Hot Freaks – Hot Freaks Forever
By: Jennifer Vintzileos
Q) How would you best describe your sound?
A) Indie pop bangers with quirky heartfelt lyrics
Q) Who are your Top 3 musical influences?
A) Beach Boys, Weezer, The Beatles
Q) Tells us the story behind your latest single “Boyfriend.”
A) “Boyfriend” is a swoony pop song similar to our previous songs “Girlfriend,” “I Want to Be Your Boyfriend” and “HSBF” (high school boyfriend). I feel like they are part of a series, little garage pop vignettes of idealized romance.
Q) You also recently shot a music video for “Let’s Start a Country.” How did you come up with the concept for the music video?
A) We thought doing a mock TED Talk style video would be a pretty fun way to capture the spirit of the song – by acting like starting a country is a realistic thing people could do, and this public speaker is going to break it down step by step.
Q) Since its release, what has been the overall reaction from fans and listeners to the single?
A) I think the reaction has been quite positive! It’s exciting to be able to tell our long-term listeners that we’re having a new LP after all these years.
Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need to have music before the lyrics come?
A) I’d say that the music almost always comes first as sort of the wet clay that can harden into form once a lyrical content is there. The music part is always pretty effortless compared to thinking of something to say!
Q) What message do you hope fans take away or lingers with listeners of the new album?
A) Life is a rollercoaster ride, both the ups and the downs can be fun.
Q) In addition to a new song, you’re also set to tour this Fall with The Happy Fits, Small Crush and Windser. Where are you most looking forward to performing with this tour and what makes it such a special place for you?
A) Hard to choose just one place, but I’m really excited to play the places that we’ve never been to before. One of the best benefits of being a musician is being able to travel, and of the eighteen shows that we are playing this fall we’ve only played to four of the cities before, so I think that’s going to be fun.
Q) If you could collaborate with anyone on a new project, who would you love to work with and why?
A) I’ve been really obsessed with the band Spymob lately. They were also from the MN area and they made a perfect album in their day – a high energy headphones masterpiece. Not saying that we have to collaborate but the music that they made is inspiring. [winks]
Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your music?
A) Thank you for listening and supporting us! I hope that we can keep this going and bring you albums and songs for years to come! [winks]
All Questions Answered By Leo Vondracek
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