Jenna von Oÿ – Cecil
By: Sammi Turano
Q) Please tell us the premise for the film Cecil.
A) Cecil is a sweet, comical story set in the 90’s. It’s about a fourth grader with a severe lisp who changes his name to Michael Jordan in order to cover up his speech impediment and avoid school ridicule.
Q) Was there anything you added to your character Lorrie that wasn’t originally scripted for you?
A) I always try to add a bit of sass to my roles, whenever possible! Jason London and I were able to do some fun improvisation together, so I’d like to think we both brought some additional comedy into the mix as well.
Q) Did the cast meet beforehand in order to develop the familial bond?
A) We didn’t. Fortunately, chemistry sometimes develops amidst the awkwardness of being thrown into a scene with actors with whom you’ve barely had an opportunity to discuss the weather.
Q) Talk about working with director Spenser Fritz.
A) Spenser is a sweetheart. He’s very soft-spoken, but he definitely knows his vision. He also knows his 90’s trivia, which was a must for this movie!”
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Cecil?
A) There was a particularly amusing scene during which some kids got to unload giant Super Soaker-style water guns on us as we drove past. They made sure to soak some of the crew while they were at it, too! It was also pretty memorable that I filmed this movie not long after I gave birth to my youngest daughter, Marlowe. Since we were on location for extended periods of time, she had to be on set with me every day. My mom came along to watch her while I filmed, but when a baby’s hungry nothing quite compares to having Mama around! I can’t tell you how many scenes probably have distant baby cries in the background. Oops!
Q) What message do you hope fans take away from the movie?
A) I think it’s crucial for each of us to appreciate our own uniqueness… whether that comes in the form of a lisp, a pronounced body feature, an affinity for less common hobbies, fast-talking or some other quirky personality trait that separates us from the crowd. I hope this movie reminds everyone that being unique is a beautiful thing that’s worth embracing.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you’ll receive to the movie?
A) Absolutely… It’s always fun to inspire everyone’s 90’s nostalgia!
Q) What are the other recent projects you have been busy working on?
A) Parenthood has definitely been my main focus over the last few years. It even prompted me to author and publish my book series, Situation Momedy, about the comedic trials and tribulations of being a mom.
Q) You’re a mom, actress and author. You’ve also worked in the music business. How do you balance it all?
A) Any way I can! I definitely thrive on having a lot on my plate, but that’s not to suggest I don’t get overwhelmed from time to time. I think it’s important to be vulnerable and acknowledge that life is a balancing act that sometimes gets the better of us. I do my best to breathe through it all and stay positive. Thankfully, I am surrounding by a loving support system, including my two incredible daughters, Gray (6) and Marlowe (4). They keep me on my toes in the best possible way!
Q) If there is a reboot of “Blossom” where do you think Six would be today?
A) She would likely be fast-talking her way through life as a cattle auctioneer. And if she had anything to say about it, I’m sure she would be married to Joey!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I’m exceedingly grateful! Whether a long-time fan from the good ol’ “Blossom” days or a newer fan due to a more recent project, I feel blessed to have the respect and appreciation.
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