Jennice Ontiveros – Below Deck
Q) It was touched on a bit during the show, but what got you into yachting?
A) I was living in Chicago working a desk job in the city trying to make ends meet, living paycheck to paycheck. I had always wanted to travel more, but never had the money. I met and began dating a guy who had been a mate in the South Pacific on a private yacht. His stories left me starry eyed. I love being on the water. My family had a 35’ Carver out on the lake when I was a kid. And to think I could make money, be on the water and see the world? He is the one who really got me going on yachting. That man inspired me to get into it and he changed my life. I started on a boat as deck/stew just a couple months after meeting him and I haven’t looked back.
Q) What were your thoughts when you were asked to be a part of Below Deck?
A) Actually, my sister was the first to suggest that I look into getting on the show. She thought it would be the perfect combination of interests for me. But I told her HELL NO! I got into yachting to see the world not be on TV! Alas, as fate goes, Bravo found me just a few weeks later. When they offered me a position aboard, I spent several days and nights debating the decision. I had just gotten hired on an amazing boat as the solo deckhand. In the end, I decided to do the show to give it my best, represent for females on deck and, hopefully, just maybe inspire some along the way.
Q) You’re the sole female deckhand on the boat. How will that dynamic play out this season?
A) Being specifically the only female on deck has its challenges and its perks. I tend to make male friends pretty quickly. I think it’s because I had a what I’d call an “unofficial step-brother” growing up that I bond with guys so well. The thing I learned about being the token female deckhand is that I have strengths that the guys just don’t and once we find them we can really use them to our advantage. I bring a unique perspective to the deck crew and it comes in handy. It’s all about finding who is best at what and playing our crew to the best advantage. Diversity on deck can be incredibly useful once you learn how to manage it. All that being said, this season on deck I found myself trying to soak up all of Eddie’s knowledge (that guy is an incredible pro, leader and mariner), work with a man who had feelings for me (yeah, turned out that was mutual), covered for a guy who was twice my height, but couldn’t get it together (love “The Sturbs,” but he really stressed me out sometimes) and just tried to find my place on the social scale of deckhand bromance dynamics. It was a lot for a Junior Deckhand to balance!
Q) Captain Lee seemed to take to you quickly and bumped you up from Junior Deckhand right away. What was it like working with him?
A) I was so thankful for Captain Lee’s unfettering support. He really took me under his wing and was actually really protective of me. He ended up nicknaming me “Little One,” which is what my mom calls me back at home. I was so surprised to hear him say he no longer considered me a Junior Deckhand and it was such a compliment. A little bit of praise goes a long way when you’re working so hard. He really liked that I was set on being a deckhand and that I wouldn’t let my size or gender deter me. So, he had my back as much as he could. He always encouraged me to get things done in my own way and to not be shy about it.
Q) It seems like you and Kelley became close fairly quickly. How did it come to be that you shared a cabin?
A) Yeah, we really did! I’ve always felt as though I grew up with Kelley. He’s my “boy next door.” We were incredibly comfortable with each other so quickly and it made everything easier. I deemed us “boat besties.” It’s sometimes common for teams to bunk together because of scheduling, etc. So, as a deckhand, I was placed with a deckhand. Or Captain Lee thought he’d throw a real fun curve ball Eddie’s way and boy did that work!
Q) Were there certain parts of your life that you deemed off limits to the cameras?
A) Abso-freakin-lutely! First and foremost was my boyfriend. I had promised to him that I would not discuss our relationship on the show, which is why I never mentioned to Kelley that I was in one. But, as time went on, I faltered and it came out. It’s hard to not talk about someone who is always on your mind! Slowly, I offered more and more about our relationship. The rest is to be seen! The other off limits part is my family. I came to Ohana to be a deckhand and that’s really all I wanted to talk about or focus on. Suffice to say, there is a reason the Johnsons and I are so kindred.
Q) When the tips were handed out, many people felt Andrew should not have gotten an equal share. What were your thoughts?
A) Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I ended up picking up a lot of Andrew’s slack that charter. Nearly every time you see him up with Georgia (Leon Ricks) and her guests, I was one deck below them doing his job and my job. It’s important to ensure the guests are having a good time, but Andrew just took it to an extreme in order to avoid work. I always wondered where that guy disappeared to and now I know! Even though Captain Lee said from the beginning that tips are always split, no matter what, it felt wrong to watch him just accept the tip without any offering of apology or promise to work harder. He should have tipped US for doing his job for him! It was that old feeling of getting an A on an exam after studying your ass off for weeks and then watching the kid who cheated get the same grade. We got robbed! See my facial expressions during that entire scene. Can’t hide my feelings!
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming?
A) Oh gosh, so many! I experienced a lot of “firsts: on Ohana and it was so incredible for me for that reason. Sailing was a huge one. That comes later on. I had never been to the British Virgin Islands. So, that was a real privilege. A lot of memories I made with Kelley that I hold dear. Dancing with Amy. Gosh, most of my best memories are probably going to pop up in the coming episodes! I can’t wait to relive them.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you enjoying the instant fan feedback you have begun receiving when the episodes air?
A) I love reading what the fans have to say! They are the only reason we have a show to begin with. Sometimes people can be hurtful, but I always focus on positive critiques and positive remarks. It’s also so much fun interacting with all of my fellow Ohana crew over social media.
Q) What do you think it is about Below Deck that has made it a fan favorite show?
A) I think this show is full of relatable people. We could be any one of the viewers. We come from all walks of life, all over the country, with completely diverse educations, experiences and outlooks. Yet, we’ve all found ourselves here on the same boat. What makes us different is that we did what people fantasize about doing, but rarely get the chance to do. We left everything behind to start a new life sailing to places we’ve never been. Who does that?! We do. And we are just like you.
Below Deck airs Tuesdays at 9pm ET/PT on Bravo
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