Yvette Monreal – DC’s Stargirl
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you have been busy working on?
A) At the moment I’m just kind of quarantined. I am getting a few projects here and there, but I am tied to “Stargirl” right now. As of now, nothing is secured.
Q) Please tell us the premise for “DC’s Stargirl.”
A) Courtney Whitmore (Brec Bassinger) is moving from Los Angeles to Nebraska with her mom and stepdad. She is a brand-new student at this brand-new school. She starts to discover that there are secrets in this town. So, she gathers this group (which includes me) and Doctor Mid-Nite (Henry Thomas). We become this Justice Society to unravel these secrets and to seek justice. My character is “Wildcat.”
Q) How was Wildcat originally described to you?
A) Originally, it wasn’t “Yolanda Montez” at all. Those were just dummy sides. I think they were really trying to keep it a secret from coming out. She was described as vigilant, active, determined until she gets betrayed by someone she trusts deeply. Then, everything changes for her. Her whole life with her family and at school. She suffers humiliation and social setbacks. Then, I transform into a quiet, withdrawn and unsure shadow of my former self where I struggle to find my voice again. Then, I’m born anew with Wildcat when Courtney comes into my life.
Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t in that initial breakdown?
A) Well, I think from what I recall from my conversations with Geoff Johns, I did add a little bit more vulnerability than what was transcribed. She has become a little angry with everything – just her situation and with herself. I added a little more vulnerability that maybe wasn’t transcribed in the sides.
Q) Were you at all familiar with any of your costars before working with them?
A) The first time I saw Luke I was like, “Hey! I just saw you in Legally Blonde!” He was like, “Oh yeah! That was a good one.” I just fangirled. I was familiar with Meg DeLacy. She’s one of my best friends. We crossed paths when I filmed “The Fosters.” She had a big arch playing one of the girl’s cousins. So, we crossed paths once on sets. But she is the only one that I was really familiar with. My little sister watched Brec on “Bella and the Bulldogs,” but I wasn’t quite familiar with her until later.
Q) What kind of physical prep went into you getting into character?
A) I did boxing classes. I was working out very hard so I could fit into my super suit and look the best I could. There was also training on set as well with choreographers and stunt people. I did some stunt training on the harness just so I could be familiar with it and everything because there are some stunts where I had to jump really high. It tickles a lot, so I had to just familiarize myself with it.
Q) Did it take you putting on the costume for you to truly get into character?
A) Putting on the costume definitely brought out another side to me – the Wildcat side to me. Just naturally looking at myself in the uniform, in the costume, with the cowl on it was just like, “Yeah, I’m a superhero.” And it just brings a different kind of vibe and definitely for sure helps me get into character for Wildcat.
Q) What were some of your favorite moments from filming?
A) One of my favorite moments was definitely my breakout episode – episode four. Courtney is such a loyal person and she’s so persistent with getting me to be on her side that everyone has betrayed me or done something to me, so I’m like, “It’s just a matter of time before she does the same.” That wasn’t the case. So, I really like when you guys see the chemistry that Brec and I have and especially the vulnerabilities that I have with Courtney and when you guys find out why she is so closed off.
Q) Stargirl and the Justice Society are the definition of “strong female characters.” What is it about these ladies that will make young female viewers look up to them?
A) Well, I think that they are so relatable. I think that makes it easier to just love them because they are going through a time when they are just trying to figure things out and figure things out about themselves as well. I think everyone goes through that in life, trying to figure out who they are and who their real friends are. I think the relatable aspect to that is that everyone goes through this period where they just want to be themselves and they want to find themselves. I think that is what makes them really lovable.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to that instant fan feedback you’ll receive to episodes?
A) Yes! Definitely! I think we worked so hard on the show and everyone put so much blood, sweat and tears into this. I know there are negative comments out there and that you can’t please everyone. As long as we’re happy with it, there is nothing more I can do. Hopefully, everyone likes it and everyone appreciates the work we did for the series.
Q) How do you plan to celebrate the premiere of the show? Will you be live tweeting at all?
A) Tweeting along? That would be awesome. I would definitely do that if it was proposed. A few of us have a group chat with the cast and we were all talking about what we can do to be more active when the show drops and how we can make it a thing. Should we all meet up in our cars and social distance, but film it? Should each person rent a red carpet and just take pictures. We’re just playing with the idea, but live tweeting is probably the most realistic thing. I love engaging with fans.
Q) What do you think it is about “DC’s Stargirl” that will make it a fast fan favorite series?
A) “Stargirl” is a very fun and family-oriented show. I feel like anybody can watch it. You can watch it with your kids and it’s transcribes to the adult community as well. I feel like it’s exactly what we need at this time that we’re going through. Being quarantined and everything, it’s bringing everyone together and that’s what we’re doing but at a distance in the real world. So, I feel like it’s a go to show and that everyone watches it.
Q) You’ve been a part of a number of incredible projects. What have been some of our personal favorites?
A) Obviously, being a superhero is number one. That was on my bucket list of being an actress. I always wanted to become a superhero someday, one day, eventually. It finally came and I’m working with people that I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be working with. So, I’m very blessed and grateful for that. Also, I really, really liked my character on the show “Matador.” You can actually catch it on Hulu now. Her name was Danica Long and I played Alfred Molina’s dad. My dad was a drug lord and it was one of the most realistic experiences I think because it was my first job. So, it made everything so surreal. I was working with a very prestigious director Robert Rodriguez and just the cast…It just felt like my dream was finally coming a reality. So, I think besides becoming a superhero that was really fun. When I worked on Rambo that was incredible. Working with a legend… I never thought I’d be working with Sylvester Stallone. I’d heard so much about him and he’s so respected. When it was time to finally work with him…Everything you hear about him was true. He’s very passionate about his work and just to see that hands on. He just wanted to make everything great and better. It was the most amazing experience.
Q) What would your dream role be?
A) I really like drama so anything that is gritty and meaty, I’d love to do that. Being in an independent film would be my next choice – if I had a choice. Nothing specific. I feel like a lot has a lot to do with timing, how I’m feeling at the moment such is if I can relate to this character that is being presented to me. But being in an independent film that has a lot of meat to it is probably my next go to.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) I would say thank you for following me on my journey. This is something that I’m extremely proud of. Hopefully, you guys like it just as much as I do!
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