
Dear White People – Volume 2: Chapter IV

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By: Malasha Parker



The episode opens with Abigail (Sheridan Pierce) voicing her problems at Winchester and living in Armstrong-Parker’s dormitory to Coco (Antoinette Robertson). The narrator (Giancarlo Esposito) says that Coco was having her best week ever. Abigail continues to tell her story of how her roommate, Keisha, was blasting Beyonce’s “Lemonade” and her Emily Bronte essay turned into Beyonce lyrics. James (Nicholas Anthony Reid) interrupts to say that it’s time for CORE to begin, but Coco tells him to stop because, “Ain’t nobody ever talked to Abigail.”


The narrator begins to tell the story of how in 1947 a personal library for one of Winchester’s first black students was founded– where they documented of Winchester’s slaves and the its early black students. It also detailed the ones that could and could not be trusted. This led to the formation of BSU. 1971– Jeanette Daniels left the BSU after years of not having black female voices heard. This lead to the formation of the Coalition for Racial Equality. It became the only recognized and funded racial group at Winchester.


Coco explains what Abigail asking for Keisha to put headphones in actually means– It’s about asking for her silence. Coco is then seen talking to her mother on the phone in the courtyard. Her mom recounts some events going on in her town and when Coco tries to begin a conversation about something going on with her, her mother ignores her. Muffy (Caitlin Carver) walks up and Coco abruptly ends the phone call. Muffy starts relaying some questions for Coco from the white residents of A-P. Brooke wants to know since her hair is curly can she use the word “nappy” and Alex wants to know what’s the deal with black people and the word “ask?”


They walk into the A-P watching Carson Rhodes (Tyler James Williams) as he discusses racial issues. Coco mentions how Sam wants to bring him to Winchester saying that the school is already chaotic enough and somebody’s got to keep the peace. She says since Troy isn’t there that it leaves her and she hopes all of her efforts will pay off. Muffy mentions Pegasus and how they have eyes everywhere. Coco then says she has to get in because she wants to become a Senator or she’ll.


Kelsey (Nia Jervier) is decorating the room and telling Coco about how doing this will help keep her mind off of Sorbet being dognapped. While she’s talking, Coco is laying in the bed and not caring about the conversation. Kelsey asks about Coco’s mood and mentions that she may be pregnant. When Coco pops up out of the bed, Kelsey catches on that she is in fact pregnant because she’s eating red licorice that she previously said tasted like “plastic bananas.” Coco denies it, but Kelsey catches her continuously glancing at the trashcan and eventually dives towards it to reveal its contents– its a pregnancy test! In shock, Kelsey asks how this happened because she seems so uptight and has a strict regimen. Coco says that she does in fact have flaws and that Troy is the other player in her pregnancy. Kelsey laughs at a joke Coco makes about her acts with Troy and Kelsey ignores the part about using condoms. Coco explains how she really should use condoms and Kelsey says that she’s a lesbian. Coco asks if she’s coming out to her, but Kelsey says that she’s been out and that Coco is too self-absorbed and “the only time she listens to anyone else talk is when she’s preparing a counterargument.” She tries to counter the argument, but Kelsey butts in and begins to talk about Coco’s situation. Coco says she doesn’t have the bandwidth for any of this because she has so many other things going on but Kelsey tells her she has to deal with it. Kelsey asks if she’s talked to anyone like her mother or if she’s going to tell Troy.


We then see Troy (Brandon Bell) in his room playing games while Coco enters. She starts to confess what’s going on with her, but instead she asks him to officially resign from CORE so that she can take over as president. She then goes to CORE to tell them the news and pitches herself to be the new chair. While they’re discussing this Lionel (DeRon Horton) tries to get a comment on an AltIvyW situation, but gets quickly dismissed by Coco. Coco continues to pitch that she should be the chair and asks for a show of hands on who should be the new chair and they all agree that it should be Coco.


Coco is getting dressed in front of the mirror as a multiple people text her about their issues. She pictures herself with a baby bump, when Kelsey comes into the room. Kelsey senses Coco’s bad mood and then gives her a traditional Caribbean drink. She then starts rubbing her feet and voicing some things that pregnant women should do according to her Trini traditions. While Kelsey continues on her tips, Coco’s mind fades away.


Her and Muffy are walking down the steps and she voices her opinions of them not getting into Pegasus. They pop to the scene of the BSU and CORE listening to the Dear Right People podcast where they’re talking about an email that Coco allegedly sent out. Lionel says he tried to tell her, but she made him “scat.” Sam (Logan Browning) says what would they gain from this. They get an alert that The Bugle ran with it and says that’s probably the reason she didn’t get tapped by Pegasus. Sam says that they need help and the only way to do that is to bring Carson Rhodes to Winchester and when she asks why CORE, Sam says it’s the only Black Caucus group with funding. Sam says, “You do realize the only people you’re listening to are your white friends,” and Coco just replies that, “With the climate the way that it is, I can’t have civil unrest going down on my watch.” Coco says she’ll look over the numbers and quickly tries to leave. Lionel rushes after her, but instead of answering his question Coco vomits on him.


Coco is in her room looking up abortion options when Kelsey comes in overing to give her more tea. She tells Kelsey she’s scared and that she only has two options. She’ll either get the abortion or go home to be alone. Kelsey says that she isn’t alone because she has her. She says that she came to college to “take everything the world denied my mother and dared to deny me.” Kelsey says that having the baby could help her take the focus away from herself.


Coco is signing the check-in sheet at the doctor’s office when she tells Kelsey that she wants to leave. She goes to Troy’s dorm to tell him the news and he begins to freak out about her having a child. She tells him that he needs to get in a place so that he can help her. She packs her bags, but before she can leave A-P we see Samhas caught her in the hall to say an official goodbye. She leaves Winchester and it moves eighteen years later.


Coco is at work and her daughter walks in excited to tell her about her acceptance to Winchester. Troy, Penelope and Coco are going on a tour of Winchester and Penelope walks in to take it all in. Coco expresses how she’s worried about her daughter and gives her some words of encouragement to her.


In the present, Coco and Kelsey are still in the waiting room and the nurse is calling for Coco Conners. Kelsey asks what she’s going to do and Coco says, “Right here,” as she walks down the hall towards the doctor.

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