Top 3 TV Moments – May 30 – June 4
By: Malasha Parker
Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!
Drama: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” – Ringleader!
Governmental non profit middle man proud life empire— Olivia (Mariska Hargitay) and Dominick (Peter Scanavino) take down a sex trafficking ring after learning that many government officials and non profit leaders are involved. The ringleader of it all happens to be Dr. Catalina Machado (Zabryna Guevara) who lured the women into it by telling them she could help them financially. It was a disgusting way to say you are helping a community of women who are struggling, but the meeting with Olivia and Dominick showed us her twisted way of thinking.
Comedy/Reality TV: Duncanville, “Who’s Vroomin’ Who?” – Detach.
Duncan (Amy Poehler) and his mom finding some happiness even though things started out rocky was a fun part of the episode. After hearing that Duncan wasn’t enjoying his mom being around for his newfound activity, his mom was dismayed a little. However, after a talk, they were able to enjoy the activity together and his mom was ready to let him be free and hang with his friends.
Sci-fi/Fantasy: Sweet Tooth, “Out of the Deep Woods” – Hybrids
The opening of the series was the highlight of the premiere episode for me. It quickly moved into the story of what was happening. It gave some information on the start of Gus (Christian Convery), but not too much as that is what the entire first episode was going to be focused on. It moved at a quick pace as it told the story of how a plaque hit and then these hybrids were born. It sets up the series well from the start to show all that is yet to come.
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