Big Brother Season 25 – Episode 15
By: Sammi Turano
“Big Brother 25” is in yet another POV comp with Jared, Cameron and Red playing the game since they are HOH and nominees, respectively.
Red is upset due to his falling out with Cameron. Cirie sees he is upset and comforts him, but it is only because she needs him to focus and prevent Cameron from winning.
Jared makes Cameron think he is safe. Cameron is upset about the fallout with Red and wants him sage as well.
Jared talks to Cory and it seems like they want to target Matt next. They are also debating on America’s antics and if she can be trusted….especially since she threw the last competition. Jared wants her gone, but Cory wants her there because of their budding relationship.
Matt, Felicia and America are playing the POV comp.
Tiny Veto comp! Everyone is supersized and have to move 36 barrels into position with sludge inside with tweezers.
Everyone seems to be doing well, but at the end of the day, Cameron wins.
Cameron is obviously going to remove himself from the block, so now a replacement nominee needs to be chosen. Felicia wants America or Bowie on the block. America hears this and realizes people are against her, especially Jared. The two of them end up fighting.
The Seven Deadly Sins alliance decide that Jag should be on the block. They want him as the target, but tell him he is just a pawn this week.
Nomination ceremony. Cameron is out. Jag is in.
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