
Benjamin Ayres – Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End

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By: Donna Sgro



Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?


A) I have a ton that I’m working on some of which I can’t disclose just yet as many of them are a work in progress. But I know the fans of Hallmark will love and will be excited to see.


Q) Please give us a sneak preview of what your character Drew is up to in Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End.  


A) This one right off the bat you will see it is in real time. There is an ongoing court case. The wife is in jail accused of murder and both Drew and Alex (Alison Sweeney) have to go undercover pretending to be a couple and you’ll see from this both of them start to question their relationship. It’s a really fun and one I think the viewers are going to love to watch.


Q) Chronicle Mysteries themes stem around some kind of mystery that needs to be solved within a certain time frame. Were you always a fan of mysteries and did you do anything to prepare yourself beforehand to bring this character to life?  


A) I’ve always been a fan of mysteries. The thing about this series is Alex’s character played by Alison Sweeney is a podcast host. So, different times when we were off set we would listen to different podcast to kind of get a feel of what her character was going to be like, thus giving us the feel of what it was going to be like to do it on screen to bring it to life. Allison has an amazing way of creating and this one as you will see will be just the same. I have always been a fan of mysteries and the fact that people would be intrigued by it. So, this was a perfect project for me to do.


Q) Alison Sweeney and you have worked together now on numerous films in this series. What have been some of your most memorable moments filming Chronicle Mysteries: The Deep End with her?  


A) The most memorable moments were the ones off screen with her watching her create and come up with different concepts, especially for this episode. She is a creative master and just to be a part of the magic was a blessing for me.


Q) From the previews it seems like you and Alison had an amazing time filming. What you guys do off screen to continue to bring the magic onscreen together?  


A) Learning from each other. After all of this time working on the different parts of the series, we have become a family and with that aspect after many hours of filming it really has been an experience to see each time we’ve come together. Alison and I were fast friends from the very beginning so to continue with the project it just keeps getting better and better.


Q) Rebecca Staab has also been working with you on the Chronicle Mystery What do you enjoy most about working with her?  

A) She is a powerhouse. She has been dubbed onset as the mama and the person that always takes the photos and post them to social media. If you have followed along and see a lot of the photographs from the time on set it will more than likely be from Rebecca. She is an amazing person and a tremendous talent. We all have loved having her to be a part of the project and she continues to be a great addition to the Chronicle Mystery


Q) What do you think it is about the Chronicle Mysteries franchise that makes it such a fan favorite of Hallmark viewers?  


A) Mysteries, I believe, will always a favorite of fans. Everyone loves the suspense and seeing and trying to figure out what happens next and this one, for sure, I know the fans are going to like.

Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive to the projects you work on?  


A) I find it to be a very interesting aspect. It’s crazy at times but also very rewarding. When I did the Murder She Baked Series it would make me laugh to get the reaction of the fans to my character – the good and the bad. I think it’s a great aspect and I love the fan connection and what it brings. Hallmark fans are amazing and everything that is done they always react with such a positive and (at times) a very funny response. I love interacting with them online and they are the best to get to know.


Q) Previously you worked on the series “Saving Hope.” What did you personally take away from your time working on the show?  


A) The best response I can give is that with each project that I do it gives me a better understanding of who I am as a person and who I want to bring to life for each individual character that I’ve done so far in my career. If I look back on everything from this series it helped me to grow not only as a person but also as an actor. And each time I’ve learned something different about myself. It is definitely one of the highlights of being in the business.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?


A) The biggest thing that I can say is thank you! Thank you for the support, thank you for the love and thank you for being here. We are nothing without you, the fans, and the continued support and love is what keeps us going.


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