Top 3 TV Moments – September 20 – September 25
By: Malasha Parker
Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!
Drama: Tehran, “Emergency Landing in Tehran” – The Switch.
My favorite moment from the Tehran premiere episode was the switch in the bathroom. Tamar (Niv Sultan) is just getting started in her journey, but the change in the restroom had me wondering about what exactly was going to happen and where things were headed with the two characters. Everything is still very vague in this story, but it starts to pick up by the end of the first episode.
Comedy/Reality TV: Sneakerheads, “100% Pure Adrenaline” – Maybe, this was a bad decision.
Devin (Allen Maldonado) letting Bobby (Andrew Bachelor) back into his life was either the best or worst decision he made in the premiere episode of Sneakerheads. After being duped into buying a storage unit with shoe boxes containing only one shoe each, Devin immediately regrets his decision to be friends with Bobby again. These two are definitely about to go on a wild ride and that’s apparent in this first episode.
Sci-fi/Fantasy: Utopia, “Life Begins” – So, yeah, that just happened.
Arby (Christopher Denham) and Rod (Michael B. Woods) are the unlikely pair terrorizing the Utopia seekers. When seeing their first scene together I was already skeptical about where these characters were headed in the story, but as soon as they reached the others the tale really amps up. I’m all in with this series.
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