daysormay – MODERATION
By: Karen Steinberg
Q) How did you come to collab with Chin Injeti for the new single “SIMMER.”
Nolan: We’ve known Chin for almost ten years now which is crazy, but we had never done a ton of work together, until we were posting stuff on Instagram in May 2022 from a writing trip in Robert’s Creek, BC. He hit us up saying he had a couple of days booked in the studio and wanted to invite us to come. In those two days we finished “SIMMER” and another track off MODERATION called “EVERYBODY,” and it was like, “Oh, this is the guy we have to do the album with.”
Q) The single has been getting some high praise. What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?
Nolan: For me, I think it’s just because we feel like we’re being honest with ourselves and trying to not overthink everything in the same way we used to and I think people listening can hear that, too.
Q) When it comes to collaborations like this, what is your song writing process? Do you flesh out the music and then come together to work out lyrics?
Nolan: It’s different every time but with “SIMMER” in particular Carson and I made a beat that we named “thisfucks.” Aidan was working on something in another room and he heard what we were doing and recorded the chorus. From there it was basically arranging and messing around with verse melodies over the course of a few months. Then, the session with Chin tied it all together
Q) “SIMMER” is the first track off your upcoming full-length album MODERATION. What can you tease are some themes you’ll be exploring on this?
Nolan: The title of the album definitely clues into the themes on lyrical level. On a musical level, we wanted to make something that was loud and aggressive. There are some slower and quieter songs on the album since we couldn’t really avoid that, but I think overall the idea was to not do too much to a song and just let it be what it is without adding anything unnecessary
Q) Both the song and the album titles are capitalized. What is the significance behind this duality?
Aidan: The all-caps just felt like it matched the vibe of the album. In my opinion it simplifies, it’s bolder and it’s direct.
Q) Is there a specific song (or songs) from MODERATION that holds a special place in your heart and what makes them so significant for you?
Nolan: I mean to be honest all of them are special to me, but if I were to pick one it might be “EVERYBODY.” When we finished the first iteration of that song I was holding back tears because I felt like the lyrics were so honest and beautiful. To hear your lifelong friend sing something so beautiful that he wrote is a very profound experience. So, yeah, that song will always be special to me.
Q) There is a live show planned to support the album’s release. Which of the tracks off the album are you able to share that you’re looking forward to beginning performing live?
Aidan: Super excited to play some of these songs live for the first time, but I’m really looking forward to figuring out how to play “IN BUT NOT OF” live, and a song called “BUZZING,” too.
Nolan: We’ve played “AUTO” live a few times and I’m so excited to share it with more people. It’s the loudest and most distorted track on the album and I’ve always wanted to play a song with the kind of energy it has.
Carson: “AUTO” is definitely a drum moment and the time I can let loose with whatever I’m feeling. So, that one is basically therapy for me.
Q) Is there any chance for Chin Injeti to join you in playing “SIMMER” live at any of your upcoming shows?
Aidan: Maybe! You’ll have to come and see.
Nolan: Word
Q) What do you hope lingers with listeners who explore this new album as a whole – whether as an emotion or message?
Aidan: I don’t know if there’s any specific feeling that should stay with people. This is more an album of me figuring myself out and working through things from my childhood that I never processed. In my opinion, the album gradually moves from a narrow, self-centered POV to a wider, more empathetic perspective, but ultimately, I want to leave the message up to the listener’s interpretation.
Nolan: I just feel so thankful to be able to share something we feel so proud of that has a lot of really honest writing so whatever people make of it, I’m happy with that. This album shares a piece of ourselves with the world and I hope that can be felt.
Carson: Authenticity is what we want to convey with this album. We really allowed ourselves to just sound like ourselves, and own it 100%. It can be scary to do but is so much for fulfilling because before the music comes out you’ve already achieved exactly what you wanted.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
Nolan: Thank you for sticking with us and thank you for helping in the cause. We literally wouldn’t be here without every single person supporting us.
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