Women in Blue – Ángeles
By: Gladys Luna
Picking up where we left off, María (Bárbara Mori) is still on the phone with The Undresser who questions the methods they used to make Tito (Abraham Jurado) to confess the murders. María tells him that besides what he might think, she is certain that he didn’t commit those crimes since he wasn’t as meticulous as The Undresser appears to be. These words make the killer somewhat flattered encouraging him to confess that leaving Alma (Ivana de María) – his latest victim – unprotected and alone at the hospital has made it easier for him to finish the job. At this, María calls the hospital immediately to confirm what he said and unfortunately, she finds out that he is not lying since she informed that Alma has just died. The Undresser also tells her that he will continue killing more women until he gets the attention he truly deserves. In the meantime, Gerardo (Horacio García Rojas) pays a visit to Escobedo (Christian Tappán) to give him the bad news about that the serial killer might still be on the loose. As it is expected, Escobedo is not happy with the police lame results on the case and encourages the detective to find a solution as soon as possible. To make matter worse, Gerardo also tells him about Lucas (Sebastián Buitrón), the reporter that seems to have way more information than they do.
María meets with Octavio (Miguel Rodarte) in the middle of the night to tell him about the conversation she had with the serial killer. Her boss suggests her to keep herself away from the case to avoid being fired while he digs a little further on it and also asks her not rely entirely on the call she received. He notices that something else might be going on with her on a personal level so he takes the chance to ask her about it but she refuses to talk about anything not related to work. Before she leaves, he offers her a drink to get the courage she needs to face whatever is happening at home with her. Once at her home, María is wide awake and unable to sleep thinking about her husband Alejandro (Leonardo Sbaraglia) and where he might be. Right that moment, he enters the room cautiously and is surprised to find his wife still awake. She confronts him about where was and he lies saying that he stopped by his office party for a moment then headed to the club with a couple of clients. María pretends to believe him and tries to get some sleep while he locks himself in the bathroom to cry.
A new day has come and Gabina (Amorita Rasgado) is excited to stop by the bakery to get her traditional birthday cake where she is greeted by the baker Ismael (Samuel Loo) who is ready to show her this year’s creation. The young woman goes straight to her house to celebrate with her family but is met at the door by her mother Tomasa (Mercedes Hernández) who sadly informs her that she is still not welcomed in the house. Her brother Gilberto (Marco Antonio Aguirre) also comes out of the house and offends her asking her to go away but is immediately scolded by his Tomasa who asks him to go back inside. Gabina’s father (Mario Zaragoza) also starts yelling from inside ordering his wife to go back so the woman has no other choice but to wish her daughter a happy birthday and begs her to have some patience with her father. Gabina walks away feeling so sad and disappointed that she throws the cake to the trash. After she does it, she is reached by her other brother Gabriel (Juan Carlos Medellín) who wishes her a happy birthday and gives her a birthday cake candle shaped as a police badge. He apologizes for not being able to help her and she gets mad at him for not even trying.
Gerardo and Lozano (Julio César Luna) go to see Uriel (Marco Zetina), the coroner who confirms that Alma’s cause of death was a respiratory arrest. Gerardo orders them not to say a word to the family until he finds what is truly going on. María tells the squad about her call with The Undresser and they try to find a way to use the only clue they have about the suspect’s car model to get more information. Ángeles (Ximena Sariñana) suggests to take advantage of their current activity at the station to have access to other files and use them to find the possible owner of the car. As always, Gabina is scared to get herself in more trouble and asks the other ladies to trust in the police but of course, they don’t listen to her. At the newspaper “La Independencia” where Lucas is working at, he is informed by his boss Ramón (Luis Fernando Zárate) that his article about The Undresser will be on hold for a few days but in the meantime, he is assigned to cover the release of a serial killer new book that he will publish from jail and whose name is Gregorio Cadena. Gerardo is locked in his bedroom with all of victims of the The Undresser files scattered on the floor; his wife Violeta (Karla Garrido) tries to get in to have some rest and he rushes to hide all the files under the bed but she still manages to see some photos and she gets mad at him for taking his work home. When he is about to pick some photos from the floor, he notices that in one of them appears the number 169 carved in one of the trees something that draws his attention making him to rush out of the house and leaving his wife alone.
In another side of the city, María has decided to show up at the club where her husband has claimed to be the night before and pretends to be someone else to get access to the guests’ registration list but the staff refuses to help her so, she throws a wine cage nearby diverting the attention from the front desk which gives her the chance to take the list with her. Back at the station, Ángeles is working on creating her own investigation board and is determined to find the owner of the car that until now, is the biggest lead they have to discover the serial killer’s identity. Valentina (Natalia Téllez) is surprised to see all of what the other woman has accomplished on her own so she goes to find her sister to tell her everything that Ángeles has found. Later on, Ángeles informs Octavio about the results of her research and tells him that she has narrowed her investigation to one name: Andrés López from whom the only way to locate him is to use a P.O Box he has. Octavio gets a warrant and pays a visit to the post Office and convinces the front desk lady (Katya Paredes) to open Andrés’ box for him to what she immediately complies to, and from where Octavio gets some documents that had been store there for the past seven weeks.
María is sitting at the station stairs when Ángeles arrives and tells her that she needs to talk to her about Gabina but it appears that María is not so receptive to it so, the woman continues her way to inside the station when is stopped abruptly when María blurts out that her husband has been cheating on her again something that makes her co-worker to sit next to her. Ángeles, a woman known for being analytical, starts throwing some data about the cheating rate in the country and although at first, this information is not so welcomed by María, she ends up using it to understand that Alejandro will never change and that she needs to confront him. Sometime later, Gabina enters the office and is welcomed by her other three co-workers singing happy birthday for her and Valentina lets her know that it was Ángeles who remembered the woman’s birthday since she mentioned it the day they met. Gabina tries to hug the other women but she freezes so she limits herself to thank her for the gesture. Gerardo tells Díaz (Ricardo Esquerra) that he saw a picture in one of the victims’ file where the number 169 was carved on a tree and is sure that it might mean something so, he goes back to the locations where the killer’s victims were found and finds the number there too. Meanwhile, Lucas gets to his apartment only to find Valentina and Clara (Constanza Andrade), his new girlfriend chatting happily in there; the guy greets his girlfriend with a kiss and tells her he loves her then he asks her to give him some space to talk with Valentina. Once the other woman is gone, he rudely asks Valentina to tell him what she wants and then leave and the woman confesses that The Undresser has called to the station. Later, Lucas has a heated conversation with his boss on the phone and Valentina leaves while he still at it but soon after, the man goes after her and tells her that his article will finally be published and thanks Valentina for encouraging him to stand for himself then kisses her passionately.
Alejandro enters his office and is surprised to see María there; the woman asks him one more time about where he went last night and he lies saying that he could not stand the humiliation of being at a party that was supposed to be for him so he went to a cabaret instead but María tells him that she was the one who felt humiliated the day she showed up to his office to surprise him for his birthday and heard the call he had with another woman and how they agreed to meet in Acapulco. At this, Alejandro has no other choice but to confess that he cheated on her back then and that he did it again the prior night. He also tells her that the woman he has been seeing is his boss; he apologizes to her and promises that it won’t happen again but she does not believe him and asks him to leave their house. On the other hand, Gerardo discovers that the 169 may refer to the Bible so he goes to tell Escobedo about it. At María’s house, the woman has a coarse encounter with his son Alex (Diego Escalona) trying to cover the real reasons why his father is not there. Gabina is on the bus when she sees Chava (Alejandro Guerrero), a guy she met at a dancing club and that she didn’t get the chance to dance with because of Valentina; she tries to reach for him but he hops off the bus before she can get to him. At the station, Octavio informs the squad that their suspect has used another identities and has several charges but so far, there’s no clue about his address. Later on, Gabina says that she has found some citations that one of his neighbors have presented on the suspect for blocking her entrance with his car so María and Valentina go to talk to her to get more information. Once they get there, the woman (Guadalupe Rammath) informs them that it appears the man left a while ago and there’s nothing more she can say about him. Valentina convinces her sister to break into the house and they find him dead inside the freezer. Meanwhile, Escobedo and Gerardo call for a press conference at the station in which they confirm that the killer is still out there but that Margarito was his accomplice. Halfway into the conference, an explosion can be heard outside the building making everyone run and scream in terror. Everyone gathers outside and see the suspect’s car in flames.
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