Kylie Cantrall – Gabby Duran and the Unsittables
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) What was your audition like for “Gabby Duran and the Unsittables?”
A) It was a hot summer day in August, I wore a black bomber jacket, baggy red pants and a bucket hat. The sides that were given to me to present in the audition were the opening lines in the pilot. I still have those lines memorized to this day because I must’ve gone in to read for this part like twenty-five times!! [laughs] That’s why it was the best relief when I found out I booked the show because I felt like all of the time’s that I had to go into that audition room were worth it!
Q) What made you want to be a part of this series?
A) I was so drawn to Gabby the moment I read the sides and I knew I could bring a cool edge to the character. I’m also a big believer in aliens and I’ve watched almost every alien documentary there is so that element of the show made me super excited!
Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before working with them on the show?
A) I actually had never worked with anyone on my show until “Gabby,” but I have such a connection with all of them that it feels like I have. I actually remember watching Elle McKinnon in “Wonder” except it wasn’t until a year after knowing her that I put the pieces together!!! [laughs]
Q) What continues to challenge you about portraying Gabby?
A) I think it was a challenge trying to give Gabby more depth this season because everyone knows her as being an “Alien Babysitter,” but not everyone knows who she is as Gabby “the person.” But showing how she deals with relationships, social prejudice, middle school drama and tapping in with her Latin roots will give viewers more of a sense who Gabby really is, aside from just being the best babysitter babysitter in the galaxy.
Q) What can you tease is in store this season?
A) Well, viewers will get to see all of the fan favorite aliens from Season 1, we get to meet Gabby’s best friend from Miami, a visit from Gabby’s grandma, a levitating good witch alien named Astra (Naomi Tan) and Gabby’s love interest later this season, so let’s just say… It’s out of this world!!!
Q) Were you hoping to share more scenes with someone(s) in particular for Season 2?
A) I always love having scenes with Coco Christo, who plays my younger sister “Olivia.” When were on set together we literally can’t stop laughing and almost every time the director has to give us a five minute break to settle down and get rid of our giggles during a scene. She also is a great cook and loves making her famous “Coco Hot Mocha” (it’s just basically Hot Chocolate) on set that has us running to crafty every twenty minutes so she can make us more!! [laughs]
Q) You have great comedic timing. Is that something that has come naturally to you, or have you had to work at it?
A) Comedy was probably the thing that came most natural to me, but with Gabby I’ve definitely had to learn to tap into other emotions because she has more dramatic lines and has had quite a few crying scenes this season, which was definitely a new challenge for me. But, luckily, I had my acting coach to help me muster up those fake tears. His name is Callan Farris (Jeremy, the Blob). He is incredible at crying on command. and he’s given me a lot of good tips. I say he should write a book, The Art of Crying on Cue. He’s truly mastered it both on and off screen.
Q) What are some episodes or moments from Season 2 you are most looking forward to fans getting to see or that hold a special significance to you?
A) I’m excited for fans to meet Gabby’s love interest later this season because I think viewers get to see a different side of Gabby and how she navigates a boyfriend as a teen in high school that I feel will be relatable to the audience. Because the whole “babysitting aliens” part is not the most relatable!!! [laughs]
Q) What do you think it is about “Gabby Duran and the Unsittables” that makes it such a fan favorite Disney Channel series?
A) I think the show has such a great message, “Duck taping your principal’s car will ultimately land you a job babysitting aliens!” Jk Jk!!! But the message of being yourself and embracing what makes you unique I think makes this show so special and I hope it inspires the young viewers to embrace their quirks and individuality.
Q) Are you busy working on another upcoming projects fans should look out for?
A) I’m in the process of signing a record deal, literally at the moment. I’m so looking forward to fans hearing the new music I’ve been working on! I also have a new Fox animation film coming out this fall called Ron’s Gone Wrong.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of you and the work you do?
A) Embrace everything that makes you YOU! And believe that you can make all your dreams come true!! [laughs] That rhymed!
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