
A Discovery of Witches – 2.5

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By: Ellie Yates



We’re back in the past and Matthew (Matthew Goode) and Diana (Teresa Palmer) have arrived in France. They’re greeted by Phillipe’s (James Purefoy) men, but Diana is unsure whether they’ve come to protect them or not. Gallowglass (Steven Cree) warns Diana to not lose Matthew or herself before heading back to the boat. Diana and Matthew ride with Phillipe’s men to Sept-Tours. They camp overnight in the Province of Angion, a region that refuses to acknowledge the Protestant king’s claims. Diana asks which side Phillipe is on. Matthew says Phillipe doesn’t care as he’s just trying to stop France being torn apart by religion.

Meanwhile, in London a hungover Kit (Tom Hughes) leaves the tavern he spent the night in to find Louisa (Elaine Cassidy), Matthew’s sister, feeding on a human. Kit tells her that Matthew has gone to France and Louisa asks Kit why he didn’t go with him. Kit explains he is now surplus to requirements these days. He invites Louisa inside, telling her there’s lots to discuss. Louisa is convinced that Matthew is under some sort of enchantment and Kit says Matthew has been enchanted by love and not sorcery. Louisa sarcastically wonders how she will amuse herself without her brother to chaperone her and tries it on with an uninterested Kit. She asks Kit if Matthew knows that he’s in love with him, but Kit avoids the question. Louisa says she has something in mind to save Kit from his melancholy. What she has in mind is a night of shooting glass bottles and killing people.

The next day in France the rain is pouring down as Diana, Matthew and their guards continue their journey to Sept-Tours. They stop to look over the shell of burning farmhouse and Diana wants to check for survivors, but Matthew says they need to keep moving, whoever torched the farmhouse could be nearby. As they continue, Diana falls asleep causing her to fall off her horse. Matthew scoops her up and places her on his horse and holds her until they reach the second camp. Pierre (Milo Twomey), who has ridden with them, sits Diana down beside the campfire and tells her to rest for what is ahead. Diana tells him no one can hide the truth from Phillipe, but she won’t allow him to come between her and Matthew. Matthew takes Diana into their tent to get some rest and they promise that they are each other’s, no matter what. Things get steamy, but Matthews sternly tells Diana “not now.”

Ready to continue their journey the next day, Matthew tells Pierre to find lodgings in Bohemia and he and Diana will be there as soon as they can. Matthew and Diana make it to Sept-Tours and Matthew tells Diana not to try and read Phillipe, even he can’t after centuries. Diana says she’s more worried about Matthew as she can see how hard it is seeing his father again. Matthew admits it will be opening a wound. Phillipe is less than impressed to see “Mattheus” with a witch and with the fact that Matthew didn’t tell him himself. Diana tells Phillipe that she’s not just a witch, but she’s a Weaver. However, Phillipe is still not impressed. He tells Diana that nothing is new to him since he’s lived a long life and seen everything in the history books. Diana quips back that she’s seen things that aren’t even in the history books…yet. Phillipe knows Diana is a time-walker and asks why she couldn’t use her power to help their situation in her own time. Diana explains that she was spellbound as a child and her life has been difficult, but if there’s one thing she’s certain of it’s her love for Matthew. Phillipe throws a low blow as he insinuates that Matthew has doubts over Diana, seeing as he won’t sleep with her and they’re not married – because they are the only ways you can show your love, apparently!

After five minutes Phillipe’s meddling has already caused problems between Diana and Matthew. Diana asks why Matthew is holding back and he says it’s complicated. When Diana says Phillipe doesn’t think so, Matthew tells her to bed Phillipe instead then! This earns him a slap round the face before Diana uses her magic to literally blow him out of the door and slam it behind him. Matthew growls at the door and continues his growling as he heads back to confront Phillipe who heard it all. Phillipe tells Matthew he is lying to Diana and tells him to go and hunt and feed in the morning.

Matthew follows his father’s orders whilst Diana speaks with Phillipe. Phillipe tells Diana that in Ysabeau’s absence she is the highest ranking female of the house. He hands her a bunch of keys to rooms in the house, but Diana says she’s not staying long enough to undertake domestic duties. She asks which one is for the library and Phillipe tells her they don’t keep books locked up. He notes, “Reading seldom leads to bad behavior.” Diana tells him he would be surprised. Phillipe shows Diana the books and tells her to take anything she wants, before leaving her to it.

Later that day Monsier Andre Champier (Paul Brennen) arrives, claiming to be a witch that is there to help Diana. In front of Phillipe, he tells Diana that he senses great power in her. However, Champier isn’t who he claims to be and begins to extract memories from Diana by holding her head between his hands. He particularly focuses on Matthew feeding off Diana’s blood. Diana fights back as Champier tells Phillipe he has a traitor in the house and demands Diana gives him her memories. Returning from his hunt Matthew hears Diana’s screams and rushes inside. As he bursts through the door, Diana uses her magic to summon his sword and plunges it into Champier’s stomach killing him. Diana stands over the body as blood drips from the sword.

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