Top 3 TV Moments – August 25 – August 30
By: Malasha Parker
Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!
Drama: David Makes Man, “MJB” – “I’m not nothing.”
David (Akili McDowell) tells the class the story of how he came to be without a father. While David is giving his presentation we see a flashback of when his mom went to see her married professor, who she claimed to be David’s father. The scene showed how easily the man wanted nothing to do with David. After he finishes the story, he uses the song that his friends are singing behind him to show that Mary J. Blige’s music is something that he uses as a way to lift him up. He says songs by Mary J. are for people who were made to feel like they were nothing and he is not that. I really enjoyed watching this scene and hearing him explain how he’s learning to feel empowered for himself.
Comedy/Reality TV: Black Ink Crew, “Tinkerbell Just Escaped Jail” – Just in the nick of time.
Kitty’s mom passed away in this week’s episode of Black Ink Crew. After seeing the other ladies from Black Ink arrive at Kitty’s mother’s funeral, it seemed that Ceaser was not going to show up to be by Kitty’s side. So, the moment he steps out of his car to support Kitty in her time of need was so heartwarming to watch. I feared that Ceaser was not going to show up and as he said “regret it.” He made it just in time and having him there looked to be something that Kitty really needed. Moments like these on Black Ink Crew show us how much of a family these people truly are. They are constantly arguing and fighting with each other, but they always come together for one another when they need it most. It’s one of the reasons I continue to watch this show.
Sci-fi/Fantasy: Carnival Row, “Some Dark God Wakes” – No longer a widow.
Vignette (Cara Delevingne) and Philo (Orlando Bloom) meeting again for the first time in a long time was just as intriguing as expected. The series premiere was interesting enough to have me wanting to know more. That was in large part to the two leads as their separate stories were being told. When Vignette finally comes face to face with Philo you can see the pain and anger she has about seeing a man that she has been mourning. He admits that he is the one that told her friend to tell Vignette that he was dead. This statement makes their story seem a lot deeper than just a romantic relationship. I am curious to see how their relationship will be going forward and how they were led to this one that is riddled with deception and heartbreak.
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