
Cooper Phillips – Not Perfect

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) What were some challenges you faced while creating “Not Perfect?”


A) I had no issues when I was writing this song. The concept spoke to my state of mind so quickly so the entire song came together in one hour.


Q) What is it about this song that makes it so significant/special to you?


A) It’s literally what I was going through last couple of years. The doubt in me was strong. I had no idea who I was as an artist and I was afraid to experiment. I was looking for the approval in my music. Then, I figured that nobody loves my perfect music and people want to see real person.


Q) There is a sense of strength and empowerment to this song saying “we are enough.” What drives that optimism of yours? 


A) I think the stretch we all have within is what inspired me. We go outside to find it but it’s living deeply inside of us.


Q) With such intense subject matter in your music, how do you shake off a long day in the studio?


A) I love being in the studio and time flies for me. Writing and creating in the studio became my most comfortable place and I’m losing track of time. Some of my sessions start early and when I leave the studio, I can’t figure out why it’s dark outside.


Q) Will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?


A) Yes, I’m currently working on an album. I’m so excited to inspire my fans.


Q) How do you feel social media has affected you as an artist and do you feel a deeper attachment to it during the time of COVID-19?


A) I defiantly realized so many important things during these times. For me and my music, these pandemic times were very productive. I discovered many answers and wrote so many songs about it.


Q) Do you currently have a new album or EP in the works? If so, what and when can we expect to hear on this upcoming project?


A) I hope to release the album in September.


Q) What would you say to other women who want to get into the music industry?


A) Just do it. Follow your heart. Express yourself.


Q) With COVID-19 suspending all concerts until further notice, have you given any thought to potentially doing a live-stream concert for your fans?


A) Yes, I’ll definitely do it sometime soon


Q) If I were to take a look at your current playlist, who would I find you listening to?


A) I love classical music and gospel. Right now, I listen to a lot of Usher. My taste is all over the place.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your music?


A) Thank you for being supportive and inspired me to keep going.





Listen to “Not Perfect”


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