
Women in Blue – Dora

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By: Gladys Luna



Valentina (Natalia Téllez) gets in the ambulance that is taking Lucas (Sebastián Buitrón) to the hospital. Once they get there, María (Bárbara Mori) shows up to support her sister who is still shocked and completely unaware about who hurt her boyfriend. Meanwhile, Díaz (Ricardo Esquerra) takes Gerardo (Horacio García Rojas) to Lucas’ apartment and shows him the number 169 painted on the wall just the way it has been seen in every crime scene of The Undresser. Gerardo goes to see Valentina at the hospital and lets her know what he found at the same time that he confirms that is very likely that the serial killer was still at the apartment when she arrived but managed to escape before she would see him. He also questions her about a police file he found there but she pretends not to know anything about it. Finally, knowing he won’t get what he wants from her, he just advises to stop investigating on her own or she might end up the same way as Lucas did.

María returns home and confronts her mother Luz (Rosa María Bianchi) for not showing up at the hospital and support Valentina; she tries to convince her to talk to her daughter but the woman is just not interested as she sees her as someone selfish and reckless. Unfortunately, they end up fighting and María asks her to leave her house while saying that she doesn’t need her anymore. Gabina (Amorita Rasgado) arrives to the hospital to give Valentina some clean clothes. While in there, she expresses her concerns about her brother Gerardo breaking the law. She innocently thinks that talking to her father about what her brother has been doing might make a difference but Valentina harshly retorts that all of the cops are the same including her own family and that nothing she does will ever change a thing. Gabina knows that Valentina is hurt and tells her that even though she is suffering that doesn’t give her the right to talk like that to a friend but the other woman tells her they are not friends and this makes Gabina to walk way from there.

María and Ángeles (Ximena Sariñana) open the envelope that Gregorio (Bruno Bichir) sent her. Inside, they find a book about Greek mythology that he promises it will help them to find what they are looking for. Right that moment, Octavio (Miguel Rodarte) walks in carrying a box filled with files of unsolved cases of women that went missing or were murdered and offers them to stay in his office so they could be more comfortable. He asks María to give him a moment to talk but she refuses saying that she has a lot to do and promises that they can talk when their shift is over. Once the two women are alone, Ángeles questions her about the weird encounter they just had but María pretends that nothing happened. Gabina goes to his father’s (Mario Zaragoza) office but once again, he closes the door right on her face. She takes the courage she needs and opens it without his permission and lets him know that Gerardo has been torturing the suspects to get information and her father pretends not to know anything about it but also tells her that sometimes they have to do unspeakable things in order to solve the cases. Once he is convinced that his daughter is content with what he said, he invites over her for dinner and she happily agrees to it.

Alejandro (Leonardo Sbaraglia) tells Rudy (Luis Rábano) that María might never forgive him for what he did to her and how that worries him. The other man tells him that since María started her job as a cop she seemed to be alive and happy so, he encourages to think if he wants her to go back to who she was before. Later that day, María returns home and take her kids to bed; Alex (Diego Escalona) feels that his father doesn’t love them anymore since he hasn’t been around much lately but María promises that he loves them more than anything. Meanwhile at the station, Octavio waits for the woman to show as she promised him but soon, he realizes that she has stood him up. The woman goes to her room and while she is getting ready for bed, her daughter Mar (Isabella Oceguera) shows up and asks her to tell her the truth about what is happening with her and Alejandro as she believes they don’t love each other anymore but María makes sure to let her know that she doesn’t have to worry about anything and recalls how she met her husband and the reasons why she fell in love with him. Right then, Alex shows up and asks her permission to sleep with her that night so she allows the two of them to spend the night with her. Ángeles goes to the hospital carrying a box of files and offers Valentina some company; while reviewing the files, she notices that they have something in common, all of them were investigated by the Inspector José María Morales so she informs María about it and they agree to meet the next day to work on the case. Given that her mother is no longer around, María asks Alejandro to spend the day with the kids while she goes to the station; he tries to make her stay and hang out with them and enjoy the weekend but she refuses. Valentina is sleeping on the hospital couch and when she wakes up, she sees Ángeles standing there holding a cup of coffee that she got her from the store since she knows she hates the one that the hospital serves. She has also gotten her a toothpaste and a toothbrush something that makes Valentina to question her why she is so kind with her when she is such a bad person and Ángeles tells her that they are partners so, Valentina asks her permission to hug her and even though the other woman is not used to it, she accepts. Later on Ángeles and María meet at the station where they get the address of the Inspector Morales so they go pay him a visit but when they get there, they are welcomed by his wife Dora (Norma Reyna) who informs them that her husband died of a heart attack a while ago. The duo tries to get some information from the woman but she is in a rush to attend a church pilgrimage so the women resolve that maybe if they join her, she might give them the information they need. The two follow her but while they are in the middle of the pilgrimage, they get apart from each other and when Ángeles starts hearing the fireworks and loud noises, she recalls how her parents died and faints. She is taken to Dora’s house where María apologizes for not staying close to her but Ángeles doesn’t blame her for it. This incident makes Dora to open up to them and tell them that while her husband was investigating the murders, he thought that he found what might have been the killer’s first victim, a woman named Rosa (Ángeles Cruz) who used to run a foster home and who was found dead in her basement. Dora gives them the address where they can go to and talk to her adoptive son Vicente (Antonio Trejo) since she gave all of her husband’s findings to him.

Meanwhile, at María’s home Alejandro and Alex are watching tv when they hear Mar scream from the bathroom; the man goes immediately to check on her and although she is embarrassed to say what is happening, the teenager ends up confessing that she is bleeding so, Alejandro understands what is actually going on with his daughter who asks him to find her mother and bring her back home so, Alejandro calls the station and Octavio tells him that he doesn’t know where she is and that he is not sure he can find her. Gabina visits her Gabriel (Juan Carlos Medellín) and tells him about her conversation with their father; he asks her to keep herself away from trouble and understand that sometimes they have to do things they don’t really want to. The woman is so blinded by the love she feels for her family that Gabriel is forced to tell her that if Gerardo has been torturing people that was just because their father ordered it and that he is not as innocent as she believes something that evidently breaks Gabina’s heart. Back at María’s house, Mar is still locked at the bathroom while her father is sit at the other side of the door drawing; he tells her that things haven’t being so smooth lately between him and María and that he thought that it was because she became a cop but the truth is that he was jealous that she managed to become what she wanted and he did not then, he passes the drawing under the door and promises to his daughter that no matter what, she is never going to be alone so, the teenager takes the drawing and decides to open the door and hug him. Valentina enters Lucas’ room and tells him how proud she is of him and promises that she will try to be better and stop hurting him and in order to do so, she has to say goodbye and stay away. Gabina and Chava (Alejandro Guerrero) meet once again on the bus except that, this time, they do share a conversation. Since the day they meet at the bar it appears that there was never the chance to talk. Chava offers to stay with her until she gets to her destination and she agrees then, she takes the courage and asks him to go out with her that same night and he agrees.

María and Ángeles finally meet Vicente who, after finding out what they wanted, allows them into his house. He starts acting weird when talking about his adoptive mother managing to scare the other two women who decide to leave the place but find that the door is locked. In an attempt to calm them down, Vicente offers to give them the information they need but before, he tells them that he knows exactly who killed his adoptive mother and how the police never listened to him. Vicente tells them that one of the other kids that lived in the foster house was the one responsible for Rosa’s death and he has the woman’s diary to prove it. Meanwhile, Octavio has finally found out where María and Ángeles are and make his way there; he breaks into the house and found the women in the basement with Vicente where he is showing them all of the research he has been doing about his adoptive mother’s murder. Gabina finally has her date with Chava and they happily enjoy the night. Gerardo interviews Minerva (Estefanía Norato), who works at a club where one of The Undresser’s victim was seen the night she died. As she describes the man that was with her that night, we can see how their description goes accordingly to the one that Vicente has given about Rosa’s murderer and to make matters worse, it also matches with Gabina’s date.


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