
The Loyal Pin – Episode 9

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By: Lisa Steinberg



We pick up the episode with Prince Anan (Kanin Stanley) and Prince Arnon (Danny Luciano) coming to the breakfast table and joking that Anil probably isn’t around because she drank too much the night before and would wake up late.  Just then a cheerful Princess Anil (Rebecca Patricia Armstrong) walks in and greets her brothers. Prince Arnon teases that Prince Anan was worried about Anil being drunk and had been looking for her. Anil says that she was drunk and so she left the party early to go home, and she apologizes for making her brother worried. Prince Arnan tells Anil that he and their brother are planning on a trip to go to Hua Hin for a vacation. He mentions that he is going to invite Miss Orn and he asks if Anil would like to join them. Anil is very eager and says yes, and then asks her brothers if she can ask Lady Pin, Prik, and Pia if they would like to come as well. Prince Arnon quickly agrees, while the camera focuses on Prince Anan who looks troubled by Anil’s request. Anil asks him if there is a problem and he shrugs it off and tells her it is nothing. 

Prik (Orntara Poonsak) and Pia (Sutthatip Wutichaipradit) sit on the floor of Ani’s bedroom packing suitcases for both Anil and Lady Pin. Prik is excited for the trip and can’t believe that she gets to go. She then comments that she heard that there are sharks in the sea, so she would rather not go swimming as she is scared. Anil chuckles and tells Prik that sharks are not that dangerous. She says it’s humans who disturb their habitat, and if they stay in their area and do not disturb them, sharks won’t hurt them. Lady Pin (Sarocha Chankimha) enters the bedroom and inquires if they are traveling with Prince Anan, Lady Parawatee, Prince Arnon and Miss Orn.  Anil tells her yes, they are taking three separate cars. Pia teases that the trip would be like a triple honeymoon and both Pin and Anil giggle.  Lady Pin says it’s not a honeymoon, it’s just a vacation to the beach. Prik jokes that she better not catch Anil and Lady Pin having any romantic moments by the sea. Prik and Pia playfully say that they will intrude on them if Pin and Anil try anything. Anil pulls Pin onto her lap and then snipes back that Prik and Pia should stay at the palace then so that she and Pin can have a honeymoon without interruption. 

The next day the cars are all packed and everyone is ready to head off to the beach. Prince Anan and Parawatee walk with Anil and he tells Anil that he and Parawatee might be a little behind them making it to Hua Hin as they are going to make a side trip. They walk up to where the cars are parked and Anil notices that Pin is troubled as she sees Lady Uangfah, Pranot, and Miss Aon are also going on the trip to the beach with them. Pin asks her if everyone is going with them and Anil says yes. She tells Pin that at first she thought it was only going to be them and the family members, but she just heard from her brother this morning that the others were going to be coming as well.  Pin asks how could this be a honeymoon for them then?  Anil, Pin, Prik, Pia, are advised that they will be driving with Pranot while Miss Orn (Tanida Bavornkaisri), Lady Uangfah (Sarochinee Petampai), and Miss Aon (Neilinyah Taweearayapat) will go with Prince Arnon. 

The group arrives at Pridi Bhirom Palace in Hua Hin for their beach vacation. Anil, Pin, Prik and Pia enter the Palace and see that the others except Prince Anan and Parawatee are already there. Anil jokes that Pranot drives like a turtle.  Anil comments asking about Prince Anan and if he and Parawatee are having a honeymoon road trip.  Prince Arnon jests that Prince Arnan and Parawatee are always lovey-dovey and Anil says that soon she must be getting a niece or nephew. At that moment Khun Kuea (Chatchawit Techarukpong) shows up and bids Lady Pin surprise! She asks what he is doing there and Prince Anon stands up and tells them he was the one who invited Khun Kuea as the trip would be fun with a lot of people. 

In her vacation bedroom, Pin angrily sits on the bed and says if she knew that Khun Kuea was going to come then she wouldn’t have come.  She goes on to say that Miss Aon and Lady Uangfah alone already made her irritated that they came too. She says that she is afraid that she will hardly be able to find any happiness during their trip. Prik and Pia help Pin unpack and set up the bedroom. Prik remarks that she believes that Prince Arnon is trying to be a matchmaker for Lady Pin and Khun Kuea.  Pin tells her that if Prince Arnon is going to support his friend so much, she is afraid that it would be difficult for her to refuse Khun Kuea. She tells Prik and Pia that the two of them must stay by her side during the trip. 

Khun Kuea stands by himself drinking wine looking out at the sea. Prince Arnon comes up behind him and pats Khun Kuea on the back.  He tells Khun Kuea that he has already arranged an opportunity for him, and it’s all up to Khun Kuea going forward. Khun Kuea thanks Prince Arnon and Prince Arnon tells him that Hua Hin is the perfect place for lovers, and he hopes that Khun Kuea can win over Lady Pin’s heart soon. He says that he will be cheering for Khun Kuea. Meantime, he has his own woman’s heart to win over, and he excuses himself. 

Lady Pin, Prik, and Pia stand at the beach and grill various delicious food items like prawn, sausages, crab, muscles, squid, and much more. Anil comes over and complains that they are on vacation, and Pin shouldn’t be busying herself with the cooking and trying to feed her. Pin tells her that she is afraid that Anil might be hungry. Anil quickly picks up a pair of tongs and offers to help Lady Pin with the BBQ. Pin grabs at her arm and attempts to get Anil to stop. Anil tries several more times to help but Pin tells her to be careful as the grill is hot.  Prik teases Anil that she better go sit down or no one will get anything to eat. Anil relents and tells Pin to hurry so Pin can come and sit with her. Reluctantly Anil walks to the table where Pranot is already sitting and sipping wine. 

Pranot (Nuttapart Tuntistianchai) asks her if Lady Pin shoo’d her away from the BBQ and an annoyed Anil tells him yes. She asks what he is doing as he seems to be enjoying the view (which is of the other female guests playing by the sea shore). He tells her all of the girls seem very lovely, and especially Lady Pin. Anil gives him a sharp stare. Anil tells him that he is not suitable for Lady Pin. He responds that even if Anil didn’t tell him that, Lady Pin already doesn’t seem to be fond of him. He asks if she has noticed how Lady Pin looks at him. The two look over at Lady Pin by the BBQ and she is giving Pranot a death glare. He goes on to tell Anil that it is as if Lady Pin hates all the men in the world. Anil smiles and tells Pranot that he is smart. He tells her he thinks her comment wasn’t exactly a compliment and the two share a laugh.  She inquires if he is interested in anyone in particular and he tells her no.  He goes on to say that Miss Orn is out of the question as she is her brother Prince Arnon’s fiancee, and that Miss Aon and Lady Uanfah are obviously more interested in Anil. He says that Lady Pin seems to hate his guts. So there seems to be no one that he could try and pursue.  Anil tells him that there are in fact two more girls there, Prik and Pia! He jokes back to her that if he had to pursue either one of of them than he would rather stay single! Prince Arnon and Khun Kuea then approach the table and ask Pranot and Anil what they are talking about. Anil says she is trying to be a matchmaker for Pranot with Prik or Pia. Khun Kuea asks Anil if she can be a matchmaker for him and Lady Pin too.

Lady Pin is still cooking the food on the BBQ with Prik and Pia. When a few of the dishes are ready, she sends food to the table with Prik to serve it. Prik asks Pin why she doesn’t bring the tray of food to the table herself. Pia tells her it’s because she doesn’t want to see Khun Kuea. Prik serves the food and just as she is about to leave Prince Arnon asks her to tell Lady Pin to come and sit with them at the table. Prik advises that Lady Pin is still cooking the food and he tells her to ask Lady Pin to come anyway. Anil picks up two BBQ skewers and hands them to Prik happily telling her that the food is for her. 

Lady Pin walks over to the table and Prince Arnon invites her to have a seat saying she must be exhausted from cooking.  Khun Kuea gets up and offers her the chair that is next to him.  She declines and says she is still not done with the food yet. She tries to excuse herself to go back to the BBQ, but Prince Arnon insists she stay and have a seat with them. Lady Pin declines again and Anil tells him to let her be and that Lady Pin should go on back to cooking. Prince Arnon tells Khun Kuea that he should go and help Lady Pin with the BBQ.  Khun Kuea is quite eager and walks himself over to the grills. He approaches the grill and offers to help Lady Pin with the delicious food. Lady Pin tells him that there is no need for his help and he should go back to the table and talking with the prince. He says that he’s already been talking all day to the prince and he wants to stay and help her. She tries again to get him to leave her alone by saying that there is no need for his help and that it is quite tiresome. He says that it’s no problem at all and that he really likes doing it. He goes on to tell her that many people call him an expert at grilling. As he tries to assist with the BBQ, Anil approaches from behind and tells him that if he insists then he should take over the grill for Lady PIn. She tells him to finish grilling the food and she tells Lady Pin to come with her and they will go play on the beach together with the girls. Pin agrees. Anil says that Khun Kuea is so kind as he has volunteered to finish the cooking for Pin, Prik, and Pia. The four ladies walk off together and leave a confused Khun Kuea at the grill.

At the sea shore Lady Uangfah, Miss Orn, and Miss Aon all play by the water. Meanwhile, Prik has been buried completely in the sand by Pia while Princess Anil tickles Prik’s feet which stick out. Prik laughs incessantly as Anil tickles her toes! Lady Pin walks up to them and Prik begs her for help! Lady Pin gives Anil a disapproving look. Anil asks her why she is looking at her that way, and inquires if she would like to join them. Lady Pin declines and says she does not, as she is not a child anymore. Anil tells Pia and Prik that Lady Pin says that they are acting like children. Pia asks what’s wrong with that? Prik tells Pin not to be too serious about everything, or else she might look older than her age. Pin chastises her saying that she is not sure now if this Anil is her lover or her daughter. Anil responds that she is both. But if Pin doesn’t like it, then she will stop. She gets up and offers to go on a walk with Pin. The two hold hands and walk off together as Prik who is still stuck in the sand calls after them asking how is she going to get out of it. She then desperately yells to Pia to help her first as Pia is attempting to walk off as well to go after Pin and Anil. Pia pretends to trip and actually steps on top of Prik. Prik yells at her to come back and help her but Pia just walks away. 

Lady Uangfah, Miss Orn, and Miss Aon now play together in the sea splashing at each other as the waves crash around them. Miss Aon swims away from the others and as she does so gets a cramp in her leg. Suddenly she has a hard time swimming and starts flailing about. As Anil and Pin walk along the shore, they look out at the sea and see Miss Aon struggling. Anil comments that Miss Aon looks a little off. Pin agrees and says she seems strange, and that something must be off. Anil rushes off into the sea to try and assist Miss Aon while Pin calls out for help as Miss Aon is drowning. The men are sitting at the table drinking wine together and they all hear Lady Pin’s shouts and rush over. Anil swims fiercely in the water to reach Miss Aon. She fights the waves and reaches Miss Aon and is able to securely bring her back to shore. At the shore everyone rushes over as Anil and Pin hover over Miss Aon concerned. Anil checks Miss Aon’s pulse and Pranot asks Prince Arnon if he can perform CPR.  He tells him that he can’t because she is a lady. Anil pumps Miss Aon’s chest and begins to perform CPR as everyone watches. After a few attempts to resuscitate her, Miss Aon spits out water and opens her eyes to see Anil over her calling her name.  The men pick up Miss Aon and rush her back to the palace.  

Miss Aon lays in bed as her sister Miss Orn strokes her hair comfortingly. Prince Arnon brings her some hot tea as she rests. Miss Orn comments how fortunate it was that Princess Anil was there to rescue Miss Aon and that Anil was very concerned about her, that she even gave her CPR herself. Miss Aon asks where Anil is so that she can thank her. Prince Arnon tells her to rest first and she can thank Anil later when she feels better. Anil stands around pacing outside of Miss Aon’s room. From afar Lady Pin sees a concerned Anil worrying about Miss Aon. Pin’s thoughts drift back to watching Anil give CPR to Miss Aon and she is upset. Pia comes up and catches Lady Pin standing with a towel in her hand contemplating. Pin asks Pia if she can bring the towel to Princess Anil. Pia asks her why she doesn’t do it herself, but Pin just hands her the towel and walks away. 

The door to Miss Aon’s room opens and Miss Orn and Prince Arnon exit. They find Anil sitting waiting outside and ask her why she didn’t go in to see Miss Aon. She says that she was afraid that it might be too crowded. She asks how she is doing. Miss Orn says that Aon is fine, but fatigued. She says that Aon should feel better after she gets some rest. Anil asks if they have to take Aon to the hospital and Prince Arnon tells her that he doesn’t think so and not to worry as Aon will recover soon.

In her room, Aon recalls her sister’s words of how fortunate it was that Princess Anil was there to rescue Aon and how concerned Anil was about her. She thinks further about how her sister told her that Anil even gave her CPR herself. She recalls the feeling of having Anil’s lips on hers during the CPR and the feeling of Anil’s hands on her chest as she pumped it. She remembers Anil so worriedly calling out her name. These memories bring a smile to Aon’s face.

Lady Pin walks quietly by the seashore as she thinks to herself.

Prince Anan and Parawatee (Lalichat Warawirojpol) finally reach the palace and Prince Arnon updates them about the potential drowning that occurred with Miss Aon. He tells them that Miss Aon is fine after Anil rescued her in time. 

Princess Anil is looking around for Lady Pin and she encounters Pia. She asks if Pia has seen Lady Pin. Pia tells her that she saw her walking miserably in the direction of the beach.  

Anil walks to the beach with Pia and the two look around for Lady Pin. They finally spot her alone swaying slowly on a swing hanging from a tree. Anil asks Pia to stay there and keep a look out while she goes to speak with Lady Pin. Anil sits down on the swing smiling at a startled Lady Pin. Pin looks at her melancholy.  Anil asks if Pin is upset that she kissed Miss Aon. Pin admits that she could barely watch it at first, but now she understands. Anil is quick to reassure her that it was not a kiss. It was CPR to help someone who was drowning. Pin explains she is aware, but still she couldn’t help but feel possessive over Anil. That’s why she has been feeling badly about herself that she couldn’t handle her own feelings. She says that it was an indirect kiss. Anil shakes her head and says that it isn’t the same. She tells Pin that a kiss is like this, and then leans in and the two begin to kiss softly. Lady Pin suddenly pulls away afraid that someone might see them. Anil laughs and says no one will see them as she has already asked Pia to watch out. They look over and see Pia standing amongst some tree stumps.  Lady Pin jokes that she is afraid that Pia would make others actually become more suspicious of them. Pin admits to Anil that she is jealous of Miss Aon for getting to spend seven years in England with her as she herself did not get to be with Anil at all. Anil tells her not to be jealous as it is all in the past. And that from now on, she promises to never leave Pin’s side. Pin asks her what about her studies? A gleeful Anil tells Pin that she will pursue them there, she has asked Lord Pinij to take care of it. She goes on to say that it should be at the faculty of architecture at Pin’s university. Lady Pin is ecstatic and the two hug each other.  Over in the trees Pia yells at Pin and Anil not to do that and they just laugh.  They give each other kisses and Pia continues to yell to them not to do it.  They don’t listen to her and just keep hugging and kissing one another.

Now at night time and back at the palace, a dinner with music playing is in effect with all of the guests. Prince Anan walks over to Miss Aon and asks how she is doing. She says that she is fine and she apologizes for causing such trouble. Miss Aon looks over at Anil and the two share a smile.  Miss Aon walks over to Anil and thanks her for saving her from drowning. Lady Pin watches the exchange and doesn’t seem too pleased. Prince Anan observes Lady Pin’s reaction to the interaction between Princess Anil and Miss Aon, but doesn’t say anything or do anything further. Anil announces that it’s time to eat. As the ladies sit eating, Khun Kuea stands up and asks Lady Pin if she would like to dance with him. She tells him that she doesn’t like to dance. He asks her again. She is about to turn him down again when Prince Arnon comes over and asks Lady Pin to please just go and dance with Khun Kuea for one song. She relents and agrees to dance with him. Anil looks on in dismay. 

Anil keeps watching while Khun Kuea and Lady Pin are on the dance floor. She drinks down her wine and Prik comes to refill her glass. Anil comments to her that it is so annoying seeing them together. Prik tells her she agrees that Khun Kuea is annoying, how Lady Pin declined his offer to dance and Khun Kuea should have asked her. Anil tells her that she despises Khun Kuea. She goes on saying that if Prik keeps complimenting him, she’s dead! While Anil drinks down her wine and is perturbed, Miss Aon looks over at Anil affectionately. 

Waiters begin to serve the food, and Lady Uangfah comments on how lovely all of the dishes look. Lady Uangfah stands up and serves some food on to Anil’s plate. Anil starts to eat the food but when she looks up from her plate, she sees a sternly staring Lady Pin with eyes on her. Anil seems rattled and takes a deep gulp. Anil tells Lady Uangfah she must excuse herself, as she may have been out in the sun too long that day. In unison Lady Uangfah and Miss Aon ask Anil if she is okay. A nervous Anil gets up from the table and leaves.

The dance between Lady Pin and Khun Kuea ends and he tells her he will get her a drink if she will go ahead to the table. When Pin approaches the table she asks where Anil is and Lady Uangfah tells her that she had a headache and excused herself. Lady Pin walks off to go and find Anil.

As Lady Pin walks to look for Anil, Khun Kuea catches up to her. He asks where she is going and she tells him for a walk. He asks if he can go with her and she tells him no, that there is no need and she can go alone. He tells her it is no trouble. She says she isn’t worried about it being a bother to him and once again says she can go alone. He grabs at her arm and she tells him to let go. He pleads with her to let him come with her and she says no once more. He continues to persist but luckily Prik comes along and says she has been looking for Pin as she needs her advice on something. Prik excuses them and says she has to take Lady Pin with her. After they have gone, Khun Kuea has a frustrated fit and kicks a palm tree. Unbeknownst to him, Princess Anil has witnessed everything from above and seethes.

When they are certain they are away from Khun Kuea, Pin thanks Prik for coming to rescue her. Prik tells her it’s not a problem as it is her job to protect Lady Pin. Prik inquires where Pin is going and she tells her she was bringing medicine to Anil as she heard Anil had a headache. 

At Anil’s door, Lady Pin has brought a tray with water and medication. Anil lets her in to the room and Anil questions why Pin has to be so stealthy about coming to see her. Pin says she is afraid someone from the party might see them as she left in the middle of it. Anil sits down and pulls Pin on to her lap. She tells Pin how she saw her interacting with Khun Kuea earlier and she wants to know what they discussed. Pin tells her that Khun Kuea kept pestering her and he wanted to go for a walk with her. She said she already refused him but he kept pestering her. Anil comments that he is so irritating. Lady Pin agrees and remarks how Khun Kuea kept pestering her about the dance until Anil’s brother had to intervene and ask. Anil tells her that she doesn’t like that either, and she is getting possessive of Pin now! Pin reassures her by telling Anil that her every thought is of her. Lady Pin asks how Anil’s headache is and Anil admits she didn’t really have one, she just didn’t want to be there and she wanted Pin’s attention. Anil asks when everyone is asleep that evening, can Pin do her a favor?

Anil and Pin now sit on a blanket on the beach sipping wine with candles lit all around them as they look out at the sea. They stare at the stars and cuddle while talking sweetly together. Anil asks if she can lay her head in Pin’s lap. After doing so Pin comments that Anil is clingy like a child, and asks her to please only be that way with her. Anil tells her of course. She has given herself to her, and only her. Anil in turn asks Pin who she belongs to and Pin replies only Anil. Anil asks if tonight Pin can prove it again to her. Pin tells her tonight, “Let the stars witness their love.” They begin to tenderly kiss and lay down with each other.

The next morning Lady Pin wears a beautiful white dress and looks out at the sea from the beach. Anil comes behind her and places a flower crown on her head. She tells Pin that she looks like an angel. Prik interrupts them and says that Anil’s horse is there. Pin asks why does Anil have to be naughty with riding a horse. Anil responds that many people come to Hua Hin to ride the beautiful horses. Pin says she is scared to ride the horse, and Anil asks her to please give it a try and if she finds it unpleasant she can stop. She then asks Prik to go play far away and don’t follow her and Pin, as she wants them to go on a walk. Anil tells Pin they can finally be alone together.

Lady Pin sits atop a gorgeous white horse as Anil holds the reins and walks them both along the beach. Anil stops the horse and tells Pin this is their destination as to what she wanted Pin to see. Now off of the horse, hand in hand, Anil and Pin walk up to a sculpture in the sand. There is a sculpture made from sand of Sasa bunny with an A hearts P written in shells. The Sasa bunny sculpture is surrounded also by shells and it is holding a ring box. Anil takes the ring from the box and tells Pin that she wanted to give the ring to her at the right time, but the way Khun Kuea has been behaving, it has caused Anil to be unsettled. She says somehow she wants people to know that Pin is already taken. She asks Pin if she can accept the ring that portrays all of her feelings for her. Pin says yes. She will accept all of Anil’s feelings and cherish them forever. Anil slips the ring onto Pin’s left ring finger and then kisses her hand reverently. Pin states that it feels like a dream. She says she used to dream that they would stay side by side and grow old together until death do they part. Pin tells Anil that one day it will be her turn to put a ring on her finger. Anil says she will be waiting for that day. The two hug and kiss sweetly with one another. We are next shown a gorgeous pan of the sea and its striking waves. Anil and Pin then ride the horse together along the beach. 

Later Pin, Prik and Pia all leave the palace to head to the cars as their vacation has concluded. Khun Kuea asks Lady Pin if she can ride with him in his car. She tells him that she can’t. He pleads that if she doesn’t sit with him, and lets him drive back alone, he may doze off at the wheel and get into an accident. Anil steps up and asks Khun Kuea if he would like Prik and Pia to ride with him then. He says nevermind.

As Lady Pin bids him goodbye, Khun Kuea notices the ring on her finger. The episode ends with Khun Kuea being struck from seeing the large ring that Pin wears.


Be sure to follow along to @TheLoyalPin2024 for updates, information, links, and more about the series! Watch new episodes every Sunday at 10:15 PM BKK/11:15 AM EST on Workpoint Channel 23, and see the uncut version following on Idol Factory’s Youtube channel.



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