Top 3 TV Moments – September 5 – September 10
By: Malasha Parker
Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!
Drama: Riverdale, “Chapter Ninety-One: The Return of the Pussycats” – The Pussycats, finally, back at it again!
Josie McCoy (Ashleigh Murray), Melody Valentine (Asha Bromfield) and Valerie Brown (Hayley Law) – or as the locals know them as Josie and the Pussycats – made their return to Riverdale stage this week! One of my favorite aspects of Riverdale was always The Pussycats and I was so happy to hear they were making a return. Narrated by Melody, herself, we hear the story of how The Pussycats were brought back together. My favorite moment was after Melody and Valerie heard the news of Josie’s father’s death they came to her and reconciled to put on a show together. I love the friendship between the women. They have always been there even when things were hard for each other. It was great to see them back together and hear their powerful and angelic voices harmonizing on stage again. I hope this is not the last we are seeing of them because they definitely have so much more story to tell!
Comedy/Reality TV: Big Brother, “Episode 28” – History has been made!
From the start of Season 23 The Cookout has banded together to make it to the final six. On double eviction night history was made and all six Cookout members secured their positions as the final six. What makes the moment so historic for Big Brother is that all six houseguests of The Cookout are black. This group of people banning together and making it to the end also assured that this season will be the first to have a black houseguest win! As a longtime fan of Big Brother who has seen the way previous seasons have played out, I am ecstatic for these moments! Mastermind Tiffany and the other alliance members really worked hard to help The Cookout get to the end and all of those efforts paid off. The evictions of other houseguests that were close to The Cookout were particularly hard to watch this season, but seeing something that has been so long awaited happen was worth it. This season had the best gameplay I have seen in a long time and the houseguests were amazing. I cannot wait to see who wins in the end!
Sci-fi/Fantasy: Into The Night, “Laura” – Heartbreaking endings.
Ayaz (Mehmet Kurtulus) and Laura (Babetida Sadjo) have a heartbreaking moment separated by walls after Ayaz sits outside of the room where Zara (Regina Bikkinina) starts the generator in the place that she and Dominik (Nicolas Alechine) are located. After exhausted efforts to get them out of the room, Ayaz stops trying to beat down the wall and Zara takes matters into her own hands to start the generator. There isn’t much oxygen left for Dominik and it’s getting even harder to breathe. The muted scene was so hard to watch and hearing Laura’s words to Ayaz made the moment even more devastating.
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