
EMM – 11

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?


A) I want my music to be a place where my fans feel brave and remember how badass they are. So, that translates in a lot of ways musically – I love really anthemic, chanty choruses. I love boom-bap drums and rolling basses. I love horns. I love vocals and lyrics that cut to the core. And my background is in classical music, so I love musicality and dynamics. I fall somewhere between alternative and pop, with hints of soul and rock, depending on the song.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) People like Freddie Mercury, Prince, Beyonce, Muse and Janet Jackson… the list is long because I pull from so many different genres and artists. But I aspire to be a great performer, so the legendary live performers are usually my favorite artists.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “11”?


A) I don’t write very much about love and relationships for my new music. I got all that out on my mixtape in 2016. But I really wanted to express this story because it’s so important for my fans to know their worth. In the song, I’m talking to a guy that cheated on me and then endlessly harassed me to date him again after I dumped his lame ass. I blocked him on everything, and he would still find ways to contact me because he didn’t respect my “no.” Sometimes people will stay in relationships forever because they’re waiting on someone to mature and they end up wasting a ton of time and regretting it. I wrote “11” about intentionally not giving any time or desire to someone who clearly doesn’t respect me – because I deserve better and so do my fans.


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?


A) I see way too many of my friends deal with behaviors in relationships that they shouldn’t have to deal with. I want to remind them that it’s okay (and GOOD!) to demand the best for yourself.  A lot of girls have written me to tell me that they felt obligated or guilty in their relationships if they left a toxic partner. I remember being a teenager and feeling like I if I wasn’t loving my boyfriend unconditionally, I wasn’t doing enough. But because I felt obligated to love him “unconditionally,” I allowed myself to be walked all over. I never stopped it because I thought that was “love.”But I learned that you have to love yourself unconditionally first. And if “loving” your partner violates you loving yourself, it’s not the real thing. And the real thing is out there! So, I don’t settle for the knock offs.


Q) How will the video for the track play into the message behind it?


A) Ask me that in four weeks and I will have a better answer for you!


Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) It really just depends on the song. I have lists of concepts and lyrics in my phone and I have tons of musical ideas in my voice recordings, so it just depends what my collaborators and I get inspired by that day.


Q) We know you’re a music producer, but how much of hand do you have in the production of your own music?


A) I’m an extremely involved, opinionated artist. For my mixtape in 2016 I wrote, produced, recorded, performed and mixed everything. For the music I made in 2017/2018, I wanted to expand my knowledge and learn from people whose strengths were my weaknesses. I found Taylor Wilzbach. He is incredible with drums, sonics and sound choices. He knows my taste because we’ve created so much together. For some songs we do all the production together, and for others, he has laid out the idea when I show up and we just change a few things.


Q) What can fans expect from a live EMM performance?


A) I don’t want to say too much, but I’m going to make sure it’s an


Q) Will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?


A) I’m not sure yet. I have plenty of music to put out an album but I’m having a lot of fun dropping songs one by one.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?


A) The Viper Room will always be special to me because I did my first show there. The LA clubs are all special for different reasons – but I really enjoy singing in arenas just because the energy is so amazing.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) Drake.


Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?


A) I have been living on Muse’s new album Simulation Theory, since it came out. They are incredible musicians and I love that they aren’t scared to think outside the box.


Q) As an advocate for women, how can we work on expanding perspectives and amplifying female voices having a say within the music industry?


A) About 5% of music producers are female so it’s really important to highlight that aspect of my work. I also fund my own business completely and maintain creative control. I think a lot of women have to give up their control and vision to walk through the doors that the big labels open. Most female artists feel pressure to appease this crazy societal standard that artists have to be young and fit and “flawless” and I’m just not buying it. So, I talk a lot about that in my work. Another thing that’s really important is implementing more female voices in leadership positions at the labels, publishers and places where decisions are made.


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) I love talking to my fans because I get to see what’s going on in their lives and keep up with them. I’ve become friends with so many of my fans from social media. They show me so much love and it helps me be brave. And I get to remind them how incredible they are every day.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) I love you. I’m so thankful for you. Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for listening to my music. I promise I’m always going to do the best that I can possibly do for you. And I can’t wait to meet you and give you giant hugs at my shows!


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