Todd Grinnell – Paradise Cove
By: Paige Zinaman
Q) What are some of the recent projects you have coming up?
A) Paradise Cove comes out this week and another movie I shot called The Time Capsule comes out later this year. I’m also developing a couple TV shows that I’m excited about.
Q) In Paradise Cove you play the character Knox, what can you tell us about him?
A) Knox is a good guy with a tough past that he’s trying to run away from, but he can’t shake it. And as much as he’s trying to be a better person, his old ways come rushing back when he’s pushed to the brink.
Q) What was it about Paradise Cove that drew you in?
A) I really like this genre of thrillers. I’ve never done one and it was a great script with a great cast. Plus, we got to snoot in Malibu during the summer so there’s that.
Q) This movie is directed by Martin Guigui who is amazing. What was it like to work with him on this film?
A) Martin is a force of nature. He’s got such infectious creative energy, so every day he made us all feel like we were making something really exciting. He was so inspiring and so fun to work with and we became great friends. On top of all that, he had his family on set everyday which was great fun.
Q) Is there a favorite behind the scenes moment that you could share? Or a favorite part of the movie you love the most?
A) Mena [Suvari] and I a lot of laughs whenever we shot the scenes in bed when we’d be woken up by Bree (Kristin Bauer van Straten). And I also loved shooting those tense scenes under the house with Kristin. They’re such great actors and wonderful people.
Q) How did you shake off a long day of filming such intense scenes?
A) My son was eighteen months old while we were shooting so as soon as I got home, it was playtime. I didn’t really have the option of holding onto anything from the day. [smiles]
Q) Paradise Cove is a very anticipated thriller. It takes place as your character Knox and his wife are rebuilding his mother’s beach house in Malibu, which is really not a setting we’ve really seen before. How do you feel this movie will be set apart from other thrillers?
A) I think the Malibu setting and the nonstop intensity that ratchets up so much throughout will make it most memorable.
Q) “One Day At A Time” was such a fan favorite. I like, so many others, loved it so much as it celebrated diversity and acceptance in every aspect while also tackling hard storylines as well. What did it mean to you to be a part of an amazing series like this?
A) It was the biggest honor of my career to be part of that show. It’s the type of TV I grew up watching, so it was a dream come true for me to be part of a show that tackled issues we need to talk about and that has had such an impact on our culture. I was said to see it end, of course, but so grateful for everything we got to do and for the fans who gave it life for four years. “ODAAT” will always be very special to me.
Q) What do you hope is the legacy “ODAAT” leaves behind?
A) I hope people continue to discover it over the years and that it keeps sparking important conversations. And I hope that people who don’t always feel seen and heard keep finding it and seeing themselves and relating and finding comfort in it.
Q) You’re a part of social media, do you enjoy the instant feedback you get from those who watch the films and shows that you do?
A) I’m not the best at social media but I do my best with it. I love the interaction with everyone! It’s the only reason I’m still on social media. I think most of the people who follow me are “ODAAT” fans and they’re amazing.
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your work?
A) Thank you. Without you, I’m just a guy doing bits in silence. I couldn’t be more grateful for your laughs and support. I hope to keep making fun things that bring some joy and progress to the world for you.
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