Chelsey James – The Men and the Boys
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) I’m definitely country with a rock edge. A lot of people compare some of my music to Carrie Underwood’s “Before He Cheats” days or even Jason Aldean’s sound. I love heavy hitting guitars and big power vocals. I’m a big classic rock fan, so I know some of that comes out in my own songs!
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) Carrie Underwood is definitely one of my biggest influencers. Musically, I tend to lean more to the rock side of country than she does now, but there’s a lot of things she can do that I strive for constantly. Her big power vocals, the energy she has on stage – it takes a lot of training and work to do what she does on stage. Of course, the other female legends like Reba, Martina and Faith have had a big impact on me as well. The epicness they all can bring to a performance is just something I’ve always wanted to be able to do. I LOVE bands like Journey and Shinedown as well.
Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “The Men and the Boys.”
A) So, I had a basic track from my producer, Mike Bailey. He showed it to me, and I knew immediately I wanted to write something to it. I took it to my friends Hunter Hathcoat and Oran Thornton and Oran threw out the phrase “what separates the men from the boys.” I immediately started thinking about all the times my girlfriends and I would go out to the bars in college and see nothing but wannabe country boys everywhere. In the song we call those “catalog cowboys.” (Lyric by Kenny Lamb) So, that’s what we wrote it about. Being surrounded by fake country boys wondering where all the real men went.
Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans (especially ladies) connect to?
A) I think we’ve all unfortunately dated (or will date) the type of “boy” that the song talks about. Real men are hard to find these days! We all have to date that boy who’s more into himself than you to appreciate the real man when he comes along (which, he will eventually for any ladies out there struggling!).
Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?
A) Because the lyrics paint a pretty specific picture, I wanted the video to play that story out. So, we have the “boy” character and the “real man” character play out this scene where the real man eventually swoops in and saves me from the terrible pick-up lines the guy is feeding me! We also have some professional dancers in the video, which I think is so cool!
Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?
A) It can happen either way for me honestly. Most of my song ideas come while I’m driving for some reason, usually a title or a melody. Just a little piece of something. If it sticks in my head long enough, that’s when I know I need to write a full song from that little piece. Once I have a solid idea, I usually take it to some friends for a co-write. If it’s something I really connect to, the lyrics can come out of me pretty quickly. I’ve had songs take an hour and some songs take months to finish. I try not to force things too much. I truly feel like when a song is ready to come out, it just will, so I don’t stress a lot on the timeline. I always want it to be the best it can be.
Q) Kenny Lamb assisted on production with this song, but how much of hand do you have in producing your music?
A) Rarely do I sit in the studio and listen to every little sound on each beat that a producer builds in as part of a track. However, I usually know what I want the feel of the song to be, so I send songs from other artists if I like how a guitar or some other instrument sounds in it. No joke, sometimes I just make fake guitar noises myself if I can’t find a good example of a sound I need! I usually give a lot of input at the beginning and then let the experts do their thing. They never disappoint. If something really sticks out to me, we find a new sound or riff, but usually, I’m so, so happy with what my producer and the live musicians come up with within that vibe I outline.
Q) Will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?
A) I actually plan to put out a new single about every three months for quite a while. June is the target for the upcoming single!
Q) With concerts currently on hold, what do you miss most about being on stage?
A) For me, live shows are the best part about this job. There’s just nothing else that compares to the feeling of being on a stage and connecting with the audience. I love getting off stage feeling like I just made hundreds or thousands of new friends! When shows start happening again, I think that connection will be even stronger than it was before COVID. Live music is a very powerful thing!
Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?
A) Anytime I can play in Springfield, Missouri, which is very close to my home, I’m just so comfortable and relaxed onstage because I know the crowd is filled with friends and family. It’s nice to perform for people who already love you! Much less pressure! [smiles]
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) HARDY and/or Carrie Underwood.
Q) What album/artist are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?
A) HARDY. He’s really bringing this new flair and sound into country music. He’s got this way of making music that leans so heavy into rock, but his voice is so country that no matter what he sings to, it feels like genuine country music. Not many people have that ability! His songs are so catchy, and I can’t stop listening!
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) I definitely did not realize the importance of social media until the pandemic. This past year has taught me that I need to put more effort into connecting with fans online, and not just in my live shows. I mean, there are people out there who may never get to actually come to a live show, but I can still connect with them and have them as a part of the CJ family because of social media. It’s been an adjustment learning to put more time and effort into that part of my business, but I’m loving getting to connect with people all over the world and getting to share my music that way.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Just the BIGGEST thank you. It still blows my mind that with all of the music out there in the world, there are people who choose to listen to something I’ve created. This past year has been tough on everyone, and I’ve really been able to lean on the support I’ve felt through social media to keep me going! I just hope I can continue to put out music that people can enjoy and are proud of. All I ever want to do is make music that moves people.
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