Young Sheldon – A Tornado, a 10-Hour Flight and a Darn Fine Ring
By: Sammi Turano
The second half kicks off with the Coopers eating dinner together with Mary (Zoe Perry) praying for the family. MeeMaw (Annie Potts) asks Sheldon (Iain Armitage) about Germany. He is about to answer in German, but George (Lance Barber)tells him no more talking in German.
News switches to Missy (Raegan Revord) being grounded, which Sheldon thinks was the right idea. Mandy (Emily Osment) thinks she will cool off and Georgie (Montana Jordan) agrees, saying the two of them fight all the time and now they are getting married. Mary makes them promise not to get married until she comes back. Mandy says she still has to tell her parents, leading to a fight with the Coopers and what went down with Mary, George and MeeMaw.
Sheldon tries to talk to Missy via their secret walkie talkies, only to find she returned it.
Georgie tells Dale (Craig T Nelson) and MeeMaw he found a ring, but needs an advance on his pay. Dale tells him to get a cubic zirconia.
The Coopers drive to the airport with Missy listening to her Walkman. This upsets Mary, but she refuses to take them off.
MeeMaw and Dale try to find security for the casino, causing them to bicker over what to do.
Georgie gives Mandy her ring as they leave to go to her parent’s house. She ends up proposing to him by mistake, so they decide to not tell people that part.
The Coopers say goodbye at the airport. Mary wants Missy’s attitude gone by the time she gets back, but Missy is more interested in the gift shop.
Mary and Sheldon are on the plane, calming each other down. Sheldon is excited because one of his science heroes is on the same flight, but Mary makes him wait until later to talk to him.
George and Missy continue to fight and he says he is going to give her the Army treatment, making her even angrier.
Pastor Jeff comes into the casino/laundromat, making Dale and MeeMaw nervous….and causing them to act weird.
Mandy and Georgie talk to Jim and Audrey about the wedding, but end up fighting when Mandy thinks Audrey is embarrassed by them,
Sheldon asks the flight attendant when the seat belt sign will go off. She says that it will happen at the captain’s say so, so he asks her to tell his hero how much he admires him. He drives Mary crazy, so the flight attendant gives her a gin and tonic.
Everyone gets stuck in a tornado….which leads to Mandy and Georgie being stuck with her parents, Pastor Jeff (Matt Hobby) discovering the casino (‘A miracle!’ MeeMaw declares!) and Missy and George needing to leave the car.
Sheldon bonds with his hero, while annoying his seatmate.
Mandy continues to fight with her family and Georgie, especially when she finds out how much he spent on the ring.
MeeMaw and Pastor Jeff debate over the casino, but come together to pray for everyone. Missy and George are outside with him protecting her until the very end. They end up crying and bonding as they forgive one another.
MeeMaw and Dale come home to find her house completely destroyed. She breaks down and he comforts her. She realizes the money is gone and makes him help her find it.
The episode ends with Mary calling everyone and everyone helping MeeMaw clean up. Pastor Jeff promises to keep her secret, while George and Dale offer to take in Mandy, Georgie, CeeCee and MeeMaw.
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