
Unsolved Mysteries – The Roswell UFO Incident

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By: Sammi Turano



There is a throwback to the 1989 episode when this case was initially covered! We see a clip from the episode, news coverage of the case and ROBERT STACK!

Chaves County, New Mexico is 40 miles north of Roswell.

Donald Schmitt, who is a retired worker from the J Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies and Kevin Randle, Retired Lt. Colonel of the US Army and Air Force, talk about the Roswell case and walk around the area where it took place. They want to be able to solve the case, which they believe can change the dynamic of society.

There are flashbacks to the 1989 episode of the show as the men talk about things witnesses saw after the UFO crash. Mack Brazel and Major Jesse Marcel would help set the investigation into motion, thanks to turning in evidence found at the scene of the crash.

A press release stating that a UFO was found, making it a worldwide story. Major Marcel and Brig. General Roger Ramey take the wreckage to Texas, which would soon be gone. In it’s place was a foil kite and wreckage balloon…aka a weather balloon.

They take a picture with the balloon, and the UFO story is forced to be pulled.

At this point, Major Marcel realizes that he is the fall guy and forced to pose with something that he knows is different than what he discovered. He would go to retire a few years later and work in television repair.

His granddaughter Denice says that although he knew to keep quiet, he still wondered why no one was talking about it.

Major Marcel’s grandson Jesse III says his grandfather wanted to say something, so while dying from emphysema, he decided to share the story. He shared the story on the show In Search Of…

A clip of the show is shown, and it became one of the earliest shows to talk about Roswell.

Kevin talks about how his mom got him interested in science fiction and how it led to his current collaboration with Donald in his post military life. The two of them would go to Roswell in 1989 and soon write books and do their own investigations into the crash.

Donald also shares his fascination with the subject and how they were initially skeptical of the whole Roswell thing. However, the more they investigated, the more they wanted to know and began talking to Major Marcel’s son, who had debris from his father that was found at Roswell, including a J beam. (This was shown on the OG Unsolved Mysteries episode)

Footage from the OG episode is shown, as well at Jesse III showing the beam. Jesse III talks about how he knew his grandfather broke a ton of rules to show this to his son, while Denice talks about how Major Marcel had a lot to saw on the topic, but there was a lot he couldn’t talk about.

After Major Marcel broke rank, more people came forward, including General Thomas DuBose, saying that there was a cover up with the weather balloon story. They would also share their knowledge about what happened at Roswell.

Mack’s son Bill also claimed to have found debris at the scene of the crash.

The OG “Unsolved Mysteries” episode is what put Roswell on the map and made it into an international phenomenon.  Over six hundred witnesses claim that they saw or knew about the Roswell incident when it happened.

Frankie Rowe is one the Roswell witnesses who actually handled some of the debris. She claimed that a military car came to her house and that she was told to keep quiet about it and threatened if she talked.

Tim Saunders talks about how his father was one of the military men who helped gather evidence from the crash site….and keeping everything a secret after the fact. He also was aware of threats being made about the incident and that they would indeed be carried out if necessary.

Donald talks about a pod being found near the crash site and bodies that were not human.

Sgt. Melvin Brown’s daughter Beverly talks about stories her father told her about what he saw at Roswell. He was a security guard there and claimed to peek inside the pod.

Pappy Henderson was supposedly one of the pilots who flew bodies out of Roswell. His wife claims he told stories about the incident and that he was a man of truth, so she believed him.

Tim also recalls his father telling him about his Roswell experience and how we are not alone in the universe.

Donald and Kevin talk to Tim about Patrick’s experience. It ended up in one of their books, with Pat confirming it via an autograph…how he told without telling.

After more footage is shown, we see several news shows that talk about the Roswell incident.

Retired Colonel Richard Weaver talks about how he first heard about Roswell on the OG Unsolved Mysteries episode. It is what got him interested in the subject.

More footage is shown with possible explanations of what could have happened if it wasn’t a UFO. One of the explanations was a Mogul, aka a top secret project that included the use of weather balloons. However, there is still skepticism about this particular theory, which gave more questions than answers.

In May 1997, another report came out about the bodies that were supposedly found at the crash site. There was a claim that they were crash test dummies, but it was again met with skepticism, especially since the timing of the crash and invention of dummies didn’t add up.

Documentation of the Project Mogul crash was never found, which puts another wrench into that theory.

Roswell is still being talked about today, with Donald and Kevin continuing to speak out for the witnesses and to prove the truth about what happened.

The families of those involved also hope to do the same. They also talk about how they all became interested in astronomy, space and the great beyond because of Roswell.

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