
Supernatural – Red Meat

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By: Stacy Miller


When you ask anyone why they like “Supernatural,” you’ll get a variety of answers. But the one at the top of every fan’s list is that it’s the relationship between brothers Sam and Dean Winchester that draws them in. It’s their “you and me against the world” and “I would die for you” relationship. Sentiments like these have helped turn the show into more than just two brothers driving cross-country hunting monsters while also dealing with world-ending issues. These two themes weren’t more prevalent than in the episode Red Meat that saw a simple case involving hunting werewolves escalate into something that truly tested the strength and emotions of the Winchesters.

The teaser begins with full-on action as we see Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) in a cabin, fighting some werewolves. With fists flying and body throwing – it is seriously intense. The action takes a dangerous turn when one of the werewolves grabs Sam‘s gun and shoots him in the chest!

Cut to forty-eight hours earlier, we see Sam and Dean at the Men of Letters bunker where Sam has found a case involving werewolves. Sam reminds Dean that since they aren’t having success with the Amara/Castiel situation, they might as well go on a good old fashion monster hunt. Sam and Dean learn about a couple who have gone missing while hiking.

Flash forward, we see Dean rush to his wounded brother’s side with the First Aid Kit and removes the bullet. A male hiker, Corbin (Blair Penner). tells Dean that they have to get out of there before the others come back as it’s a werewolf pack they’re hunting. Corbin tells Dean that they need to go now and leave Sam behind because with his injuries he’ll only slow them down. Obviously, Corbin is not a “Supernatural” fan otherwise he’d know that Dean would never leave Sam behind. Not an option, no way. Dean asks Corbin and his wife Michelle (Erin Way) to watch Sam while he goes outside to get materials to use to make something to carry Sam out on.

Once Dean has left, a weak Sam encourages Corbin to go with Dean and leave him behind. Corbin tells Sam that Dean will never leave him behind and that he and his wife Michelle won’t survive without Dean. And with that, Corbin puts his hands over Sam’s mouth to suffocate him. Although weak from pain, Sam is able to put up a fight before succumbing. Sammy dead, say it isn’t so! Because we still have seven episodes left until the end of the season, I knew there would be no way Sam would stay dead. But still, this was hard to see especially when Dean returns to the cabin and find his brother dead. The pain in Jensen Ackles’ eyes was heartbreaking.

We get another flashback to earlier when Sam and Dean were looking for the hikers and Sam is telling Dean that the case could be like the camping trip they never had. Lines like this remind viewers of Sam and Dean’s brother bond.

In the present, Dean is still looking at his brother’s lifeless body while Corbin tells him they have to leave now before the other werewolves come. Dean is ready to stay in the cabin and fight, but Corbin finally convinces him to leave. “I’ll come back for you” Dean says to Sam. Aw! Give me a moment to wipe the tear from my eye before I continue writing. Dean, Corbin and Michelle leave the cabin and run into the local sheriff along the way. When the sheriff tries to stop Dean from getting back to Sam, Dean decks him!

Later, Dean wakes up restrained in a hospital. Michelle asks Corbin what happened back at the cabin. I think she may know that Corbin had something to do with Sam’s death even though she was not fully conscious. When Corbin is alone, viewers see his fingernails extending and sharp teeth. He looks at the scratches on his arm. Corbin has been turned into a werewolf!

Michelle visits Dean and after she mentions that death isn’t the end, the older Winchester gets an idea. With Michelle‘s help, he swallows an overdose of pills and dies!

Enter Billie the Reaper, played by the marvelous Lisa Berry. She comments that she always thought that when Dean died it would be from a heart attack or choking on a burger while watching “Charles In Charge” reruns. Great line. Dean asks Billie to bring Sam back because he needs him to help save the world from The Darkness. It is hilarious to Billie, Dean wants Sam back for HIM and is trying to make it be about saving the world.

Meanwhile Sam wakes up. HE’S NOT DEAD! Cue the fandom going wild. He hears a noise and looks out the window. It’s the other members of the werewolf pack. Sam goes down the basement to hide.

Back to Dean and his quest to bring Sam back to life, Billie drops the bombshell that Sam is already alive. “I’d get a call if the Big W were dead,” she snarks. Another great line and perhaps a new nickname for Sam Winchester? So, Sam’s not dead, but it looks like Dean soon will be.

Fortunately, the doctor is able to revive Dean. Boy, was that a close one Dean! How many more times is he going to die to save Sam’s life? As many times as it takes is the obvious answer.

Sam manages to get to a car, drive to the Impala and call Dean. It’s the best call of Dean’s life to hear his brother’s voice even though the call breaks up and the phone dies.

Meanwhile, werewolf Corbin kills the sheriff and intends to bite Michelle so they can be together forever. Dean stops him and history repeats itself when Corbin proceeds to choke another Winchester to death. Sam arrives just in time and shoots Corbin dead. Afterwards, Dean talks with Michelle who doesn’t know if she’ll ever be okay now that she’s lost the man she loves.

Sam and Dean leave the hospital. He has been patched up by the medical professionals (though not with the love of a big brother) and given loads of painkillers. When Sam questions Dean about what he did when he thought he died, Dean makes a joke about redecorating Sam’s room, but Sam knows better.

“Red Meat” was an emotionally rollercoaster ride for The Winchesters and for viewers. But it also reinforced the already strong affection Dean has for Sam and reminded viewers that “Supernatural” is first and foremost about the relationship between these two brothers and how far they’ll go for each other.

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