Killjoys – Aaron Ashmore & Luke Macfarlane
Q) I know, obviously, there’s only one episode left, so I don’t know per se what – how much is going to get into this season — but I was curious, if they’re going to go into the fact that we really don’t know yet why – I want to say D’avin — is the only one that can control the Green. I mean, Khlyen tried to do it to their father and see what happened. I assume it’s kind of maybe the military thing, but we really don’t know why it doesn’t work on Johnny in that. Are they going to be exploring that at all or do you – is there anything you can say about that?
Luke Macfarlane: We kind of discover as we go along. Of course, the military thing (plays a huge part) in it. We kind of sort of believe that explanation is going to hold for now. But I imagine it’s something we’d want to get more into. But it’s – we also have to (try to kind of wait until we) learn more about the Green. And I think in the final episodes we learn more about the Green. I think the writers and the creators of the show need to figure out what the Green is more before they really start to figure out why it is – or try to answer that question as to why I reject it. So, for the time being, I think we make do with the fact that it was the military.
Q) So this season we’ve basically seen the Killjoys team kind of torn apart. You’ve got D’avin and Dutch off doing their own thing and Johnny is off doing his thing. My question is if we’re going to see everyone come back together with a common goal — which I’m assuming, I hope — and what are those relationships going to be like after all these secrets and lies that they have been telling each other?
Aaron Ashmore: Well, I think that at the heart of the show it’s always going to be about this team. I think that that is, in many ways, what the show is really about. So I don’t think we have to worry too much about these relationships being completely fractured. But I think it also adds some depth to sort of create some tension and drama between these people because it makes sense, right? In any sort of family or dynamics, things are not always peachy. People have different ways of looking at things and coming at things from different angles and I think that’s what’s happening here. But I think at the end of the day, we care about each other so much that we will make it work. But it – obviously, we also have to deal with the repercussions of all of our actions. And I think that that’s something interesting to see play out.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. It’s something I’ve always (loved the show) — it’s kind of like a family drama actually on some level disguised as a sci-fi show. So we will work it out and make sense of it all, but – and then it will actually ultimately make us stronger, I think.
Q) What’s it like for you, gentlemen? I mean, the show when it first started was what’s the next contract and that kind of thing. And now the story is bigger. There’s a little more drama instead – in addition to the action. So what’s it like for both of you to kind of – being part of this journey to where you are right now with Old Town and the Green and all the good stuff?
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. I’ve really enjoyed how this show has developed and grown over the past couple of seasons. I think the first season did a really amazing job of setting up this universe and this world and introducing it to us, because it’s incredibly complex and the amount of story and detail that they set up in the first season is amazing. And then the second season just sort of builds on that. We understand the politics. We understand the dynamics of what’s going on. And so, like you said, you can have a little bit more of the drama and you can have a little bit more of an overarching story. And it’s been amazing. It’s amazing ride. I love all of these characters. Watching this second season and seeing how all these dynamics play out and how all of the characters – the writers have done such an amazing job of developing all these characters that you like every single one of them, or you hate them. You know what I mean? They build such strong characters. So I’ve had so much fun watching this whole story develop. And I really do hope that we get to continue to do it because I think that this world is rich and I think there’s a lot more story to tell. So I’ve been very excited about how all of this has played out.
Q) For Pascal and who plays Jelco, I think he’s done a really good job playing like a jerk. So how is he on set, like, versus his character? Like, I’m sure it’s complete opposite.
Aaron Ashmore: Pascal is nice.
Luke Macfarlane: So nice. He brought you food that he cooked, right, when you had your baby. Isn’t that right?
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. Absolutely. Like a week or so after I’ve had my baby, Pascal – even when he heard that I was having my baby this summer, my wife and I, he was like, I’ll bring you over some food. And he did. He came over with pasta and, I mean, just very thoughtful, very grounded, very cool guy.
Luke Macfarlane: Exactly.
Aaron Ashmore: So think of that that’s in contrast to what we see in Jelco and his character. It’s like he couldn’t be more opposite. And that’s what’s so amazing to watch is that he just plays such a slimy conniving guy but he’s actually very sweet.
Luke Macfarlane: And he’s so good – and he’s so game, I think it’s always hard to walk into a set and sort of have to take on these roles. And I know we had this day together; it was just the two of us filming and there was this scene where we were supposed to start walking along and I’m supposed to threaten him. And he goes, what if you kick out my knees and just shove me down to the ground? And I was like, really, are you cool with that? He said, yes, absolutely. Just kick out my knees and shove me to the ground. So I was like, OK. All right. Sure. If you’re game with that. And he’s like, absolutely. I was like, am I hurting him? Afterwards he’d be like, that was wonderful. That’s perfect. So he’s fantastic and so game.
Q) Have you talked with the writers about season three and things that you might want to see happen to your characters, things that maybe didn’t work or you thought did work really well in seasons one and two that you would want to continue?
Aaron Ashmore: I don’t think that on most shows that the actors get to talk to the writers about what they want to do. I think that would be a disaster. You know, in a lot of occasions — just very self-serving egocentric actors stuff saying, like, I think I need more. I think you need more. But …
Luke Macfarlane: Exactly.
Aaron Ashmore: I think Luke needs a shirt off a few times per episode. I think that’s what – you know, in a show where they’re creating a world and there’s so many complex dynamics, you have to really trust the writers and their ability to create these stories. And I don’t know about you, Luke, but I feel quite happy about the journey that John’s taken and all the things he gets to do. So at this point, I’m very content to let them do their thing and sort of discover it as we go through the season.
Luke Macfarlane: And something I’ve learned in the genre, too, is like I guess I don’t know what works all that well. Because sometimes when I’m reading it I’m like, this isn’t going to work. But it kind of always does. So I have much more faith in them than I have in other shows that I’ve been part of, I have to be honest with you.
Q) I know with the season finale coming, we can’t say too much. But is it safe to say that there’s going to be an impact on John and D’avin in the finale a little bit?
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. Well, I think that, of course there are big things that happen in the season finale as any show. You know, there’s big revelations and there’s new information sort of exposed. And so, definitely; there’s a lot going on. I can say for John that he is – his past is definitely changed by the events that are happening in 209 and 210 in a major, major way; I think in a very unexpected way. I did not see what was coming for John as we started the season. So I think that, for him, yes, he’s sort of in a completely different space than where he started. And I’m very curious to see– if we pick up in season three…I can’t even imagine what they’re going to do. So, for me, that’s pretty exciting.
Q) I got to say, the thing between John and Dutch in the second to last episode that’s going to be coming up soon, it was a – the fans can see some really good acting between the two of you. It was really giving you a different part of their relationship and I really enjoyed watching it.
Aaron Ashmore: Thank you. Yes. It’s – we even had a lot of – in season one, we had a lot of John and Dutch kind of heart to hearts, but, this year that’s not really sort of been the focus. There’s definitely been a bit of fraction in their relationship and I think there’s been a lot of more sort of D’av and Dutch sort of heart and hearts and them really supporting each other and being there for each other. So yes, it is nice for me to have a good one with Dutch because, yes, they sort of – obviously, we’re having a difference in this season and that’s nice to see from talking honestly with each other again.
Q) Aaron, can you tell me your reaction, so when you read it, what happened in the end? And can you kind of tease a little bit about what we’ll see in the finale in regards to that, but anything else you can give us?
Aaron Ashmore: Well, I mean, yes, I don’t want to say too much about what happens in 209. But I have to say that I didn’t see it coming. I can’t say too much more in that because I think it’s such a specific thing that we’re talking about that it’s hard – it’s really hard to talk about it. But, yes, when I was reading it, I just didn’t see it coming. And it was very shocking and I think that it will be very shocking to our audience too and very impactful to the story, obviously. And, yes, it’s shocking. I guess that’s all I can say.
Q) My question for you is, since you guys are playing brothers, have you guys created any funny back stories from your brother – like, the childhood of the two brothers?
Aaron Ashmore: I don’t think we had a very funny childhood, to be honest with you. I think we have a traumatic childhood and I think that that’s what sort of shaped these two and also drove a huge wedge in between them, you know. So I think we’re sort of seeing any of the comedy or the humor in these guys’ relationship sort of happening now. And I think we do see some of that. Like, I think we do – there is a lot of love between them and there is a lot of ribbing and teasing and stuff that that kind of happens. But I think that that’s fairly new to their relationship.
Luke Macfarlane: I love the way the writers drop in little stories from the past occasionally, you know. They’re probably fun to read. They do some of the work for us.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Q) We know D’avin has been through a lot, but it feels like he’s found his center kind of in the second half of the season. And Johnny, obviously, has had a major thing happen here and he is looking at very possibly now losing Dutch. So – and even in the shift with his relationship kind of with Lucy. So I’m kind of wondering where both of them are actually at, emotionally right now and especially going into kind of the season finale, it feels like John was the one who was always really kind of like even keel and kind of solid and it feels like the dynamic has shifted. So I’m wondering if you can speak to that if that makes sense.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. I mean, I think so much of this show – it’s reminded us that it’s about our relationship to this incredibly intriguing woman. You know, one of my favorite lines in the whole show this season was when Sabine was talking with Dutch and she sort of basically says, you hang around these two guys because they feel so much and you’re afraid you don’t feel. And I don’t know if that’s necessarily a true statement. But I certainly know that she’s surrounds herself with these two guys that are able to kind of go through the spectrum and we see Johnny go into this spectrum this season. We see him going from kind of the caretaker to the lover to the sort of reckless abandoned guy that she knew and I think we see D’avin do the opposite thing. So I think there is something about how she needs us to continue to sort of be those sort of polarities in her life. So I think as much as we have changed, I think it’s kind of all sort of how Dutch – like necessary for Dutch to sort of navigate the world with these two guys that are sort of changing.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. And I think it’s kind of interesting too. Just elaborating on that a little bit, Luke. It’s like – you know, obviously most times on TV or in the world or whatever it’s like it’s the women that are more connected to their emotions or more available to those things and I think it’s interesting that they kind of switched that in here too. It’s like these two men are very in touch with their feelings, especially John. But I think we really see a lot of that in D’avin this year too. And he was such a tough guy and that in the first season and we see him sort of softening and falling into his humor and his softer side with the kids and stuff. So it is sort of really interesting to see that and then Sabine really saying that about Dutch. And, again, I think, for that stuff it’s – it was Dutch’s worst fear. She’s literally hearing somebody reflect things back to her that she’s so afraid of. And I don’t think she’s not all in touch with her emotions, but she’s afraid of that person that she might be because of what happened to her with Khlyen and all that stuff. And so, yes, that’s very interesting. I think as far as sort of John, I think he was very even keel in the first season. I think he was the voice of reason. I think, in a lot of ways, he was thinking with his head a lot of the time sort of whereas Dutch and D’avin were a little bit more flying off the handle and reacting to things maybe without thinking about it. And I think that John has sort of switched gears and he’s really acting out of his heart and sort of the rationale mind that he uses a lot to figure out situations. He’s sort of thrown that out of the window. I mean, he’s falling in love and he’s sort of following his heart. And I don’t think that Pawter’s made him do anything. That’s not the case at all. He’s doing things – his making decisions for himself, but a big part of that is Pawter and his feelings for her. But I think that by the end of the season, yes, John is in a – he is sort of falling off the deep end, I think, in a lot of ways and probably is where D’avin was last year; completely shaken up, completely off kilter. And I think that’s kind of an interesting sort of – yes, we’re switching dynamics for those two characters. And, hopefully, that will be interesting to see and hopefully people sort of see those connections too because I think that maybe in season three D’av will have to be that really supportive person for John, potentially. So – whereas John was trying to be that for D’av in season one. So, yes, we’ll see. We’ll see how it all goes.
Q) So, for Luke, we’ve seen D’avin kind of deal with the green goo. There’s been these abilities that he’s developed and we kind of got something new in episode eight. Like, for the finale, are we going to see even more kind of abilities that D’avin has and being able to control green goo?
Aaron Ashmore: Do you remember the finale, Luke?
Luke Macfarlane: Well, to be completely honest with you – no. I don’t remember the finale. I have to be perfectly honest, we shot this, what now, five months ago? I had this very specific image and the green goo definitely factors very largely into the finale. But I’m trying to remember if I actually do something magical with it. Oh. Yes, it does. (Just came to me). Yes, there’s definitely something with the green goo, I mean, that I manipulate. I’m almost positive, yes. It’s so funny because I remember very clearly – the finale episode is fantastic. I remember these set pieces you end up with something really light and I remember in my head and I remember, yes, it was in that location. Yes, and they had that cool thing and Johnny did that cool thing. But I don’t make anybody’s eyes explode, that much I know. It was like “Scanners” meets “Total Recall.” That was quite an ordeal filming that day. They couldn’t get the blast right, so the first one was way too much. The second one like looked like a tiny little (spitball), and they just couldn’t get it right and they did it so many times and every single time they (reloaded — it was) green pudding, by the way. It was vanilla-flavored pudding that was dyed green. And every single time the guy would come up and said, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, Luke. I’m so sorry. And I was like, It’s OK. Don’t worry about it. But I think …
Aaron Ashmore: I love pudding. That’s fine.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes, vanilla pudding on (my face).
Q) Which one of the other characters on “Killjoys” – which one would you want to play and why?
Luke Macfarlane: Great question.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. This is a great question. That’s not an easy question to answer. There’s so many factors that sort of come into play here. I was going to say Alvis because I really like the Scarback stuff. I think that that’s a really interesting element of this world and we get into it, but I just think that that’s such a cool story line. And plus I loved when we got a chance in the first season to wear the Scarback sort of outfits. You just look so cool in them. So I’d say Alvis.
Luke Macfarlane: I’m honestly going to say Dutch or Pawter, because I feel like it’s really fun and I remember, as an actor, I always have this, moment of jealousy when, you first show up on set and everyone’s got their new outfits on and they haven’t seen their episode yet because then everyone’s always like, my God, that jacket’s so cool. (I heard costume fittings are) like these, are two-hour ordeals (where you get to) try on things and (sit still) and I’d go in there and it’s like, yes, well, we’re going to put you in a blue shirt. And… I mean, that thing that Pawter wears with the …
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. With the sleeve, the like dragon-scale sleeve – yes, that’s fantastic.
Q) Can you tease whether or not we’ll get any more interaction between Dutch and D’avin romantically in the finale, whether we’ll see them reconcile any kind of relationship or have they decided to set aside that in favor of the team?
Luke Macfarlane: Well, I don’t think they’ve decided anything. But we certainly don’t make out in the last episode if that’s what you’re asking. Should I say that? Am I – am I supposed to say that?
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. That’s OK.
Luke Macfarlane: There’s still the possibility of it maybe, but we have way bigger fish to fry in the last episode. I’m surprised that anyone even thinks that we’re going to get together again. We’ve been through so much. But I have no idea and I actually have no idea what the plan is for those two characters because they are going to learn how to be friends like Johnny and is that sort of, the deepest level you can be connected with someone as a friend or as a lover? I don’t know. Yes. That’s what I got.
Q) So, last week we had all these wonderfully-weird moments of exploding eyeballs and the crazy acid trips. And so, it seems to me that every episode has this – all these great weird things that they ask you to do. So, of this season, what was the weirdest thing or the coolest thing that you got that’s your favorite?
Luke Macfarlane: Wow.
Aaron Ashmore: For me, the hardest stuff was definitely that and like just the weirdest bizzarest place to go was that kind of that drug high thing because it was – and it was very difficult, too, because we were like, so how do – how does this wall actually affect us and where does it – you know, like, it’s sort of a difficult thing for them to explain to us, like, are we drunk or what kind of drug are we on? How able are we to control ourselves and that – all that sort of stuff. So that was really challenging and sort of fun to dive into that. But I also had no idea how that stuff was going to turn out until I saw it. Because we did a bunch of different things more – some more drunk, some more out of it; you know, all these different things. But that was probably the weirdest thing. And at the end of the day both Sarah and I were like, do you feel drunk and high right now? Because I certainly do after acting this way for, like six or seven hours. I was just, I feel so messed up right now. So that’s – so that was definitely the weirdest. Yes. I don’t know if weird is the right word, but the sort of most challenging new was pretending to be Khlyen, I think.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Luke Macfarlane: That was just sort of, strange.
Aaron Ashmore: I love doing this. It’s such a good job (at that).
Luke Macfarlane: Thank you. What’s so great about this show is you have – really have no idea what to expect when you read the scripts. You’re, like, wow, we get to — how are we going to pull shooting a rocket off or all kinds of things.
Q) I was just thinking you guys were talking about the two of them fooling around a bit – a little bit about. And I was thinking about how many – there’s tons and tons of – in 209 of funny lines you guys have. But I was just curious, just kind of on the season as a whole, do you to have favorite one-liners that you said?
Aaron Ashmore: There’s so many. I can’t even think of anything off the top of my head. But I know that when I watch them I’m constantly laughing.
I kind of like the drier of them. You know, I feel like Hannah has got a lot of super dry one-liners that are sort of my favorites in all just the way she kind of delivers her sort of stuff. But I’m kind of drawing a blank as to …
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. I’ve seen bigger.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. That was a great line, yes. That’s a nice stick. I’ve seen bigger.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. This is funny. And you know what is funny too? Like, when you’re in the table read, the ones that are really funny in the table read aren’t always one that are really funny in the actual final edit.
Aaron Ashmore: Absolutely. You’re absolutely right. I don’t know why that is, actually. But sometimes the stuff you think is going to be hilarious is not – are not the ones that sort of stick out. You’re right.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. Or I got to make this line really funny. And then, you just push so hard and then it’s not funny.
Aaron Ashmore: And then, you tank it. I’m tanking that one, I’m trying too hard.
Luke Macfarlane: You blew it.
Q) Well, as sad as a lot of this episode was, there was – there was quite a few, especially I think at the computer console, so.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. I was going to – there was a good one about D’avin’s asshole.
Jamie Ruby: Yes. That was actually the one I…
Aaron Ashmore: You remember that one, Luke?
Luke Macfarlane: Yes, of course. That was like – I found that line so oddly upsetting and weird, bizarre. Like you didn’t really know what it meant but, like, it’s was awful image.
Aaron Ashmore: I forgot about that one. Yes. That’s a good one. That’s a great one.
Luke Macfarlane: My asshole is bigger than your asshole, yes. Yes.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Luke Macfarlane: Classic.
Q) Luke, you mentioned playing Khlyen and I am just wondering, personally, was that something that one of the other of you was imitating each other on the set or something or did the writers just throw that at you?
Luke Macfarlane: I just have this hilarious image of Rob, let’s do some impersonations of each other. I remember when I got the script I was like I felt sorry for Rob because I feel like (a teacher who impersonates Khlyen knows to impersonate me). And then, when he did what he did I was like, holy smokes. He was amazing. I remember reading the script and being terrified and then, I think he knew it was going to be just joking and silly. But then he was like, no, we have to take this very seriously. So, that was totally out of Adam’s head. Yes. Totally out of Adam’s head. You know, they were looking for the storyline with the connection everybody meeting their parents and me and Rob don’t do impressions of each other on set at all.
Q) But just based on the changes that you guys have had, where would like to see your characters go in season three? If there’s a season three, which I hope there is.
Luke Macfarlane: Me too.
Aaron Ashmore: I think the one thing that I would just really like to see – and I think that they will do this because I think that’s the great thing about the show is that the repercussions of the things that happened in the show, that we continue to play those things. You know, I think that they did a fantastic job in season one of the repercussions of the violence and stuff that happened between Dutch and Dav and playing those things through and then continuing to have to fix those relationships and whatever. I really hope that they just continue to do that. It just right like that where the things that happened to these characters are not like just pushed under the rug or forgotten about, but they really become part of the story and the dynamics between these characters. Because I think that’s just so fun to play and it makes the characters so complicated and then make people want to watch them as well. So that’s the only thing that I – as far as specific storylines or whatever, it’s hard to say. But just to really continue the complex stuff they do with the characters.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. I would have really liked doing the most – I hope we get to do more of is the sort of the operating as a family together that John and – I think –the show really is kind of at its best when we are sort of figuring out problems as a team and I hope we get to do more of that.
Q) At the end of season one, Johnny showed in an interest in the Scarback religion. Is that something that’s going to come up, particularly in the wake of 209? Or is he just more interested in it for the history now and its relation to the Green?
Aaron Ashmore: I don’t know. I don’t think so. I mean, I really thought that they were maybe going to take John down that path a little bit. But I think instead of making John sort of the conduit into the Scarbacks and really exploring that, obviously, we had Alvis who was a Scarback and was a very interesting character. So I think that that is our conduit into the religious side of things, and I think John — them showing that was just sort of another side of his personality introspective and sort of open to new things and all that kind of stuff. So I would like to go down that path, but I think Alvis is already doing that for us as far as, story goes and character and that. So probably not. But who’s to say? You never know.
Q) So Aaron, you worked with Shamier Anderson. You had a great cameo in episode eight.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Q) What was it like working with him and have you actually tried to watch Wynonna Earp since you worked with him or even before that?
Aaron Ashmore: You know what, I’ve seen – I saw the first couple of episodes of Wynonna Earp and I really liked it. Funny – and Shamier was – who I think we are really lucky to get him because he’s obviously a very strong actor and it was only one scene. So it was really, really cool that we got him for the show. But I had actually met Shamier years and years and years ago. I was at a birthday party, went to a laser quest. And him and a buddy of his were there and my brother and I were there and he – we were acting. We’ve been doing it for quite a while. I think he’s quite a bit younger than (Sean) and I. And he said, hey, I’m an actor. I’m really trying to do this thing and do you guys have any advice? So we actually talked with him for half an hour; super, super nice guy. And then, lo and behold, down the line, here he is showing up being like, yes, this is what I’m doing now and I’m doing really well. So it was very, very cool to see him and very cool to see that he’s doing so well because he was a nice guy. And, again, we were super lucky to get him because he did a great job in that role.
Q) You guys have some really great interactions with one another throughout the season like you were talking about. Do you guys do any adlibbing when you have your scenes together? I mean, you guys have, really funny lines. Do you ever have moments when you kind of like adjust a line or things get put in there that weren’t in the script?
Aaron Ashmore: Not – no, not really. I mean, this show – the writing is very specific and is really funny and you don’t really need to. And to be honest with you, it’s not actually that encouraged either to go off – they’re very, very – precious is not the word I would use at all but they spend a lot of time working these things in the writer’s room. So they’ve got it honed and it’s a very – again, it’s like a very specific tone and way of speaking and sense of humor. So we just kind of stick to the script and it seems to work pretty well.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. I think the only time that I can really say that I adlib would be, I know sometimes D’avin mimics back the way Johnny said things, like mm, mm, mm, mm, mm.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Luke Macfarlane: I think I do in 109 when we’re at the computer or something.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Luke Macfarlane: I remember you did something that I kind of went — I did what you did back, but on my line, so not changing the words just, you know…
Aaron Ashmore: Adding a little.
Luke Macfarlane: It’s never good to – it’s a slippery slope if we start adding and improvising too much because then the writer…
Aaron Ashmore: You got to be really good at it, right, to make it better than what’s written, I think. Luke?
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. Because I’d got mad at you and punish you and not give you any lines. And they do a very good job.
Aaron Ashmore: And they’re like, you want to write your own lines? OK. Well, we’ll give you none. How do you do with that?
Luke Macfarlane: We’ll give you none. So (inaudible) silence.
Aaron Ashmore: Can you – can you adlib your way out of a big old silence? Not so well.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. Exactly. You’ll have a bag on your head.
Q) I was speaking with Tamsen McDonough and I asked her what would Lucy say about the last – what would her advice be for the last two episodes and for the finale. So I’ll of kind of ask you guys the same thing. What would your characters’ advice be for fans –to prepare for this – the finale – the season finale?
Aaron Ashmore: What did Tamsen say?
Q) She said –brace for impact and shields up — or shields up, brace for impact.
Aaron Ashmore: That’s good – that is very good.
Luke Macfarlane: That’s a very good answer because there is a little bit of a Star Wars kind of thing going on in the final episode with you there, Johnny.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Luke Macfarlane: And Tamsen. Yes, which is pretty cool.
Aaron Ashmore: What advice? I would say –Tamsen is too clever and she got the ship references, which is …
Luke Macfarlane: Yes, totally. Well, I’ll just say it’s our biggest episode by far in the filming. I remember it has the biggest set pieces. It has the most kind of exciting actions and the biggest reveal. So, it’s our biggest episode, I will say that.
Aaron Ashmore: I think the last two are pretty emotional on a couple of different fronts too. So if you’re an emotional person, I’d say maybe get your box tissues ready? And brace for impact.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. That is true. Brace for impact.
Aaron Ashmore: As Tamsen put it.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes.
Aaron Ashmore: Don’t be afraid. It’s going to happen. It’s just – you know, it’s OK.
Linda Bullock: Thank you.
Q) I’m not sure how to ask this. It’s kind of based on spoilers. But after what happens at the end of 209 …
Luke Macfarlane: I’m single. [laughs]
Q) I’m just kind of wondering – so, now, you’re making me mess up – kind of wondering that they – after that happened, they kind of don’t have somebody in – on the inside now, it seems like to help them. I mean, they have Turin but he’s kind of really low man. Is there maybe somebody else or – that’s going to help them or that we don’t know about?
Aaron Ashmore: Well I think at the very end of 209, there’s a certain someone on the spaceship who says a certain other someone is going to maybe want to meet with them. So I think that that is their inside. I know that’s very brief and broad to anybody who …But that might be the inside – the inside scoop there.
Q) Our readers used to laugh even they shipped Johnny and Lucy. They really wanted the two of you guys to get together somehow. How was it in that episode to be acting with Tamsen? Was it fun, was it…
Aaron Ashmore: They wanted it and they got it. Yes.
Q) And she had fireworks, but you didn’t.
Aaron Ashmore: Well, he’s in love in Pawter like…
Q) I know. Timing.
Aaron Ashmore: Such disappointment. Yes. Everybody really wants that AI-Johnny love thing happening. Yes, it was amazing to work with Tamsen because she’s a huge part of the show. She’s basically the fourth member of our team. I’ve said that over and over again on interviews and stuff. But we don’t really get to interact with her. She’s not there on the day to read the lines and stuff, she does such a fantastic job. So to get her to be able to actually come on set and work with her for the week was tons and tons of fun. And that was sort of probably one of the more lighter of the episodes. It was definitely fun sort of retro field thing. So I think it was kind of a fun one for her to jump in and kind of run around and play with us because it was definitely – kind of a wild fun episode.
Luke Macfarlane: What’s so cool about Tamsen too is she is so committed to this show even though she’s not on set with us. She knows to show the world she’s really invested, which is super cool because it’s not like when she shows – she was genuinely thrilled to walk onto her cockpit, you know …
Aaron Ashmore: She said that all three of us separately we’re like –– have you been to Lucy yet? All of us were excited for her to get to walk on that set too, right?
Luke Macfarlane: Yes.
Q) What I want to know is what’s your favorite thing about your characters?
Aaron Ashmore: Well, that’s tough. I think one of the most interesting things for me about John is – and we don’t see it very often but there’s a slight middle edge of unpredictability I feel like – because we see him as sort of this very caring, compassionate funny type– you know like he has all those qualities. But one of my favorite moments was in the first season as when you know he basically gets pushed too far and then he ends up murdering three people in cold blood just out of nowhere. And I sort of feel like there’s a moment in the second season that we haven’t really seen that’s very unpredictable too, and I love that there’s just this thing that’s underneath. And it’s not something that I’m doing. It’s just sometimes the way that they write the characters’ actions. You think that he’s this one person then all of a sudden, he can do this thing that’s sort of almost out of character but it’s just there. And I think that that’s what I like because as soon as I think that I really know this character and that, somewhere in the back of my mind I’m like, he might just do something that I didn’t – I just can’t see coming or don’t see coming and that’s sort of very interesting to just have in the back of my mind when I’m playing the character.
Luke Macfarlane: I think the thing that I like the most about D’avin, I like playing most about D’avin is like in the past I haven’t played characters that had kind of been sort of these aggressive alpha male types before and I find it brings out a part of me that I kind of – I enjoy sort of living. I’m talking about I’m definitely much more goofy and sort of, I think, lighthearted. But I’ve always been very drawn to these sort of people that are having sort of rigid world views and see the world kind of a little bit more militaristically. So I enjoy living in that and I enjoy that part –Luke enjoys sort of exploring that part of himself. Yes.
Aaron Ashmore: You’re good at it, Luke. I’d buy you as a tough guy. I do.
Luke Macfarlane: Thank you.
Aaron Ashmore: Even though I know you’re a goofball.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes.
Q) Throughout the season, there’s been a hint of potential invaders. So are they at least going to be mentioned in the season finale?
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. I mean, I think that we’re setting up for that a little bit. You know, that there is an outside force that is sort of asserting its will on the quad or sort of that type of thing. If you haven’t seen the finale or you had all the way through and you’re saying there’s – we’re feeling that there may be something.
I don’t know if we get into that whole specific storyline but I think that it becomes, even sort of – you know, it sort of alludes to that it’s painting that picture when Romwell from “I Love Lucy” episode is talking about like where the green came from and that his world was sort of invaded and taken over. So, I mean, yes, I don’t think we get into exactly what all that stuff is or really get into those storylines but that is sort of where we’re coming from or I think where we’re headed to – towards.
Luke Macfarlane: I remember reading the script and being so brilliant. I was like, that’s what season three is what I think going to explore. I mean, I have no idea what they’re going to do in season three. But this other thing…
Aaron Ashmore: It’s sort of setting up for that.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. In a very big way, yes.
Q) Yes. Because they kind of hinted at it, too, with what happened with Pawter’s parents because she mentioned trying to destroy the planet so they wouldn’t inhabit it, so.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes.
Aaron Ashmore: Lots of little pieces, lots of little bread crumbs, right? And that sort of lead towards that, for sure.
Q) Yes. And just what happened in episode nine, it just seems like that’s – the decisions that some people are making are just driving towards protecting the quad but in a really twisted way.
Luke Macfarlane: Totally.
Q) Just wondering, what do you think is your character’s greatest strength and greatest weakness?
Luke Macfarlane: My character’s, I think, greatest strength is his loyalty and his greatest weakness is his stubbornness.
Aaron Ashmore: Good one. Yes. I mean, I think as far as strength, I think that John’s super loyal and committed as well even though I think that he’s sort of being – sort of torn apart like where does his loyalties really lie this season. But I think at the end of the day, his loyalties are always to the people that he cares about. So I think that when you love – so I think that there. Weakness? I think that there’s a slight level of insecurity to John that I think kind of makes him interesting, but I think also that’s probably his biggest weakness. I think sometimes he acts out of that as well. So, yes, maybe those two things.
Q) So I don’t know whether or not this is coming in the finale, but maybe you have an idea if you think it might be in season three. I was just curious if you thought that maybe we would see Sabine again because it kind of left it open that she didn’t know if she killed her for sure. And, I mean, to me it was kind of hinting that she might be back. Do you have any thoughts on that or maybe how you’d like to see it if you don’t know anything?
Luke Macfarlane: I think we’d love to have her back. You know, it’s one of these complicated things with making TV that you don’t really know. There’s so many factors that come and you can’t ask an actor to wait for eight months, you know …to see if they’ll ever going to come back. But we, the writers and the producers, the fans I think all of them really, really loved her and we would love to have her back. And they certainly left that open for that possibility, yes.
Aaron Ashmore: But Tori’s going to be a big star because she’s got her own TV show now on the PW, so she’s probably going to be busy.
Luke Macfarlane: Well, there is that too, yes.
Aaron Ashmore: I think that she did such a good job, such an interesting character and all the staff with both – like D’avin and Sabine was so interesting and sort of moving and then all of Sabine’s insight and almost like holding a mirror up to Dutch–that character and those dynamics are so well done. And Tori is so good and so now she’s got her own TV show. So she’ll probably be busy but who knows that would be so cool to see her back because it was so – it’s so open-ended right? It’s so open-ended you see the black root dragging her away, right? So it’s like – yes, I mean, she’s not – she’s not dead probably, but – so maybe.
Luke Macfarlane: I think she legitimately had a really good time doing this show too. I think she likes the set, so, I mean, that always makes (inaudible).
Aaron Ashmore: And she fits right in, right? Like she just did fit right in.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes. She really did.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes.
Q) So given the kind of tragic turn I feel like this show takes sometimes, what will be your ideal happy ending for your character? You know, just not based off of anything else not like if you don’t come in the finale I guess since we don’t know what happens. What would be your character happy ending?
Aaron Ashmore: Well, I sort of picture the three of us retiring to some small planet somewhere that’s beautiful and we’re all – you know, we all survived our Killjoys days and the quad and the world is a safe place and we all have families and we all have spouses and families and we sort of grow old together. Because all of us had such messed up family lives and all that. And I can just picture them being – yes, just being one big family. But we had a long way to go.
Luke Macfarlane: Yes, a long way to go. But, yes, remaking families – the idea of family. Yes. There’d be, four houses on it where we all live nearby with each other.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes. A beautiful lake and we live off the land, and, you know I mean? It’s amazing. It turns into a hippy commune and it’s …
Luke Macfarlane: Yes, wait a second. I’m talking about what I want for my life.
Aaron Ashmore: Yes.
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