Karimah Westbrook – All American
By: Malasha Parker
Q) How will the relationship between Grace and Spencer change now that he’s back at South Crenshaw?
A) Now that Spencer (Daniel Ezra) is back at South Crenshaw, Grace gets to see him more and spend more time with him, which she’s very happy about. They also get a chance to talk more about the things he’s going through because now she sees him every day and he can’t really hide. Overall a lot of the dynamics between them are the same, but now that he’s home we get to see more of it.
Q) The big teaser for this season is that everyone has summer secrets. What can you allude to about the summer secrets Grace may be withholding and how will that affect her moving forward?
A) Hmm… but if it’s a secret? No, seriously, I don’t think Grace has any Summer secrets. At least not any that I know of.
Q) Grace was actively involved in helping the school board pause it’s plan to convert. How will she continue to play a role in keeping South Crenshaw on its own?
A) Grace plans to become more involved in saving the school and helping the community by creating a community garden at South Crenshaw High. She has already placed a bid to get the job. Grace feels that not only will this help to bring value to the community and to South Crenshaw High, but it will also help to build and bring about unity within the community.
Q) How will the real-life events, like Black Lives Matter and the pandemic, factor into the show this season?
A) This season will definitely reflect the times and you guys will have to stay tuned to see how. However, “All American” is not incorporating the pandemic into any of the storylines.
Q) With those recent events being featured, in what ways will that change Grace’s parenting approach?
A) I think Grace’s state of mind will remain the same in the sense that her top priority is to love, protect, guide and support her boys on their journey to becoming upstanding men. I honestly don’t know everything that’s going to happen this season storywise, so perhaps some things may change. But, overall, I know the things I spoke of will always be the goal for her as a parent.
Q) With Spencer being permanently back home again, there may be some negative dynamic changes between Spencer and Dillon. How will Grace go about helping to resolve these conflicts?
A) I hope there aren’t any negative dynamics that come about between Spencer and Dillion (Jalyn Hall) now that he’s home. But if there is, Grace will have no problem squashing it and forcing them to make things right.
Q) Are there any topics that you hope the show will explore more in the future or more developments you would like to see happen for your character?
A) I’m going along for the ride. I think the writers have done an excellent job of covering topics that not only do I enjoy but I think are relevant to the times. As far as my character is concerned, maybe one day Grace will find love again.
Q) What can we expect to see from the friendship between Grace and Billy now that he is also back at South Crenshaw as the head coach?
A) Despite the past and what our families have gone through, Billy (Taye Diggs) and Grace still respect each other and their friendship is still strong.
Q) How has your approach to play the role of Grace changed from Season 1 to now?
A) I don’t know if my approach has changed to play Grace, but I do feel differently inside. I really do love and care about the boys. I find myself sometimes worrying about them, especially during this pandemic. When we weren’t working, I found myself hoping that they were safe, happy and doing well.
Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching this season of “All American?”
A) As always, I hope our viewers enjoy this season of “All American.” I hope the show can bring a bit of an escape, a bit of joy and entertainment into their lives, especially after all we have experienced in 2020. I think the writers have a subtle way of incorporating real life lessons and healthy perspectives too, so I hope the show will also give our wonderful viewers different ways of looking at challenges as well as ways to problem solve in their own lives.
Q) What would you like to say to fans of the show and your work?
A) I think we have the best fans and I want to thank them for all of their love and support. It does not go unnoticed and it is truly appreciated!
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