
Big Brother – Season 21, Night Three

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By: Sammi Turano



We already have Dave gone from losing the banishment challenge and Christie as HOH. She is in an alliance with Jack, Jackson, Isabella, Nick and Holly. She also knows Tommy from a previous relationship.


Ovi is already trying to get into her good graces so he won’t be nominated. However, she doesn’t seem all that interested in talking to him. Kat is nervous about what Christie has planned. She and Analyse wonder where they stand in the house.


The house seems to have a mutual distrust for Jack, especially the girls. Isabella is the nay one who doesn’t want to go against “her guys.” There also seems to be a lot of people against Kat. It also seems like Tommy and Analyse are joining the alliance. They are now known as “Gr8ful.”


Christie wants to nominate Cliff to be a pawn up against Kathryn. She tells the opposite to Kathryn. Neither of them are thrilled about this. 


Ovi gets wind of this and tells Analyse, who tells Christie, who is upset and thinks Nick spilled the beans about the alliance. Everyone wonders what they should do about this new wrench in this plan.


The houseguests not have a Wacktivity contest which will take place over three weeks and give the winner a special power. This week Ovi, Kathryn, Isabella, Cliff and Nicole are competing. They have to identify smells from the wild animals who invalided the camp.


Ovi wins and his prize is to use a nightmare power to wake everyone up in the middle of the night to pick two new nominees. The has this power for the first six nomination ceremonies.


His plan is to play dumb about his power and goes to make a new alliance. “The Fab Five” is formed, but little does Ovi know…it is a fake alliance. Jack, Jackson, Analyse and Christie are all in on it. 


Kemi wants Christie to nominate Ovi for eviction. However, Jack gets wind of this and thinks she could also be a potential threat.


The episode ends with Christie putting Cliff and Kat up for nomination. 


More Tuesday! Stay tuned.

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