
You’re The Worst – Bachelor/Bachelorette Party Sunday Funday

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By: Maddie Ruby


In the beginning of the episode we see Edgar (Desmin Bourges) running through the woods seemingly hiding from something. We then cut to Sunday Funday with the four main characters. Gretchen (Aya Cash) and Jimmy (Chris Geere) aren’t up for it, until Lindsey (Kether Donohue) says it is a Bachelor and Bachelorette Sunday Funday.

Vernon (Todd Robert Anderson), Becca (Janet Varney) and Paul (Allan McLeod) are all on the party bus. Jimmy and Gretchen are disappointed and say that they need to get hammered in order to deal with this. Paul has crafted a beer for them, “Jimmy and Gretchen’s Strawberry Pale Ale.”

Becca decides to take the stage to announce that she is pregnant, with Paul’s baby. Paul is talking to Jimmy about his excitement on being a father, to which Jimmy seems uninterested. Paul is drinking these craft beers and seems to be getting a little too comfortable with Jimmy. He tells Jimmy the truth about what happened and that he “directly deposited” his sperm into Becca, meaning he actually had sex with her. He tells Jimmy he cannot tell anyone.

Immediately, Jimmy is going to disobey Paul. He pays Paul a thousand dollars and then tells everyone on the bus. Vernon pretends to be surprised and like he didn’t know, but no one really cares as much as Lindsey. She tells Becca this is the worst thing that Becca has ever done to her, alongside making her drink Becca’s pee saying it would help her grow boobs.

They stop at a liquor store where they run into Edgar’s boss, Doug (Doug Benson). He questions why Edgar is here thinking he had jury duty. He asks Edgar what he is doing today and the next thing you know he is on the party bus, now heading to Las Vegas.

Jimmy and Gretchen are all making fun of Vernon, calling him a “cuck.” Vernon can’t take this and so he Venmos Paul a thousand dollars so he can tell the full story. He admits to everyone he was there, they all came, they held hands and he almost tried to kill himself but he lived for the sex.

Doug starts stirring the pot asking Becca about Paul and going to mess with Gretchen and Jimmy. He begins asking them questions, like are they going to circumcise their son, raise their kids with religion and if they decided if they even want kids or not. They answer the opposites to all of these questions, including Gretchen saying she wants kids and Jimmy saying he doesn’t.

Edgar is tired of Doug insulting all of his friends and going hard on him at work. Edgar decides to make him leave the bus angrily. He pushes him off the stairs and he landed on his back, unconscious. They realize they are in the middle of the woods and Edgar thinks he brought them out here for some reason. Meanwhile, Paul has gotten very sick and can’t drive. Edgar decides to check his body and sees a gun. He points it at him and he wakes up. Vernon goes over to help him and he stabs Vernon in the neck, killing him. He thought Vernon was going to kill him, not help him. He then says if he has killed one of them he has to kill all of them. He and Edgar start fighting and Jimmy shoots the Doug to save Edgar. Gretchen shoots Doug to save Jimmy. She asks what they are going to do and Jimmy says he will move to Mexico, he will do anything as long as they’re together.

Lindsey then brings Gretchen a fake penis wearing a wedding dress. Vernon starts laughing and Doug gets up from the ground. They reveal this was all apart of the surprise. They get back into the bus and have a great time together.

Edgar admits to Jimmy that Gretchen has been taking some of his pills, serious ones. He says he doesn’t think she is taking them for fun, either. Jimmy looks over at Gretchen who is smiling, but it could be a very fake smile

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