
Justin Fabus – Remedy

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) I grew up on all different genres of music so I would say they are all incorporated into my sound. I’ve always made it a point not to imitate any other artist’s sound. I want people to listen to my music and say that’s not like anything I’ve ever heard before.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) I have so many. To name a few I would say Billy Joel, Waylon Jennings, Bruce Springsteen, Sam Cooke, Tim McGraw and Richard Marx.


Q) We love your cover of New Kids on the Block song “2 in the Morning.” What did it mean to you to get such a positive response from the group?

A) Thank you so much! To be honest, it was everything. I would have never cut my version unless I had Donnie Wahlberg’s blessing just out of respect to him and the other guys in the group. Especially since Donnie co-wrote the song, for him to go out of his way like he did it just shows you how much of a class act he is.


Q) How do you select the songs you cover?

A) They have to have meaning and they have to be songs that I could see myself writing because I’ve lived that certain situation.


Q) What is your process for changing the songs to fit your tone and vision for them?

A) Most important thing to me is making sure I’m not copying what that original artist already put out. No one wants to hear a copied karaoke version of an already beloved song. I want to show it respect and pay homage to it by making it my own and putting my spin on it yet staying true to the core songwriting.


Q) For your own songs, what is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics? 

A) I typically start with an idea for lyrics and a melody. Once I have that I’ll sit down with my acoustic and it put it to music.


Q) How much of hand do you have in the production of your music? 

A) I’m there through it all until it’s exactly what I feel and what’s right for that specific song.


Q) What can fans expect from a live Justin Fabus performance?

A) A non-stop three hour show where after it’s all done you can barely move but can’t wait to do it again.


Q) What do you hope listeners take away from listening to your album Remedy as a whole? 

A) One of my goals while making the album was to make an album where you listened to it start to finish without skipping a song. Growing up when I came across one of those albums from an artist, I knew I was listening to a great album.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you? 

A) I love performing at places I’ve never been before. There’s always that feeling of unknown, like is there gonna be ten people tonight or a thousand people.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) Billy Joel


Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them? 

A) I’ve been currently listening to the Paid Vacation album from Richard Marx. In my opinion, he’s one of the greatest songwriters out there and his voice just gets better with age.


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?

A) It gives me the opportunity to reach out to them, to show them how much I appreciate them. Without my fans I couldn’t do what I’m doing every day. I love them for it.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Thank you for believing in me and following me on this wild and crazy dream of mine.

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