
Trying – Airport Run

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By: Gladys Luna



Princess (Scarlett Rayner) manages to get Kat’s new address by calling to the flower shop the woman used to send flowers to her mother’s grave and realizes that this one lives now in Mallorca. Meanwhile, downstairs Nikki (Esther Smith) informs Jason (Rafe Spall) that Noah (Karl Collins) has invited them to a Q&A adoption session that same afternoon in which he would like for them to discuss their experience. Princess shows up and steals Nikki’s credit card from the counter to buy herself a ticket to Spain and meet her mother. She also encourages Nikki and Jason to aceept their invitation since that way it will keep them busy while she escapes. Victor (Phil Davis) is also there fixing the thermostat and confesses to Nikki that he has a date later that afternoon, but he is not so sure if he’ll go. The woman persuades him to go and buy himself new shoes and a new suit, but the man says that he does not want to invest in something that he might not get to use for much longer.

Scott (Darren Boyd) meets with Freddy (Oliver Chris) at the rowing center and confesses that he is having doubts about crossing the Atlantic based on all of the ways he could possible die out there, something that is not surprising for his friend that believes he is not fully prepared for it yet. Later that day Vic goes shopping for a new suit and shoes, but he buys them based on his son’s size and preferences so he might keep them in case Victor dies. Jason and Nikki arrive to the Q&A and see that Denise (Susannah Wise) and Ben (Bruce McKinnon), a couple they don’t really get along with, have also been invited to talk about their experience. Nikki gets all competitive and advises Jason not to discuss the mistakes he has made with the kids such as letting them watch Bambi when they have attachment issues or having forgotten Tyler (Cooper Turner) at a sleepover making him believe that he was being adopted by another family. The Q&A session starts and, as expected, it develops awkwardly given the evident tension between the couples; however, Nikki receives a notification confirming her flight to Mallorca so she leaves the room to call her bank. While she is in the middle of it Princess texts her apologizing for what she has done.

Vic arrives to Carolyn’s (Nicola Wright) house, the woman with whom he is supposedly to have a date with, all dressed up in a suit and shoes two sizes bigger than him. However, when he tries to ring the doorbell he realizes it is not working, so when the woman opens the door to welcome him he offers to help her fix it. Once he is done, he is ready to leave, but the woman offers him to come in and have a cup of tea with her.

Scott goes to pick Stevie (Matilda Flower) up from school and Miss Keenan (Tian Chaudhry) asks him to come for a moment since she has something to discuss with him. As soon as he enters the classroom he is welcomed with claps and cheers by the kids and parents gathered there. He also sees banners with his name and Miss Keenan explains that Stevie has informed the whole class about the adventure he is about to start and that is why everyone is there. His daughter gives him a superhero drawing of him and all of sudden his fears and doubts are washed away.

Back to Vic and Carolyn, the man is now fixing the woman’s door until she asks to stop for a moment and take a sit with her so they get to know each other better. It appears that all this time Vic has been avoiding actually connecting with his date.

Meanwhile, Princess stops by the house and steals everyone’s passports. She then hugs Tyler goodbye without him suspecting a thing. Nikki and Jason try to figure out a way to get to the airport and stop her from leaving. They end up asking Denise and Ben for a ride and are forced to lie to them about their travel destination. Once they get to the airport the couple go in search of the teenager and when they find her, she runs towards them crying and apologizing for what she did. Once things are more settled, she explains that she wanted to find her birth mother to ask her a lot of questions and shows them a double-sided list that she has made. Jason and Nikki are comprehensive about the teenager’s reasons but tell her that they cannot allow her to leave on their own and will find a better solution for it. Later, Nikki goes to ask for a ticket refund and while she is in the line, she reads the list that Princess has written and makes a big decision. She calls Jason and tells him that she will go to Mallorca and look for Kat to get an answer to all of her daughter’s questions. The man is surprised but supports her decision anyways. While she is in line waiting to board the plane she turns back to the stranger (Dominique Moore) behind her who is wearing a bride tiara and tells her that she is about to make a big mistake – referring to herself – and the stranger says that so is she.

Vic feels more comfortable now in the company of Carolyn that surprises him with a kiss on the cheek before going to get more tea for them. Scott gets the courage he needed and now he is rowing across the river as training, determined to make things right for his daughter. On the plane Nikki orders all of the drinks on the menu and gets ready for her next adventure while Jason and Princess watch the plane leave from the airport window.


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