
Young Sheldon – A Proposal and a Popsicle Stick Cross

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By: Ujjyani Banerjee



Adult Sheldon (Jim Parsons) tells us how living in a small Texas town guarantees a few things. First, he explains that everybody will have chickens. We then see half-asleep Mary (Zoe Perry) asking George (Lance Barber) to go shoot those squawking chickens. Second, everybody will know others’ businesses. We watch George enjoying a doughnut and being rudely interrupted by his colleague who knows everything about his sky-high triglycerides. And lastly, people do take care of each other. We view Veronica (Isabel May) sharing something sad with Mary who’s consoling her.


Mary informs George that Veronica will be staying with them for a few days as her mom’s boyfriend has drinking problem and it’s getting hard for her. She announces it at dinner and Sheldon (Iain Armitage) goes on a probing spree. Mary tries not to reveal the reason., but Missy (Raegan Revord) spills it as having overheard the conversation earlier. Georgie (Montana Jordan) is ecstatic and offers his bedroom while he’d sleep on the couch. Mary thanks him but asks him to behave properly.


Connie (Annie Potts) receives a call from John (Wallace Shawn) who wants to have a Mexican date with her, but won’t reveal location to keep it a surprise. Connie needs to know as she’ll be driving them there. He reveals it is in Puerta Roja and they confirm on their date.


Georgie readies his room by vacuuming the carpet, putting posters and dirty magazines out of sight and clearing out trash. George is documenting it on Polaroid as nobody knows if it’ll repeat itself. Veronica arrives. Georgie offers to show her around and finally shows her the bedroom. She asks if she’s taken up his room. Georgie tells her not to worry as he’ll sleep on the couch. It’s easy access to TV, so no issues whatsoever. He shows her a garment drawer. She asks where his clothes are now and it turns out he threw most of them out as they were old and full of holes. He shows her the Popsicle stick cross he put up to make the room religious enough for her. Veronica wells up thinking about how much he cares about her. Sheldon, who was passing by, asks why she’s crying and if Georgie brought up her unpleasant home life disobeying mom who said it’d make her uncomfortable. Veronica smiles at him.


At the date John reminds Connie that it’s their one-year anniversary. Connie asks if it’s something people their age celebrate. John doesn’t know, but he proposes to her on one knee. She’s stunned and doesn’t give an answer. Having been Mrs. Connie to someone for many years, she now wants to live her own life. John is left devastated. Later, she wants to make sure they’re good. While John thinks their love must be made legally official, Connie thinks taking an ad out in the paper would suffice. Saddened, John asks her to keep the ring he proposed her with if in case he predeceased her and starts to cry.


At dinner Mary asks Veronica about her future plans. It seems she’s hoping for a scholarship to Baylor to get a teaching degree and that she loves kids. Sheldon cringes upon hearing “kids.” He later hands over his bathroom schedule to Veronica and hesitantly asks regarding her father’s whereabouts. She reveals that he left when she was very young and that her mom’s boyfriend isn’t very nice. Sheldon tries to sink it all in.


Later at night Veronica comes to the living room to join Georgie who’s watching TV alone. They discuss how Charles in Charge should be renamed to Chachi in Charge and end up making out. Cut to: Veronica waking up abruptly and realizing it was a dream! The next day Veronica and Missy decide to go have a girl’s time-out.


Connie drives herself and John home. She goes to the kitchen to make tea and asks what he’d like. No answer. She goes to the living room and realities he’s left. She later takes suggestions regarding her and John’s marriage decision from both Mary and Sheldon. Both suggest the conventional route and Connie realizes she needs to meet a whole new group of like-minded people. She tries speaking to John but he doesn’t pick up.


At the girl’s day-out Veronica and Missy are having ice cream. Veronica apologizes for not making it too fun. Missy here is elated just to ride on the front seat of her car and calls her princess pretty. Veronica tells Missy in return that she’s 100% princess material. Without makeup, Missy feels that’s as much hot she can get. Veronica debunks the idea of makeup being an absolute necessity. Missy says she’s got to be 16 years old in order to wear makeup. Veronica asks her not be in a haste to grow up as adulthood would approach faster than she would imagine and it’s lot more stress. She reveals how she’d rather go back to being a kid any given day. Missy suggests shutting their eyes and see if they reversed places. They do try but in vain. They’re exactly where they were with the same ice-creams they were having a few moments back.


Missy begs Mary if they can keep Veronica by trading her off Sheldon. Mary says no. Missy brings back how they never had a dag cause of Sheldon, but Mary’s not ready to participate in the conversation. The bells rings and Veronica tells she’ll go get it. Missy points out how helpful she is but Mary is still unmoved.


It turns out that Veronica’s mom’’s drunk boyfriend Clint (Tim Griffin) has come to get her. Veronica says she will not go with him. Georgie comes to protect her but Clint pulls him up by his collar. George enters the scene and asks Clint to put his son down immediately. Things get worse and they fight each other. A few minutes later Georgie asks Mary to call the police regarding a bum sleeping out on their front porch. Mary is flabbergasted as she scans through George’s bruised fist and forehead.


The next day as John reads the paper his eyes fall upon the news that he wanted the most, “Connie Tucker is proud to announce that she is sweet on Dr. John Sturgis and they are officially a romantic couple.”


Sturgis is on cloud nine that now he’s officially back on business.

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