
The Outpost – In the Worst Corner of My Memory

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By: Patience Kapfer



Things are really heating up at this week for Talon (Jessica Green) and Garret (Jake Stormoen) as they begin this episode on the hunt for The Three and anyone else who was responsible for brainwashing Garret. Garret and Talon waste no time in attacking the guards blocking their way into the Tormentor’s (Magnus Samuelsson) chambers. Even though Talon insists that she come along to help him, Garret tells her he needs to look into the Tormentor’s eyes when he kills him and he must do it alone. The sudden emergence of a group of Prime Order soldiers allows Garret to make his way inside alone while Talon is left to fight the soldiers. The soldiers are once again no match for Talon, as Garret makes his way through the dark and damp halls to find the Tormentor. Once Garret finds him he informs the Tormentor that their plan did not work. This doesn’t faze the Tormentor who tells Garret that Sana (Jelena Gavrilovic) left with One, the Bringer of Pain (Mladen Andrejevic), to finish what Garret couldn’t. Even though Garret is smaller than the Tormentor he is quicker and able to use his speed to his advantage, letting the Tormentor continuously swing and miss as he ducks out of the way of each of the Tormentor’s blows. The Tormentor believes he’s finally won as he grabs Garret by the throat and lifts him against the wall, but Garret stabs the Tormentor in the arm and then the leg, knocking him to the ground. As Talon makes her way to down the halls, Garret forces the Tormentor to his knees telling him “I will say good-bye to Sana for you…as I kill her” before killing the Tormentor.

After killing the Tormentor, Garret and Talon make their way to where the Prime Order army is camped in order to find One. Garret explains that The Three are powerful; one of them was able to use a power to save him when he was on the brink of death. Based on Garret’s explanation Talon realizes that One used a kinj and he must be stopped. They sneak into the camp at night and make their way to the large tent containing Sana and One. Once Sana leaves Garret and Talon enter the tent to kill One. Inside the tent Garret moves toward One with his sword drawn planning to attack him, but is quickly stopped due to an excruciating pain in his head from One’s use of his kinj. One then turns to use his power on Talon, only for her to use her own kinj to protect herself, surprising One. With One districted by the presence of a Blackblood, Talon is able to stab him. Before leaving, Garret suggests they take the kinj from One, but Talon says his kinj will die with him and she ushers them out of the tent. Leaving the kinj was a terrible idea as Sana is able to bring back One momentarily so that he can transfer his kinj to her, thereby giving her the power.

Gwynn (Imogen Waterhouse) and Alton’s (James Downie) relationship seems to be improving at The Outpost as they share a hug while Alton tells Gwynn he’s just happy to have a family again. But during a dinner between Tobin (Aaron Fontaine), Alton and Gwynn we see that Alton compliments their work in dealing with the Prime Order so that he can be king. Alton is adamant that he isn’t going to abdicate the throne despite his sister’s good work, but will wait to take control of the throne once the time is right (once the war with the Prime Order has been won). This sentiment clearly doesn’t bode well for Tobin as he believes Gwynn is the rightful heir to the throne, but he manages to keep most of his anger to himself with a little help from Gwynn.

Despite Janzo’s (Anand Desai-Barochia) instructions to never return to The Outpost, Naya (Amita Suman) returned straight away after seeing the damage that the Prime Order’s new weapon could inflict. The guards arrest Naya and bring her to Gwynn immediately. Gwynn is justifiably angry that Naya would ever show her face at The Outpost again after releasing Dred and spying on her. However, Naya tells her that she killed Dred (even though Gwynn doesn’t believe her) and returned despite knowing Gwynn would probably order her to be killed in order to warn her that the Prime Order has a dangerous weapon. Gwynn refuses to believe that Naya is telling the truth and orders that she be taken away while she figures out what to do with her. In prison Naya and Janzo are reunited once more – perhaps one small benefit in such a dark situation.

Naya tells Janzo about the weapon she saw and at his disbelief she tells him it reminded her of something from his lab. Once hearing what the weapon looked like and how it was detonated, Janzo believes that Naya is telling the truth and instructs the Marshal to let him see Gwynn. Still, Gwynn thinks the device that Janzo is describing is more like a fairy tale conjured up to frighten children, to which Janzo counters with the idea of plaguelings and demons and a portal that opens up to new worlds that all sound like they could be from a similar fairytale. Janzo points out that just because they don’t understand something doesn’t mean that it’s not real. Gwynn is reluctant to believe anyone could “magic away” their walls, but Janzo says he believes that they could “science away” their walls. What finally manages to convince Gwynn that the device might actually be real is the idea that the story of the device itself is so farfetched that it would make more sense for the Prime Order to send Naya back with a more believable story. Once Gwynn finally believes Janzo she asks what he thinks they should do about it, but instead of giving her any suggestions Janzo makes his case for why Gwynn should release himself and Naya from prison for trying to do something good and to make things right. However, Gwynn stands firm in her decision to imprison them and Janzo storms out of the throne room to go back to prison.

With Janzo refusing to help with the incendiary device Alton has an idea of how to help. Alton tells Gwynn and Tobin that an old friend of the man who raised him was always battling with Nordejori raiders who had devices like the one Janzo described. This man managed to find a way through his alchemist to stop the devices and Alton suggests offering him enough gold to borrow the alchemist. Gwynn suggests that Tobin go to make the transaction, but Alton insists that as the future king he should go to the Baron and ask for his allegiance. While Alton is packing up his carriage for the journey, Gwynn announces a surprise visitor (surprise for Alton, but it turns out Gwynn summoned him as soon as Alton arrived). The guest is Captain Calkussar (Patrick Lyster), Gwynn’s adopted father’s brother. Alton greets Captain Calkussar, but Calkussar informs him that he doesn’t know who he is. Although, one thing he knows for certain is this boy is not Alton. Captain Calkussar is completely certain he isn’t Alton because he witnessed Alton’s death with his own eyes.

After learning that this boy is not Alton, Gwynn has him sent to their smallest cell. Upon puzzling over who the boy could actually be, since he knew so much about her and Alton’s relationship, Gwynn finally figures out that he is Fat Sammy who used to play with them all the time when they were children. When confronted Fat Sammy tells Gwynn that he never wanted a place on the throne, all he wanted was money. Gwynn is absolutely appalled that he did all of that just for money. She tells him she would have taken him in and allowed him to live there in dignity and honor, but instead she has no choice but to sentence him to death. Later, after talking with Captain Calkussar, Gwynn realizes she’s been too harsh on her friends by imprisoning them.

Despite being in separate cells, Janzo and Naya enjoy some time just being able to be close to each other while the Mistress (Robyn Malcolm) eavesdrops on their mushy conversations. Naya tells Janzo that unfortunately he was right about Dred and her family and so he offers to do a memorial service right then and there for them. When Naya tells Janzo what her mother’s name was, the Mistress slams her drink down and becomes suddenly very interested in the name Naya said. After confirming the name, the Mistress starts to laugh hysterically telling Naya that she was the one to sell Naya to her mother. Janzo asks her to clarify what she means and the Mistress reveals that Naya and Janzo are not only siblings, but twins!

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