Daryl Edwards – Manifest
By: Ashlee Dell’Arciprete
Q) The Season 3 finale was shocking to say the least. Were you just as shocked as all of us were?
A) It was pretty much kept under wraps. At a certain point, production had to let the rest of the cast know what was happening and, yeah, it was pretty shocking.
Q) What can we expect for Vance this season and where do we pick up with him after the two-year time jump?
A) We pick up with Vance doing what he does best, protecting the passengers, and working with Sanvi (Parveen Kaur) to investigate the various mysteries surrounding Flight 828. Last year his operations were based at the top-secret Eureka facility. This year he operates out of a clandestine location called “The Bird’s Nest.” We’ll also learn some surprising details of Vance’s personal life.
Q) What challenges will Vance and the 828’rs be facing this season?
A) Without giving too much away, let’s just say that Vance will be forced to choose sides and burn bridges. Frankly, it’s hard to see how he comes back from the choices he makes this season.
Q) Were there any changes with the series being moved to Netflix?
A) The biggest difference for me is the fact that Netflix has a global reach. Telling a story to a worldwide audience is so gratifying. I was in Times Square today and was pleasantly surprised when two German tourists stopped me and asked, “Excuse me, Vance?”
Q) Which costar(s) were you looking forward to working with more this season then you had in the past?
A) I haven’t worked much with Olive (Luna Blaise) or Cal (Ty Doran) in the past. I have some amazing scenes with them this season. I was blown away by their talent. Working with them was an actor’s dream.
Q) Will we explore Vance’s personal life at all this season?
A) Indeed, we do. Once again, without giving too much away, I think you’ll see a new and surprising side of Vance.
Q) How did older Cal (Ty Doran) fit in with the rest of the cast? Was there an instant bond with everyone?
A) Not only did he fit in, Ty is deeply loved by both cast & crew. Aside from his talent, he’s just a great human being with a terrific sense of humor. A real joy to be around.
Q) What has been your most enjoyable part to playing Vance?
A) All of it! Every season, every scene. Playing a smart, resourceful spymaster is a dream come true.
Q) Is there an episode you’re excited for fans to get to see this season?
A) Keep an eye out for episode 416 in part two.
Q) What are you going to personally take away from your time working on “Manifest” – as far as mementos and memories?
A) Working on “Manifest” has been the most satisfying experience of my professional career in part because of the role, but mostly because of our amazing cast and crew. I think these new friendships will stay with me forever, that and maybe a few props.
Q) What is next for you after “Manifest?”
A) Vacation [smiles] Hopefully, I’ll make it to Iceland in the next few months.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and your work on this special show?
A) Our fans brought this show back. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity you gave us. You’re all in for a treat on November 4! Thank you, love you, fasten your seatbelts!
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