away for many years and everything has changed a lot. Pin comments that the place might be changing as time goes by, but her heart remains the same. Anil affirms that hers does as well. Anil takes Pin’s hand and gives it a kiss. Anil tells her that from now on, they can finally be together forever. They will never be parted again. Pin asks her if she is sure they will never be parted again, and Anil confirms. She promises to never leave Pin’s side. Pin leans her head on Anil’s shoulder as the sun starts to set.

Prince Anan walks with Princess Padmika (Charm Osthanond) and explains that his father is busy, but he would like to arrange a welcome party for Princess Anil and his father has asked him to handle it. Padmika asks if his Highness wants to arrange a party for marriage prospects for Anil and Prince Anan says no, though his mother would like it that way. She would like to find a suitable spouse for Anil, but his father doesn’t, he simply wants a welcome party. Padmika comments that his Highness probably cannot see anyone who is suitable for Anil. Anan asks Padmika to make the food and desserts for the party, and she agrees to do so.

Prince Anan advises Anil that they are making a welcome party for her and she is free to decide how she would like it and who to invite. She asks if their mother intends for the party to be about her marriage prospects and Anan tells her no, just a welcome home party. Anil responds that she has no problem with that; though she also remarks that she never wishes to have a fiancee and she will never get married. He tells her she cannot avoid it, eventually she will have to get married. He switches back to the party and asks what she would like. She says she would like to have a simple garden party. Anan says if that’s the case, he will have Pranot organize it. 

In the Lotus Palace, Padmika announces that they will be responsible for a small amount of food and desserts for the party. Pin asks why that is and Padmika tells her that the Princess wants the party to be simple. She goes on to say that Pranot will organize the party as he has planned similar events in England. Padmika comments that hopefully the Princess can find a fiancee that is suitable. Pin asks why. Padmika explains that the Princess already graduated, and it’s time for her to get married. She further says that Princess Alisa is worried about it as they haven’t been able to find someone suitable for Anil. Pin inquires if the Princess will need to marry soon. Padmika tells her yes, it does, and so will Pin. She already told Pin that she will eventually have to marry too. Padmika asks her what she thinks of Khun Kuea and Pin says she doesn’t like him that way and she hasn’t thought of marriage yet. Padmika tells her to start thinking about it, and if she doesn’t have anyone in her heart, to give Khun Kuea a chance.

Sitting alone on the palace grounds, Lady Pin is contemplating about all of the marriage talk. Anil sneaks up and surprises Pin by kissing her cheek! Pin says someone might catch them but Anil replies that she already paid Prik to look out for them. Anil asks her what she was thinking about and Pin confesses that she heard about Anil’s marriage prospects. She wonders if they can really love each other, as Princess Padmika has already said eventually Anil will need to get married. Anil assures her that she will never get engaged or married, and she says that no one or anything can tear them apart. Pin tells Anil that she believes her and they cuddle together.

The next day the garden is being prepared for the welcome party. Prince Anan and Padmika watch as the tables and everything is set up and organized by Pranot (Nuttapart Tuntistianchai). Prince Anan mentions that his parents had an urgent matter and therefore cannot attend the party, but would like Padmika to greet everyone on their behalf. 

At the Pine Palace, Lady Pin and Anil are preparing for the welcome party. They are in towels and Lady Pin is rubbing lotion on Anil. Lady Pin says that she is not letting Anil out of her sight today. She goes on to warn her, should Anil try to charm any man or woman- Pin will punish her! Anil tells her that it’s Pin who should be worried as Khun Kuea will be at the party. Pin reminds her that she never pays attention to him. 

At the party Prince Arnon comments that he thinks Prince Derek might be a good suitor for Anil and he looks mature. Prince Anan says of course he looks mature, Prince Derek is twelve years older than Anil and he would rather not choose him. Prince Arnon suggests Prince Danai and Prince Anan declines again and says that Prince Danai is known for many wives. Prince Anan says he doesn’t see anyone suitable for Anil and Arnon retorts that’s because he is so possessive of Anil. Anan says even if he wasn’t possessive, there is no one suitable and that the party is not about marriage prospects so stop trying to matchmake. Just then Princess Padmika approaches and says a friend has come to visit her at the Lotus Palace, and she must leave the party. 

Anil and Lady Pin stroll into the party and Pin notices all of the marriage prospects. As they enter the party all of the Prince prospects approach the Princess and introduce themselves. Lady Pin stands still for a few moments but then walks away slowly from the group. Princess Anil tells the men that they have prepared a selection of food for the evening and to enjoy themselves. She spots a waiter carrying a tray and grabs the food off of it from him. It’s a German pork knuckle and Anil carries it in her hands as she takes a big bite. She tells the group that the food is so good and she offers each a bite and they all decline. Anil excuses herself and tells them she must wash up from eating. 

Prince Anan walks up to Anil as she wipes her hands. He says that’s the way she keeps the suitors away. He asks if she is afraid that they would talk badly about her, that the Princess has lack of manners. She tells him that if that could stop them from pursuing her, she doesn’t mind at all. He asks if she doesn’t wish to get married that much and she says yes. Interrupting the two is Lady Uangfah (Sarochinee Petampai) who comes to greet them and say congratulations to Princess Anil. Miss Orn and Miss Aon walk up to the group and greet the Princess and Prince. Anil asks them to all join her to sit down and eat. At the dinner table Princess Anil is seated with Lady Uangfah on one side and Miss Aon on the other. Princess Anil introduces everyone to each other including Pranot. He describes himself as sweet, kind, and single.

Lady Pin stands next to Prik and watches as both Lady Uangfah and Miss Aon put food on Princess Anil’s plate for her to try. Pin comments to Prik that both Lady Uangfah and Miss Aon are not genuine with Anil. Prik suggests that maybe Pin should go over and let them know who holds the heart of the Princess. Lady Pin says she would rather not as she doesn’t wish to be upset. Just then Khun Kuea (Chatchawit Techarukpong) comes rushing up to Lady Pin as she is with Prik. He apologizes for being late and asks if she would go to the table with him. She declines and tells him to go ahead. He tells her he would rather stand next to her than go alone to the table. After standing for a few moments Anil tells Khun Kuea that if he’s going to stand there they should just go to the table. 

At the table Khun Kuea pulls out the chair for Lady Pin who sits across from Princess Anil and Khun Kuea sits next to Pin. Princess Anil looks over and gives a disproving face. Lady Uangfah puts more food on Princess Anil’s plate and Khun Kuea puts some food on Lady Pin’s plate. Princess Anil grimaces and then takes her wine glass and downs its contents. Prince Arnon tells her if she drinks like that she will be drunk soon. Princess Anil takes the wine carafe from a servant and refills her glass.  Princess Anil downs the whole glass again. Prince Arnon says Anil is good at drinking and Pranot comments to never let Anil get drunk as she is a mess. 

Lady Pin sits at the table and watches Princess Anil and Lady Uangfah dance together. Khun Kuea turns and asks if Pin would like to dance with him and she declines saying she doesn’t like to dance. He tells her that if she doesn’t want to dance with him, she has to eat the food he puts on her plate. Anil spots them from the dance floor and is dismayed. Lady Pin looks over again at the dance floor and is upset. She glances over at Miss Aon who also is watching Princess Anil and Lady Uangfah and she isn’t pleased either. 

Lady Pin follows Princess Anil and sees her stumbling back to the Pine Palace. Pin notices that Anil is drunk. Anil fires back how could Pin notice when she was busy spending time with Khun Kuea. Pin tells her of course she noticed because Anil’s cheeks are red and her eyes are watery. She goes on to say that Anil’s breath must be filled with the scent of wine. Anil surges forward and kisses Pin passionately. She pulls away and asks Pin how the wine tastes in her mouth. Pin says that the wine tastes bitter but Anil’s tongue is sweet. They begin to kiss again out in the open. From afar, we see there is a figure which sees Anil and Pin together.

Back at the Pine Palace, Pin helps Anil to the couch to sit down. Pin tells her to stay put so she can get a cloth to help wipe Anil so that she can sober up. Anil protests that she is not drunk. She gets up and claims she will walk straight to Pin on the couch but she stumbles. She then takes the opportunity to dance around which causes Pin to laugh. 

Pin sits wiping Anil down with a cloth and asks if Anil feels better. Anil says that she feels dizzy, but would feel better if she can hug Pin. Anil asks Pin if she did anything to upset her. Pin tells her now that she has sobered up, she wants Anil to answer honestly, about how close Miss Aon is to Anil. She goes on to ask if anything happened between the two while they were in England. Anil confesses that Miss Aon told her two years ago when Anil came back to England that she had feelings for her. Pin wonders why Anil never told her about it and Anil responds if it were Khun Kuea, would she tell her about it? Pin says yes. Pin goes on to ask what Anil told Miss Aon and she replies that she told her that she never loved her the same way. Pin tells her it’s obviously that Miss Aon can’t get over her feelings for Anil and that Lady Uangfah didn’t even try to hide her feelings for Anil. Anil retorts that Lady Uangfah hasn’t mentioned her feelings ever, so they should give her the benefit of the doubt. Pin says give her the benefit of the doubt? She’s not that kind. Pin states to Anil that she must be punished. Anil asks how…

The two begin to kiss on the couch and as things get heated, Anil leans Pin back and starts to kiss down her front and caress her legs. As Anil tries to lift Pin’s dress she stops her and flips their dynamic to where Pin is now on top of Anil. They begin to kiss feverishly and then Pin uses the towel she had to bind Anil’s wrists. Anil lifts her hands above her head and Pin begins to both kiss and pleasure her. When they finish they lay cuddled together breathless on the couch.

We then see Prince Anan pacing in a trance around his room.  There is a flashback to the party where after Prince Anan is looking for Anil and he comes across Parawatee (Lalichat Warawirojpol). He tells her that he is searching for his sister and she gives him the direction where she last saw Anil walking. Prince Anan heads in the direction alone and as he is crossing a bridge he looks over and sees Lady Pin and Princess Anil kissing. He is shocked! Parawatee comes and finds Anan and asks if he was able to locate the Princess. He tells her that Anil was drunk and already made it back home. He says that they should go back to the party as people may be looking for them. 

The episode ends as present Prince Anan is shell shocked trying to reconcile what he has witnessed.

Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM BKK/11:15 AM EST on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.



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