Yelpy – Feel It
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I would say my music is a singer/songwriter fusion of rock, pop and folk all wrapped up in an Irish twang.
Who are some of your musical influences?
A) I take most of my musical inspiration from a lot of Irish acts such as; Damien Rice, Gemma Hayes, Kodaline, Bell X1, Glen Hansard, Snow Patrol and newcomer Hozier. I’m also heavily influenced by Sting, Jack Johnson and I love what Ed Sheeran is doing for the singer/songwriter movement!
Q) Your single “Feel It” is out now. Where did the idea for it come from?
Q) Actually, funny enough, “Feel It” was a bit of an experiment. When I originally started to work with my producer Jonathan Smith (aka TheRealJonSmith) I had a bunch of songs and I was trying to decide which to record with him. Then, I found out he was a songwriter too so I was like, “Well, let’s write one from scratch.” I wrote the start of “Feel It” and then took it to Jonathan and in no time at all we had a finished song. As for the idea behind the song itself, “Feel It” is pure emotion and is a direct expression of all the emotions that were brewing inside me at the time of it’s conception. I don’t usually set down to write a song based off an preconceived idea. Rather, I sit down with my guitar and let feelings, emotion and pure energy birth a song. I guess I feel the songs kind of write themselves in that regard.
Q) What kind of fan response have you gotten to it?
A) The response has been amazing, overwhelming in fact. This is really my first song as a solo act, as Yelpy, and I cannot believe how strongly people have embraced it. I find it hard to put in to words quite frankly. When you put your heart and soul in to something and then let it free in to the big world it can be nerve wracking. It’s almost like taking a deep breath and waiting for someone to tell you, “It’s ok you can breathe now.” And I’ve got to give my manager Ieva Georges a shout out because without her the world would not know “Feel It.” She took my recording and let it free in the world and for that I am eternally grateful.
Q) What is it about “Feel It” that fans have connected with?
A) The emotion. Everyone seems to take a different meaning away from the song itself, which I love. But the emotion people take from the song is constant. “Feel It,” by it’s very nature, is about feeling – that feeling you get that shoots up through your body and can’t be quantified. When you know this is something you’re experiencing is right and is real. I’m receiving so much support from DJs around the world, especially back home in Ireland. Without lads like Ciaran O’ Regan (Radio Kerry), Darren Cleary (RTE 2XM), Jimmy Stafford (Highland Radio) and Roddie Cleere (KCLR 96FM) I simply wouldn’t be able to get my music to the fans.
Q) How does the upcoming video for the song fit with the message of the music?
A) Perfectly. Faye Vivana’s dancing is exactly what the song’s about – pure emotion and feeling. She just dances and lets the music guide her, which is exactly what I wanted. Also, the story behind Faye’s struggle through adversity couldn’t be more in tune with the song. To think she was told she would never dance again yet here she is, proving to the world, to herself that she can. I am privileged and honored that Faye chose my song “Feel It” to embody her struggle. It couldn’t be a better match.
Q) What is your process like for writing music? Do you need the lyrics before the music?
A) Like I was saying earlier in regards to “Feel It,” my songs usually start from emotion. I sit down with my guitar and let emotion write the song. So, almost always the music comes first and then a melody and then the words just come. They almost write themselves. Sometimes my lyrics can purposely be vague and, usually, that’s because I don’t want the words to get in the way. I want people to attach their own meaning to the songs, make their own truths. But my songs, for me, always have a definite meaning. They are almost always about an experience I’ve gone through that has impacted me.
Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?
Before meeting and working with Jonathan, my producer, I was very much a control freak. But when you find a producer like Jonathan who understands you, gets your sound and where you’re coming from as an artist then you can pretty much go to him with your guitar, play him your song and let him take it from there. It’s very freeing. So, in essence, if it’s a song I’ve already written I would take it to Jonathan and let him work his magic. What’s great too is Jonathan is also a songwriter and we can actually write together which is a great experience. Feel It was born of this kind of collaboration.
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) I would say Damien Rice, Gemma Hayes or Sting (or all three – wow). I love them so much. They are such amazing songwriters in their own right.
Q) What can fans expect from a live Yelpy performance?
A) Emotion, lots of emotion. I sometimes call it “yelping.” Ha Ha! I want what I’m feeling on stage to be felt by the audience whether I’m playing solo, with a full band or whether there are 4 people in a bar or 4,000 people, I want the emotion to carry through regardless.
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) Yes I am. Social media is like an open door to the world. You just have to walk through it and you can potentially connect with the entire planet. It is an amazing tool for an artist. It can be very overwhelming at times but worth the effort.
Q) What can fans do to help promote your music?
A) Tell your friends, like, subscribe, follow, reach out. Don’t be afraid to connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram (@Yelpy) or any of those. I always do my best to chat and get involved with everyone.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your music?
A) Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much your support means to me. It’s everything. Without you, there is no Yelpy. So thank you so much! 🙂
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