Jackie Tohn – Best Leftovers Ever!
By: Kelly Kearney
Q) Congrats on your new hosting gig on Netflix’s “Best Leftovers Ever!” How did this delicious project land on your plate?
A) It really is delicious! I had a meeting with our amazing production company, The Magical Elves (the geniuses behind “Top Chef,” “Project Runway” and “Nailed It”) back in Sept of 2019. Once that went well, we had a follow-up meeting at Netflix and everything just clicked.
Q) What was it about this competition that made you want to sign on as host?
A) I have always wanted to host. It’s been a dream of mine since I started in this business. Add on top of that my deep and true love of leftovers and you have a match made in cooking show heaven. I was raised in a household where nothing was wasted. And I’m that friend out to dinner who takes everyone’s food home if they don’t want it. “You’re gonna throw that out? Are you nuts? Put it in with mine, please.”
Q) What was the audition process like for finding the best cook to create a leftover masterpiece?
A) I wasn’t involved in casting the chefs, but am so happy with who was cast. We really ended up with an incredible bunch of people who are great in the kitchen with great personalities.
Q) Would you say you are a creative leftover cook, or are you more of a takeout kind of eater?
A) I love both takeout and cooking at home with whatever I have left in the fridge. I can’t claim to be too creative with the Leftover Makeovers. For me, a big part of using all my leftovers is to reduce food waste – from an environmental perspective and also a pocketbook perspective. I don’t like to waste good food OR good money.
Q) After having a front row seat to some incredible leftover chefs, did you learn any low waste creative ideas that you now use in your everyday life?
A) In one episode, our cooks had to turn Diner Takeout (a burger and fries) into high end cuisine. One of my favorite simple tricks was when one of the chefs took the leftover burger and crumbled it into a Bolognese sauce. And turned the French fries into potato gnocchi! I haven’t tried making the gnocchi at home yet, but have used leftover meat in a sauce and can’t believe I didn’t think of it before now!
Q) With the holidays in full swing all of our refrigerators will be jam packed with leftovers. What is your favorite leftover creation to make or eat?
A) Rosemary [Shrager] (my fellow judge from “Best Leftovers Ever!”) recently taught me how to turn mashed potatoes into these delicious potato scones that you cook on the stovetop. What’s great about them is all you need is flour, a little salt, butter and the mashed potatoes. I also crumbled up some leftover veggie sausage and threw it in the mix. Then, you top the little potato cakes with scrambled eggs and you’re off to the races.
Q) What were some of the challenges the contestants faced while filming episodes?
A) One challenge the contestants faced was trying to do too much in a short time. They only have a half hour for round one and an hour for round two. So, sometimes they were better off doing less and focusing on perfecting that than doing too much and not nailing any of the components.
Q) There are so many cooking competitions on TV and streaming platforms, and everyone has their own favorites. What sets this competition apart from the rest?
A) There are a bunch of things that separate “Best Leftovers Ever!” from the rest. Our show is genuinely funny and joyful. There is no “mean judge” or catty contestants. It’s just three chefs trying their best and three judges supporting them while certainly giving honest feedback. Also, we are the only show with a focus on lessening food waste and the importance of not only using your leftovers, but also teaching the viewers at home how to repurpose food in a creative way. And the biggest difference of all: Our cooks wait in a massive Chinese food container while the judges deliberate. Do other shows have a human-sized Chinese food container? I think not. Ha.
Q) Let’s talk about the other Netflix series you starred in, “GLOW.” Fans of that show were devastated to learn the fourth and final season was canceled! What or who are you going to miss most about that show?
A) Man, oh man. It’s still gutting to think about how we won’t get to finish telling that story. “GLOW” completely changed my life. It changed how I look at myself and what I am capable of. It gave me back the strength and confidence I knew were inside me but had been dormant for a long time. And you know what? It gave me a NEW strength and confidence. And I will love those women forever. The work we did together and the support and love we showed each other every day added so much to my life. I never had a sisterhood like that before “GLOW.”
Q) What is next for you, Jackie? Do you have any other projects in the works?
A) Yes! I co-created an animated preschool musical series called “DO RE & MI” that airs on Amazon in the Spring of 2021. I also co-wrote all of the songs (one song per episode) for the show’s massive fifty-episode first season pickup. Kristen Bell and I executive produce the show and voice two of the three main characters. I get to wear a lot of hats on that one, so it’s been a real dream come true.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) Just thank you. I’ve been doing this for so long, it just feels so good to finally be at a place in my career where people (anyone) are aware of I’m doing and then liking it on top of that?! It’s just wild. I still have so many dreams and things I want to accomplish, but am so grateful for where I am. And follow me on Instagram @jackietohn to stay up to date on all the things.
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