Big Brother Season 25 – Episode 29
By: Sammi Turano
Big Brother 25 on CBS opens right where we left off after the Nomination ceremony. Despite Cirie being on the block and Bowie’s main target, others wanted Cameron to be backdoored. However, she wants to remain loyal to him because he was good to her.
Bowie and Cameron talk about Cory wanting Cameron gone, making them wonder if Cory should be backdoored. She worries that America could go after her, but Cameron doesn’t think this would happen. Cameron thinks that Bowie not wanting to put Cory on the block means that she is working with him in some capacity.
Bowie wonders if the noms should remain the same.
Matt, America and Jag are all playing in POV. Cameron begins to think about Mecole’s talk of an alliance with Cory, Bowie and America and talks to Jag about it. This gives Jag ammunition to once again throw Cameron under the bus. This leaves her shocked and upset and wondering if he should be targeted after all.
Zingbot! After some warm fuzzies, he makes fun of Blue’s fashion sense, America being with someone younger, Cirie’s reality TV experience…..and makes an America the Beautiful remake….it’s not as good as past Zingbots….
Competition time! They have to do a scavenger hunt in the yard and the slowest in each heat will be eliminated.
Cirie is eliminated first, followed by America, Matt, Felicia and Bowie, giving Jag the win.
Afterward, Cameron talks to Bowie because he thinks something is off between them. She tells him that Jag wants to use POV. He wants Cory to be backdoored, but she doesn’t want blood on her hands….and we have to wait until Thursday to see the results.
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