
Big Brother – Season 21, Night Thirty-Eight

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By: Sammi Turano



Four become three on this episode of CBS’s “Big Brother.” Cliff and Holly are on the block with Cliff as the target. However, he thinks he is safe because he supposedly has a deal with Michie. 


Little does he know that Michie has no intention of keeping his word….thanks to the events that occurred last week with getting rid of Tommy. Nicole gets wind of the plan and tells Cliff, who tries his best to hold himself together. At least…that is what he does in front of Nicole. In reality, he plans on confronting Michie.


Jury update! Nick hates Tommy, who (of course )enters the jury house. Nick is also hooking up with Kat (What happened to Bella?). They all discuss Michie’s game play and how they are gaining respect for Nicole. Christie and Nick get into an argument because he says he can’t respect her gameplay. She then cries and wonders why she is there and not Michie. She points out the double eviction was the perfect chance to get rid of him. Jessica is also upset because they kept Cliff.


Cliff confronts Michie and reminds him that just because he is in the top three (or two) doesn’t mean he will win because the jury holds the power. Michie explodes in the Diary Room. 


Eviction time! Holly and Cliff plead their cases and Cliff is evicted. 

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