
Legacies – Kai Parker Screwed Us

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



We open with a flashback of Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) and Alaric (Matt Davis) ten years ago. They’re in the woods and there are bodies. Five bodies to be exact. They’ve been fed on and burned. Dorian says maybe it wasn’t a vampire from their school, but Ric examines the corpse and finds a Salvatore School emblem. What are they going to do?


In the present day Josie (Kaylee Bryant), Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Alaric are in the prison world and things are tense. Sebastian (Thomas Doherty) clues in the girls about Alaric banishing him. Lizzie is very upset that Ric lied and generally sent Sebastian to a prison world. But Ric says Sebastian refused to follow the rules so he had a choice. And Josie is just pretty surprised. Sebastian tries to intimidate Ric, telling him he’s not in charge, but Ric delivers a stake to the ribs. He says he and twins are leaving, Sebastian is staying, and Ric is always in charge.


Josie wants to know why Ric is grabbing every weapon insight. Kai (Chris Wood) has been in the prison world for a decade. He’s probably desiccating, but Ric says someone could’ve let him out. Josie wants to know who could’ve possibly done that. Ric says he’ll explain later.


Lizzie apologizes to Sebastian for Ric, but Sebastian says it’s not Lizzie’s fault. But Lizzie wants to know what Sebastian did that made her father so angry. Sebastian says Alaric just wanted to keep them apart. Gentle reminder, Alaric did catch Sebastian about to chow down on a jogger. Moving on, Lizzie promises Sebastian she’ll spring him from the prison world. Sebastian has got a different plan though – they’ve got the world to themselves. He promises no one else is there and Alaric lied to her so Lizzie can do what she wants. They sneak off.


Josie goes to the meadow to retrieve the dark magic and Alaric goes off in search of suffering. “The Vampire Diaries” Easter Eggs. The last time we saw the twins their wicked Uncle Malachi “Kai” Parker was when Bonnie Bennet left him chained to a chair in a bar, forever listening to a song he hated. But when Alaric goes in cross-bow in hand Kai’s not there.


Lizzie pokes around and runs into a girl named Jade (Giorgia Whigham). She wants to know who Josie is, but Josie remembers her after a moment.


Flashback time. We see Josie (Lily Rose Smith) ten years ago. She is spying on detention, which has a barrier spell around it. We see Jade, a witch named Wendy (Ronni Hawk) and an angry werewolf named Diego (Carlos Sanson). Diego can’t control his rage and Wendy likes fire…a lot. Jade and Wendy sweet-talk Josie into siphoning the barrier spell away. Josie hesitates, but Jade promises they’ll be back from the party before anyone can get angry.


Back in the present Jade recognizes Josie and wants to have her for lunch. But she’s saved by none other than Kai. He says, “Come with me if you want to live.” Background for the newbies, the last time Josie was face-to-face with Kai he chased her and Lizzie around with an axe.


Josie introduces herself to Kai and reminds him she’s named after his sister who he murdered. Kai says he technically just wanted to kill the twins (because that’s better in his mind). But he points out he saved Josie from being dinner. He tells her the detention crew run the prison world and torment him. They’ve killed him repeatedly, but Kai is a sociopath so this could be untrue. Josie explains how she got here.


Apparently over the past decade Kai made a bunch of videos trolling the old Mystic Falls gang. He addresses Ric and thanks him for sending his wayward students there because they woke him up. And, for good measure, he needles him about killing Jo. Distracted by this Alaric is attacked by Diego, who unsurprisingly isn’t happy with Ric.


Diego goes 1980s Teen Wolf on Ric, which is confusing at first but since he’s been trapped in a world where there is a full moon every night he learned to control the parts of him that change. Only the Crescent Pack and Hybrids are supposed to be able to do that, but whatever.  Alaric says he didn’t realize, but Diego says he doesn’t care – just like Ric never did. Diego is about to go in for the kill when he’s stopped by Kai. Seriously, what’s he playing at?


Alaric shoots him with an arrow and Josie rushes in. Alaric tells Josie to stay away from Kai as he’s a killer and a liar. Josie inquires if he lied about the students he sent here. Alaric says everyone makes mistakes.


Now for Lizzie. Sebastian took her to a mansion for them to play in.


So, because Kai is bound to the prison world he can’t die permanently. He then comes back ready for another round, but wakes up to something unexpected – Josie chained Alaric to the chair and knocked him out. Josie says she doesn’t want him to get in the way of them getting out and that she is willing to do anything to get out including partner with Kai.


Kai and Josie strategize. They need Bennett blood, an ascendant, and a celestial event. Kai wants Josie to trust him, so he gives up the ascendant. In return, Josie shows him the dark magic.


In the mansion Lizzie and Sebastian dance. Lizzie thanks him for an amazing date and states that she doesn’t want it to end. Sebastian says it doesn’t have to. Lizzie says her family is going to look for her and she can convince her father…But Sebastian has no intention of leaving.


Kai and Josie talk more and scramble for Bennett blood. At first it seems the only sample in the hospital is gone, but Josie kept a vial from the Coven Day ceremony. And surprisingly to absolutely no one, Kai was lying. He and Jade weren’t just working together as they’re an item. Kai says there is no trusting him.


Kai and Jade plan to kill Josie, Ric and Lizzie. Jade wants to put the Saltzmans (minus an MIA Lizzie) on trial.


Sebastian tells Lizzie the only thing he likes about the modern world is her. The prison world reminds him of his era. But Lizzie has a life outside the world and mortal/immortal relationships rarely work out. He says she just needs to become a vampire then.


In more flashbacks we see that Ric wants to know why Jade participated in the apparent massacre. Jade, though, is not admitting anything.


In the present day we are watching the trial. Alaric says he had no choice. The group had ripped a group of humans apart. They had no remorse and refused to admit anything. He couldn’t let them stay or unleash them on the world. Diego sarcastically asks if this is Ric’s idea of helping students. Alaric says no and that he should’ve killed them but Caroline talked him down.


Explanation time. The gang did kill the humans, but it was mostly accidental. The humans planned a party to see who could invite the biggest freak. Diego lost it first, the blood made Jade the Ripper lose it and Wendy as well. Jade explains that she felt incredibly guilty, which is why she turned it off. Why Alaric was seeing, Jade says, wasn’t sociopathy but a cry for help. She shames Alaric for not hearing it. Jade tells Ric she’s killed Kai, Diego and Wendy thousands of time. Now, she’s the killer he thought she was.


Lizzie and Sebastian talk about vampirism. Lizzie says it’s tempting. No merge and no wrinkles. But also no children or growing up.  Plus, she could never grow old with someone. So, it’s a no. Sebastian says he was afraid of that. That is why he says that he put blood in her wine.


Jade wants Alaric to run for his life in the forest or she’ll kill Josie. Lizzie isn’t faring much better. She’s furious with Sebastian and wants to leave.  But Sebastian says it’s for her own good. He loved a witch and watched her die so that if Lizzie’s not strong enough to make the choice he’ll make it for her. And then he calls her Cassandra, his dead girlfriend’s name. Lizzie kisses him, but then desiccates him. She tells him they need to see other people.


Kai bails on the group and takes the ascendant to make a solo getaway. But Josie didn’t give him the real vial of blood.


Lizzie hijacks a police car. Kai calls Josie and tries to make a deal with her. Josie tells Kai that she hates him and she’ll never help him. However, he offers her a way out.


We cut away to the prison world club. They do a locator spell to find Alaric as they’re ready to kill him.


Back to Josie and Kai’s conversation. Kai is jumping into the prison world’s version of Malivoire, with a parting gift. He tells Josie to get out as she needs to become a monster like him. Josie has to break the dark-magic hour glass. The good news is taht she’ll have the power to set them all free. The bad news is the recoil will possibly kill her or make her go dark.


Kai jumps and Josie smashes the hour glass. Lizzie crashes the car. She’s unconscious and bleeding and has vampire blood in her system. Could she be on her way to vampire-life?


Kai gets spit out by Malivore and comes face to face with the Necromancer (Ben Geurens).

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