Chandler Massey – Aquarians
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) Please tell us the premise for the film Aquarians.
A) Aquarians is a drama about a seminary student named Danny who returns to his hometown and is compelled to reconnect with his estranged brother Jake (Shane Coffey).
Q) How was your character Danny originally described to you?
A) Mild-mannered, clean-cut, slightly bumbling but sweet.
Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t initially scripted for you?
A) I made him a little more introverted and reflective, someone who is slightly uncomfortable with social interaction.
Q) What kind of research did you do in order to get into character?
A) I spent some time at a seminary in Milwaukee to better understand what life there entails.
Q) Did you and Shane Coffey get to spend much time before filming in order to develop that brotherly bond?
A) Yes, we actually stayed in the same house together for the entire production.
Q) What advice did director Michael M. McGuire offer during filming that you really took to heart?
A) Can’t remember specifics, but Mike always had a way of getting us to understand the heart of each scene and what was at stake.
Q) Talk about filming the preparation and process for filming the ice scene.
A) Preparation was the same for every scene, but we rehearsed the stunt a few times before filming it.
Q) What were some of your other most memorable moments from filming Aquarians?
A) Going through the ice, riding a bike around Marinette and giving a sermon to the church congregation.
Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching the movie?
A) I hope the takeaway is that life can be equal parts bitter and beautiful.
Q) You often take on dramatic roles. What is it about this genre that draws you to it?
A) I enjoy exploring the internal pain of human beings and that is usually more possible in dramas.
Q) We’ve really enjoyed seeing you on “Days of Our Lives.” What have you personally taken away from your time working on the show?
A) Thank you! I would say that soap operas are equal parts efficient business and creative storytelling and you have to be able to balance both to survive.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of the work that you do?
A) Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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