Top 3 TV Moments – July 21 – July 26
By: Malasha Parker
Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!
Drama: Pearson, “The Superintendent” – A bit of growth brings on a new opportunity.
After Yoli (Isabel Arraiza) comes at Jessica for being the reason she got fired, Jessica (Gina Torres) tells her she had nothing to do with it. Yoli doesn’t believe her and says that she knows her rights. Jessica tells her that there is a difference between knowing her rights and knowing when to use them. After this encounter, Pearson later finds Yoli and asks her to become her assistant. I loved this scene because of how it easily flowed with their prior one. I think the relationship between these two characters is going to be something exciting to watch. I’m glad Pearson decided that Yoli definitely had more to bring to the table, even though she has been so strongly against Jessica since she’s met her.
Comedy/Reality TV: South Side, “Pilot” – Simon almost had the good life.
When Simon (Sultan Salahuddin) explains how happy he was at his job, for the four hours that he had it, we can all relate to that response. The moment was fleeting, but surreal. Simon finally had a degree and, like most, he thought opportunities were going to be everywhere. They were there briefly, but they easily got snatched away from him because of his background check so he was right back at the same old job he’d had before. The look on his face as he’s daydreaming about how good he had it, f only for the moment, was perfect. This show is definitely a new favorite comedy.
Sci-fi/Fantasy: Young Justice: Outsiders, “Elder Wisdom” – Violet reveals her secrets.
Seeing Violet (Zehra Fazal) struggle through the news of finding out what Gabriella did before Violet inhabited her body has been hard to watch. So, when she finally told Brion (Troy Baker) and Tara (Tara Strong) some of the news about what happened to their parents, it set up a different tone for her relationship with Brion. I have been loving this character and seeing her battle with trying to figure out how she really got to her current position. It sucks to see Gabriella’s memories affect Violet in so many negative ways, but it’s great to see how she navigates through it all. It’ll be interesting to see how Brion and Violet’s relationship fairs after that moment, seeing as the ending of the episode made it seem like Violet might be writing a form of a goodbye letter.
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