Gabby Gabanna – PGSLTM
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) How would you describe your sound?
A) A very eccentric mix of southern and up north type of feel. I have a raspy voice but also very country, so I think my sounds is different from others
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
A) Nicki Minaj, Kevin Gates, Lil’ Wayne. I like music that speaks to me, and I love when people put their lives in their music to give people things to relate to
Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “PGSLTM.”
A) “PGSLTM” is actually a Part 2 to my song “PSLTM.” That was the first song I ever pushed and did a video. It did so good I wanted to remake it into something better. When I did the first part, I was young and wasn’t as lyrical as I am now. I wanted to recreate it and see what I could come up with
Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?
A) I think fans will connect to the point I’m trying to make in the song. Pretty doesn’t have to be a surface level thing. You don’t have to be necessarily pretty in the face to be a pretty girl who loves trap music. Being pretty is deeper than your looks.
Q) You co-directed the video for “PGSLTM” with Kevin “Surf” Mitchell. Where did the concept for it come from? (#bossbabe)
A) I wanted to keep the video PG (kinda sorta) but still get that trap feel. So, I just thought like, “How am I going to do both?” And I thought, “Oh, why don’t we make it seem like I’m trapping candy?” Still kinda kiddy but an adult aspect of “trapping.”
Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?
A) My song writing process is I just write. It’s kind of like telling a story. I can write a whole song with no music at all. It starts out as an idea of how I’m feeling at a particular time. I write down the story and then go back and make it into a song adding words taking out words making it into a song format.
Q) How much of hand do you have in the production of your music?
A) I like to be fully involved in the production of my music I know what moves people and I know certain things people will like and want I’m around that age of most people that will listen to my music and I know what people will gravitate to and will not
Q) Will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?
A) Yesss there will be an album coming soon, probably around the first half of 2023
Q) You recently opened for Big Boogie. Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?
A) Honestly, performing is my favorite part about music. I’m a natural performer– it comes super easy to me. I will honestly say anywhere where there is a mic I’ll perform. But if I had to pick it’ll probably be New York. I remember performing there and then showing so much love it was amazing
Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?
A) Definitely Kevin Gates! I want to make a song about the problems we faced in childhood but make it bop enough to get club play as well
Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?
A) Right now, I’m listening to Rod Waves new album. I’ve been in this new creative process of wanting to rap about my pain and put my life in my music and his new album is definitely help me articulate that
Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?
A) It’s the best way to help. Everybody is on social media from kids to grandparents. People are always on social media so it’s a good way to connect with a large group of people at one time
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I would like to say to my fans and supporters thank you for rocking with me. None of this would be possible if it wasn’t for you! And remember PRETTY GIRLS STILL LOVE TRAP MUSIC
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