Interviews - TV

Kyle Sullivan – Casualty of War

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Q.  What are the current projects that you are working on?

A.  Well, right now I’m shooting the show “The War at Home.”  We’re in production, we got picked up for the back series so we’ll be working for a while still.  I think we’ve shot like twelve to thirteen episodes right now and we’re picked up for twenty-two now.

Q.  What made you want to be a part of the show “The War at Home”?

A.  The show is actually very, very funny and not many sitcoms are.  I’ve always felt really lucky to be involved with the show, I’m really glad to be here.  All of the people involved with the show are very talented and very nice and it’s a really great working environment.  So, I am very happy here!

Q.  What is it about “The War at Home” that sets it apart from family shows on TV?

A.  First of all, like I said before, I find the show to be very, very funny.  It actually makes you laugh when you watch it, which is worth its weight in gold in terms of sitcom.  Also, in terms of it as a family show, it’s got a lot that people can relate to.  It deals with a lot of issues that you don’t often see in sitcoms.  That makes it very relatable, and the characters also are very flushed out and you can relate to them in a lot of ways.

Q.  How is it getting to work with such a diverse cast?

A.  It’s fine, it’s cool.  Dean is fifteen, I’m seventeen and Kaylee is nineteen, so we’re not really that far apart in terms of our ages. We all get along really well and the two adults on the shows are Anita Barone and Michael Rapaport.  They are really great to work with, they are very, very good.  They are very good in terms of working with us, they help us along the way and they have been doing this for a long time.  Anita especially, in terms of her experience with sitcoms, it’s very helpful.  She’ll actually give us notes and direct us, she’s great.

Q.  Do you have a most memorable moment from filming the show?

A.  Honestly, I would have to say my most memorable moment was one day I over slept by mistake.  I was late for a table read, that was actually rather traumatizing a the time.  Everything is cool now!

Q.  You were recently voted one of the Top Ten Scene Stealers by Entertainment Weekly.  How does this recognition make you feel?

A.  When I saw that I was very surprised, I was like, “Holy Moley!  That’s great.”  I guess that makes me feel good, happy and proud.

Q.  What are some of your passions besides acting?

A.  I am really into music, I have been playing the piano for nine or ten years.  I have been playing the drums from a year to two years and I compose all the time.

Q.  What is your latest obsession?  Are you into any particular sport, book, music group or activity?

A.  I would probably put music down in that category as well.  I am constantly buying albums and such. 

Q.  Are you looking forward to any holiday movies that are coming out this season?

A.  I haven’t seen Good Night and Good Luck yet and I really want to see that.  I saw Capote and I thought it was the best movie I had seen in a really long time. 

Q.  What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A.  Keep watching the show, thank you for watching which you have done already.  I hope you like what we have for you because we’re pumping up some pretty funny stuff now.  I want to stress thank you so much for supporting the show and for supporting me getting to where I am right now.  I honestly feel like I must be one of the luckiest people in the world to have the job that I have and do what I do everyday.  Thanks for your support. 


“The War At Home” airs Sunday at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT on FOX

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