
Fiona Rene – I Know What You Did Last Summer

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By: Maggie Stankiewicz



Q) What initially drew you to the role of Lyla in Amazon’s “I Know What You Did Last Summer” reboot? 

A) I mean, first, I love horror and I love a powerful, no bullshit, female character— I’d like to explore more roles like Lyla Kalei… Who is more like me than I had initially realized… Lyla is always doing her best but her personal needs sometimes get in the way…

Q) How was the character first described to you? 

A) Initially, it really just said police chief in her 30s, which gives you an idea of her work ethic, determination and passion. But as I auditioned with the oral sex scene…I knew very quickly there was a lot more to her passions than just doing her job.

Q) Every character in “I Know What You Did Last Summer” has a secret to hide or dubious intentions. Was it hard for you to decide who is good as who is bad throughout the entire season? 

A) A hundred percent, but I think it was for the best.  Not sure if you know, but the majority of the cast didn’t know who the killer was until the end of shooting, which was perfect for my character — it kept me on my toes for sure.

Q) Did you have any reservations about playing a significant role in the reboot of a beloved film franchise? 

A) Y’know, I think before being cast in “IKWYDLS,” I was a little jaded in regard to reboots but being a part of this project has really changed my mind. Although we are using the same premise of a group of high schoolers accidentally getting involved in a murder on graduation night which comes back to haunt them, the rest of the story is completely fresh and new and it’s of its own time.

Q) Lyla’s relationship with Bruce is complicated. We’ve seen their relationship have an emphasis on the physical side of things. Is there the potential for more between them? 

A) Well, we see in episode 7 that Bruce (Bill Heck) and Lyla “go legit” — but what that really means for them, I think, is still up in the air…If she lives, I’d like to think it gets serious and a little sticky…. Well, emotionally😂😂😂

Q) Lyla is in a little over her head when it comes to dealing with this group of teens and their homicidal stalker. What can we expect to see from her as she navigates these uncharted waters? 

A) Lyla really has to walk the line with her personal connections to the families and doing her job to the best of her ability. I think audiences can really resonate how professional work can be affected by personal relationships. I’d also like to think that she really relies on her deputy and team but doesn’t want to admit it.

Q) How do you shake off a long day of filming such dark and gruesome scenes? 

A) I’ve always really LOVED horror and gore. If you stick me in front of streaming service and ask me what movie I wanna watch… It will usually always be a horror, so I never really felt the need to decompress from “dark content.” To be totally honest, I quit smoking marijuana in the middle of COVID and I don’t really drink, but like anyone –after a long day of work/ shooting— I need to relax, and I love sitting in a hot tub — or a good massage — or both.

Q) If you had to put your trust in one character from “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” who would it be and why? 

A) I mean…Initially…Bruce. Of course!!!!  He’s been through so much and still does so well keeping it all together… But now that we’ve reached the end of the season… I feel like the only person I could trust is my deputy Kalama (Victoria Schmidt).

Q) In the real world, do you think you have what it takes to be a Final Girl? 

A) I mean, c’mon, HELL YEAH!! In real life, I think I have what it takes to be not only the final girl, but maybe even the killer…[laughs] Kidding.  But, yes, I think I’d easily Be a girl last standing…my good friends and I always joke about what would happen if there was a zombie apocalypse…And we always agree, I’d live.

Q) Are you currently working on any other projects? 

A) “Lincoln Lawyer” comes out in January 2022, and I’ve got a game on PS4/5 releasing in 2022 as well… It’s really cool, it’s an interactive episodic game, and as you beat levels… You unlock music videos and more story. Lastly, I’m also shopping my own show starting in January, a dark comedy in the world of haunted houses… So looking forward to that!

Q) What would you like to say to viewers and fans of your work? 

A) Honestly, please, just love and accept the character of YOU… No matter my color or my size or how I’m feeling, the one thing that I’ve learned playing “myself” inside of so many different roles…is that “myself” has to be ENOUGH.

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