
Genneya Walton – Project MC2

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By: Jamie Steinberg


Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) The most recent project I’m on is season two and three of “Project MC2” on Netflix!


Q) Please tell us the premise of the show “Project MC2” and about your character Bryden.

A) The overall message of “Project Mc2” is that girls can be anything they want to be and accomplish anything as long as they put their mind to it. Relying on your own unique personality and brain means much more than looks ever will. Being smart and comfortable with who you are can get you so far in life and, most importantly, smart is the new cool.  My character Bryden, as well as the others, greatly contributes to the message in different ways. Bryden is the tech genius of the bunch and she is always up to date on the hottest trends on social media and newest gadgets. She too dabbles in making her own gadgets such as the banana piano circuit beats from season one! She is a super upbeat and fun character that loves expressing that energy through bright clothes, cool shoes and crazy long acronyms. I.H.Y.L.B.A.M.A.I.D!  (I hope you like Bry as much as I do!)


Q) What made you want to be a part of the show?

A) This show’s message hits home for me as it may for many other girls. As a girl, I know how hard it is these days to be influenced by media and the people around you. Sometimes one can feel like they aren’t enough because they don’t look a certain way or are greatly underestimated simply because they are a girl. I find that “Project Mc2” came at such a great time and assures girls that they are so much more than their looks or gender and that their intelligence is far more valuable hence the phrase, “Smart is the new cool.” I encourage you to not underestimate that phrase because it means so much more than that. Being cool is no longer about appearance or what objects one possess, but rather how they are as a person and what they have to offer to the world because of their brain. It also teaches them that they can do anything and being a girl should not stop them. In this time, girls are so often told otherwise and it is about time that we show everyone what we are truly made of. This message is so powerful and very much needed in this time and the opportunity to be a part of spreading this message was enough for me to want to be a part of the show.


Q) Was there anything you added to Bryden that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

A) To be completely honest I have not added anything. Bryden and I are very similar. So, I can pretty much say that she is just an amp’ed up version of me. One might say I added more energy to my tone, but other than that I greatly believe how Bryden is scripted is how she should remain.


Q) Did you have to do any research to be able to portray someone skilled at Science?

A) Science is my favorite subject so it comes pretty easily, though on occasion, this season I have researched further into the science behind some of the things we do to solve cases. I know all the information I possibly could on what I’m speaking about. It is awesome because I learn something new every day.


Q) What did you find challenging about the role? 

A) I find that figuring out a rhythm to my acronyms to be challenging sometimes.


Q) Was there instant chemistry when you and your castmates began working together? 

A) YES. Even in the audition room!  I remember the first day we all got together after booking it and we were in the MGA building laughing 24/7 and already had a ton of inside jokes that we still laugh at now. The laughs and great times happen on set every day. I expect us all to be life long friends.


Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Project MC2?”

A) OMG. I will never forget the first day of filming season one Ysa (Cam), Victoria (Adri), and I were doing the scene in the bushes looking into Mckeyla’s lab and Ysa tripped right as the scene started. We all tried so hard to keep our laughs in and finished the scene. Afterwards, we busted out laughing and couldn’t stop. Another one was filming the scene we shot the pink fluff on the sculpture. We did that in one take, if I am not mistaken, and the reaction you saw in the show was our genuine reaction. Afterwards we freaked out about how awesome it was. There are countless others and I could go on forever, but those are two of my favorites.


Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you will be receiving? 

A) Yes, I am looking forward to the feedback the supporters may give. I love hearing about what people think about the show. It gives us a great idea about what it is our supporters are stoked about and what they want to see next. It also lets us know what we can improve upon! We always want to do what we can to make the supporters happy. If we do that then I am the happiest person alive.


Q) Is there anything you want to be sure fans know about Bryden?

A) To give a little bit of a sneak peek into what you might see this season, I want the supporters to know that Bryden is a dancer, too!


Q) What do you think it is about the show that will make people tune in?

A) I think that people are drawn to the show because of the message and their desire to learn while having fun watching a few smart and unique girls solve cases and maybe even solve them with us as we go!


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