
Black Lightning – The Book of the Apocalypse: Chapter One: The Alpha

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By: Jessica Wolff


Cape Guy (Jeremy M. Ayers) approaches the cops surrounding him with metal flying around him, promising that he’s on their side. The police ignore his pleas not to shoot and shoot him. Jefferson Pierce (Cress Williams) compliments Jennifer Pierce (China Anne McClain) on her potatoes, but she admits they’re store-bought. Anissa Pierce (Nafessa Williams) apologizes for being late, assuring Lynn Pierce (Christine Adams) that she’ll be fine.


Anissa asks Jefferson why he called the meeting, and Jefferson admits that a lot has happened. He explains that he can’t stop Anissa and Jennifer from joining the fight, but that he needs to be able to trust them. Jefferson declares that there are three rules they need to follow: to not tell anyone about their identities, to always have backup and to not kill anyone.


Jennifer and Anissa protest the last rule, but Jefferson argues that killing Tobias Whale (Marvin ‘Krondon’ Jones III) won’t change anything. Jennifer argues that Tobias needs to go, but Jefferson tells her it isn’t up for discussion and he will have Peter Gambi (James Remar) lock up their suits if they break the rule.


Anissa replies that she’s a grown woman, but Jefferson tells her that she can’t pretend the suit is license to go out and make bad choices. Jefferson asks them if they agree to his rules and Jennifer and Anissa reluctantly agree. Anissa accidentally spills wine on her shirt and goes upstairs to change as Agent Percy Odell (Bill Duke) watches the entire family from his secret cameras.


Tobias has Dr. Helga Jace (Jennifer Riker) and Giselle Cutter (Kearran Giovanni) activate the pods of the remaining original metahumans and Cutter subdues them before they can attack. Tobias tells her to let them back up and greets Darryl Robinson (Derrick Lewis), Joe (Esteban Cueto), and Rebecca Jones (Brooke Ence). He introduces himself, calling himself their new boss and telling them to sit down.


Lynn watches news footage about Cape Guy and Odell remarks that it’s a shame. She comments that it proves Freeland is a dangerous place for people with powers and asks if has any leads on the kidnapped pod kids. He tells her he has nothing, and Lynn speculates that the kids could have been killed in the transfer.


Tobias asks Jace how the pod kids are doing, and she tells them that they’re doing better. He asks how long before they can be awakened, and Jace speculates it could be soon. Tobias is excited about the prospect, declaring that he’ll shove his victory down the throats of everyone who stood in his way.


Jefferson asks why Gambi is focused on Todd’s death, and Gambi speculates that he was involved in a break-in that involved the transfer of pods and explains that Todd was most likely linked to Tobias. Jefferson questions how they’re going to find the pods with their only lead dead, but Gambi explains that he’s attempting to locate the pods by sensing the radiation. Jennifer struggles with putting on her suit, and Jefferson remarks that parenting is getting more difficult in Freeland. Gambi assures him that there’s no parenting book for his situation and tells him he’s doing a good job.


Lala (William Catlett) visits the mysterious man (Michael Wright), who is attempting to resurrect a possum. Lala tells him about his experience with Jefferson, declaring there’s nothing but pain in this life. The man asks who he blames for that and Lala blames Tobias. The man tells him that Tobias killed Lady Eve, and that she taught him what he knows. He explains there’s been a hole in his heart since she died and agrees with Lala’s suggestion that Tobias is better off dead.


Gambi explains to Jennifer what she needs to do for the test and tells her to signal him if she gets uncomfortable. Gambi starts the test and assures Jefferson he’s taken every precaution, including special gloves in case she overheats. Jefferson remarks that he never thought they’d be doing this when Jennifer was a baby and Gambi declares the test a success. As Gambi shows Jennifer the rest of her suit, Jefferson reminisces about Jennifer’s childhood. Jennifer recognizes the nostalgic look in his eyes, but he insists he was thinking about going to lunch.


At lunch, Jennifer tells Jefferson that his code of rules makes sense in every regard except when it comes to Tobias. She points out that all their problems have been caused by him, but Jefferson insists it doesn’t matter. Jefferson states that the bible says it’s not their decision to make, and Jennifer counters that the bible also says an eye for an eye. He admits that he still doesn’t understand why God gave him his powers, but he does understand that he doesn’t decide who lives or dies as that path leads to darkness.


Anissa tells Gambi what she’s encountered in her search for Grace and mentions that the man’s eyes changed color. Gambi suggests she’s dealing with a shapeshifter, and that his true form could be an animal. He asks if the eyes looked human, and questions what he wants with Grace. Anissa assures him she never told Grace about her powers, and he promises that Grace will find her way back to her if she really loves her.


Lynn tells Wendy (Madison Bailey) that she’s arranged a meeting with Perenna to help her. She asks Wendy if she’s nervous about going back into Freeland, and Wendy admits that everything she knew thirty years ago is gone. Lynn empathizes with her and tells her that she can choose if she wants to use her powers or not. She tells Wendy she can be anything she wants and offers her support. Wendy appreciates that she stayed despite Odell, and Lynn assures her it’ll be okay.


The mysterious man gives Lala a gun but tells him that no gun is more powerful than him. He reminds him that he can be resurrected, promising that the cycle of dying and being resurrected will be worth it. The man tells Lala that he’s going to do great things, but Lala tells him that he just wants to rest. The man promises he’ll feel better if he kills Tobias and Lala takes the gun with him.


Marcus Bishop (Hosea Chanchez) refuses to practice fighting Joe, but Tobias warns him he’s no match for Black Lightning and Thunder at the moment. Cutter stabs Bishop as he lunges forward and tells Tobias she’s saving him. She tells Jace to patch Bishop up and tells Tobias that the blood loss will teach him a lesson. Tobias and Cutter kiss passionately before leaving together.


Lynn watches news footage of Cape Guy’s murder, and calls Jennifer. She makes sure Jennifer is okay and asks if she can talk to Wendy. Jennifer jokes that Pinterest can help update her wardrobe but realizes that Lynn wants her to discuss having powers. As Odell observes from the cameras, Jennifer makes a comment about being a weirdo, and Lynn assures her she’s not. Jennifer agrees to talk to Wendy, and Lynn promises to orchestrate the meeting in a way that doesn’t reveal her identity.


Tobias, Cutter, and Jace debate which meta to use for their plan, and they decide on Joe. Odell and two ASA agents approach Lynn, and tells her that they’re there to train Wendy. Lynn reminds him that they almost killed her last time and refuses to let them near Wendy. Odell argues that Wendy’s skills can be useful, but Lynn argues that Wendy will return to a normal life and then decide if she wants to be a weapon for the ASA. After a tense standoff, Odell agrees to wait.


Anissa tells Jennifer what she found in her search of Grace, and Jennifer questions if she was high. Anissa insists that it’s what she saw and replays memories of Grace and the incident at the apartment to realize that Grace was the shapeshifter. She realizes that Grace ran because she thought Anissa wouldn’t accept her as a meta, and Jennifer urges her to find Grace and tell her about her powers.


Tobias records a video advertising metahuman soldiers on the dark web as Joe demonstrates his abilities in the streets of Freeland. Gambi sends Black Lightning the video and they try to figure out the next location. Gambi sees that Councilman Kwame Parker (Eric C. Lynch) is giving a speech, and Joe approaches the podium before lighting Parker on fire.


Gambi watches as Joe heats up a series of pipes in an abandoned area and determines that they’re gas pipes.  He reports that houses in Freeland are catching on fire, and Black Lightning tells him Jennifer is home alone. Black Lightning wraps Joe up with his lightning and throws him across the room. They punch each other and Black Lightning puts up a force field as Joe shoots fire at him.


Thunder arrives and knocks Joe down with her motorcycle. Tobias observes as Joe fights Black Lightning and Thunder, and Jace urges him to tells Joe to retreat. Tobias refuses, but Jace warns him that he can’t sell a dead meta. Tobias reluctantly agrees, and Cutter tells Joe to retreat. Black Lightning stops Thunder from going after Joe, and Tobias throws his desk across the room in frustration.


Black Lightning declares that they need to cool the gas pipes down, and Jennifer asks how long she has to stay as Gambi brings her into the lab. Gambi reports to Black Lightning that Jennifer is with him and tells him that he’s located Tobias. He tells him he’s going to watch over the location until he arrives and promises Jennifer he’ll be back soon. After he leaves, Jennifer uses her powers to power Gambi’s screen and see Tobias’ location.


Jace defends her decision to retreat and thanks Tobias for meeting with her in private. She tells him Cutter is too possessive, and that she learned the hard way that sometimes it’s best to retreat. Jace declares that she’s smarter than pretty much everyone but that she lacks his genius for survival. She declares they make a good team, but Tobias tells her that he’s not impressed and that he appreciates Cutter’s possessiveness.


Black Lightning reports that they’re close to cooling down the pipes and stopping the fires, and promises he’ll be on his way to Gambi’s location soon. Lala points his gun at Cutter, demanding to know where Tobias is. She asks who he is, but he doesn’t answer. Cutter throws her knives at him, but he tells her he can’t die and shoos at her. She runs away and he pulls the knives out of his body before continuing his pursuit.


Tobias punches one of the pods in frustration, and Jace points out that he’s destroying his own merchandise. He replies that a loudmouth white woman is the only thing worse than a loudmouth black person, urging her to keep her mouth shut. Cutter approaches them and tells them they’re being pursued by someone unkillable.


Lynn watches news footage of the fires, and Odell tells her that her neighborhood is now safe. She thanks him, and he comments that Freeland is lucky to have Black Lightning and Thunder. Lynn agrees, and he tells her to have a good night. As Gambi observes Tobias and Cutter exiting the building, he sees Jennifer jumping down at them in her suit and tells Black Lightning. He declares that the suit isn’t ready and goes to stop her. Tobias and Cutter drive away, and Jennifer falls to the ground as her suit overheats.

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