
Haley Pham – Call Me Candid

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By: Kemberlie Spivey



Q) At the age of nineteen years old you have taken over the digital world. How did you get into creating videos on YouTube?

A) I started taking my dad’s iPhone when I was ten years old to film my outfits and makeup. Then, I’d teach myself how to edit on the iMovie app! I kept making those videos until I could buy my first Macbook for my 13th birthday and then I learned how to use Final Cut Pro!

Q) What do you think it is about your videos that people have connected with so well?

A) I think other people my age saw a lot of themselves in me and perhaps it made them feel less alone or like they were growing up with someone by their side.

Q) What is the most challenging thing or something you found difficult when you first started out?

A) When I first started out, I was always sad that I wasn’t a teenager yet because I felt like no one wanted to watch a ten to twelve-year-old make videos.

Q) What inspired you to launch your business advice and motivational podcast “Call Me Candid” with Lilly Ann?

A) I knew that podcasting would be the perfect way to showcase the business side of my personality. Also, since I love listening to podcasts, I wanted to contribute to the space myself!

Q) Who is your dream guest to have on “Call Me Candid” and why?

A) Bob Goff! He is one of the biggest inspirations to me because of what he’s used his life to accomplish. He has dedicated everything to finding ways to make the world a better place and that is exactly what I want my future to look like.

Q) What do you hope people take away from tuning into it?

A) I hope I inspire people to find a sense of self belief and a confidence to pursue what their true desires are!

Q) What sets “Retro Reprise” Clothing Line apart?

A) I love that our brand is the only one I know of that is dedicated to the Memphis design pattern and style. Retro Reprise also offers a custom fit on each piece, which is really cool and differs from the average pieces you’d find in stores.

Q) What pieces have been your favorite to wear this year?

A) Crewnecks that fit with the perfect bagginess (that’s what inspired the Retro Reprise crewneck) as well as hair bandanas!

Q) How would you describe your fashion style?

A) Some days it is a basic teen trying to be edgy, some days it’s just sweats and crews with jewelry, and sometimes it’s just basic sweet girl dresses and blouses!

Q) When you aren’t working on things related to YouTube and your clothing line, what else do you like to do in your free time?

A) I love CrossFit, reading, Bible studying and hanging out with my friends of course!

Q) Why is social media such an important way for you to connect with your fans?

A) It is the only way they get to know me and I want to make as many of them feel seen as possible!

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?

A) Just one big fat THANK YOU! I am truly befuddled every morning that I wake up and someone still cares about the work I’m putting out, let alone the moments where I’m vulnerable and people share their stories with me. It pushes me forward to challenge my own boundaries and create something that will hopefully impact more lives.

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