Legacies – Long Time, No See
By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell
The episode starts late at night. Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) teleports outside of the gate of the Salvatore School. She shares a tearful reunion with Landon (Aria Shahghasemi). She tells him that she knew he wasn’t dead, but he can’t respond. He starts vomiting tar and points behind them. We see Malivore approaching them. Hope starts casting spells at the creature only to start hearing screams in the air telling her to stop. She’s jolted awake and the voice telling her to stop is Cleo (Omono Okojie) because Hope has created a mini tornado in her sleep. That probably explains why Hope had a single all those years. When most of the chaos has stops, Hope tells Cleo she got a message from Landon.
Hope tells Alaric (Matt Davis) about her dream, but he’s not convinced it is supernatural as opposed to psychological. Hope thinks she needs to look for Landon and she could’ve rescued him a lot sooner if MG (Quincy Fouse) hadn’t kept the ascendant a secret. Alaric half agrees with her. He wishes MG had been honest, but he understands why he wasn’t. There are a lot of monsters in the prison world and he’s unwilling to allow any students to go poking around there without concrete proof that Landon’s really alive. Hope says she’ll get the proof.
In the cafeteria, even though the student body is still noticeably decreased, the students present are giving MG the cold shoulder. When he goes to a table people leave. He looks to Jed (Ben Levin) and Wade (Elijah B. Moore) for companionship and hits a dead-end. Wade was close to Landon and thinks leaving him high and dry was wrong. MG points out that considering he and Alyssa two-timed him Jed is in no position to judge. But Jed says his reputation can’t handle being associated with him.
Even Kaleb (Chris Lee) isn’t thrilled with MG. Kaleb has an assignment to monster proof the school. MG offers to help, but Cleo has already agreed to assist Kaleb. MG is saddened that his closest friend is angry with him, too. Kaleb tells MG that he didn’t expect him to be so two-faced. Later with Cleo he explains that he promised MG that he’d have his back. But MG also made him promise not to give up on Landon. Now that those two promises are conflicting with each other, he doesn’t really know what to do but be neutral. Cleo says she understands as she also has an idea.
Lizzie (Jenny Boyd) and Hope are doing some spell-casting and preparing to astral project into the prison world. Lizzie has been designated to try and keep Hope grounded. Josie (Kaylee Bryant) swings by and offers to help, but Lizzie kicks her out of the room. Hope points out that was kind of harsh, but Lizzie reminds her that the last time Josie was involved with magic she held the school hostage. She should sit this round out according to Lizzie. With that they project themselves to the prison world. At first Lizzie suggests that Hope might not be being realistic because of how invested she is in the situation. But then Hope finds a letter from Landon and she’s finally got the proof she needs. Once they go back to the real world a creature made of bones with horns walks by and picks up the note.
There’s a super squad meeting. MG walks in and is upset that he didn’t get an invite. Everyone ignores him. They talk about the plan to go to the prison world tonight. They need a celestial event and they won’t be able to go for another month if they don’t use the opportunity. MG notes all of the monsters there and the fact that they haven’t a clue where in the prison world Landon would be. Hope points out that they would’ve had time to plan if MG hadn’t lied. Ric squelches the argument but admits that it’s not ideal. But the mission is completely voluntary. MG is given the chance to explain his position. He went to the prison world with Lizzie and knows how dangerous and unpredictable it is. Plus, he’s no coward. He led the fight against Triad and would do anything to save any one of them. He’s worried Malivore has set some sort of trap for them and Landon is the bait. Hope points out that Landon would sacrifice himself for any one of them and he’s the one in the most danger. It’s time for the vote and no one sides with MG. So he decides he can’t be here.
Cleo has a potential solution to their problem. She wants to summon Charon, a figure from Greek mythology. If you pay the toll he’ll carry your soul across the River Stix. Kaleb says it sounds cool, but they want Landon alive. Cleo suggests they tweak the spell to work on Malivore. Surely, she says, there are spells that can summon monsters. Kaleb says that’s dark magic. But Cleo says she believes that all magic is neutral as it’s only the intentions that matter. Kaleb is worried that maybe MG’s intentions weren’t entirely pure. Cleo says he can’t be Switzerland forever.
Kaleb speeds into the meeting and is given a choice with little time to decide. He says if he goes he’ll be bailing on MG like MG bailed on Landon. But if he stays he’ll feel like a traitor. Wade and Jed are in. Lizzie agrees with MG and wants to find a different solution. This presents a problem and a continuity error. Hope says they need a Gemini witch to activate the ascendant. However, technically you only need a Gemini witch or witches to make an ascendant any witch powerful enough can use it.
Josie is in the process of setting up a ditch date with Finch (Courtney Bandeko). Though, the plan gets interrupted by Hope. She’s ready to take her up on her previous offer to help.
MG is trying and failing to steal the ascendant because every time he tries to touch it he gets magically zapped. Lizzie tells him it’s because she spelled it. MG points out that won’t be enough to keep Hope at bay. He tells her that she’ll do anything to get what she wants. Elsewhere, Lizzie has a talk with Alaric. She further explains her decision. Lizzie says that MG has always given her the benefit of the doubt, even when she didn’t deserve it, so she owes him one. More than that she points out that they almost lost the school because parents are afraid the school was unsafe. Making this journey might prove them right. The conversation is cut short by a phone call. Ric answers and learns that Hope recruited Josie to get what she needed.
Josie and Lizzie go to the cemetery and prepare for the spell. Josie is a little worried about using magic again, but Hope offers her a coin and the opportunity to fix things with her powers. Kaleb goes to find Cleo and hopes to have some getting to know you time. But he finds her almost passed out and having a nosebleed. She admits “that” took a lot out of her. The “that” in question it seems was Charon the Ferryman. Think of a mummy but without the wrapping.
As the celestial event gets closer Josie gets nervous. She’s worried about going dark again. But Hope promises she’ll be there for her if she does. Josie doesn’t want to give up her fresh, normal start. However, Hope says magic and drama is a part of her and she doesn’t want to lay down guilt trips. Although, she mentions that Josie’s walk on the wild side did set a lot of this in motion. After this somewhat awkward heart to heart Josie says she’s decided.
Kaleb and Cleo present Charon to Alaric. Charon doesn’t speak. He just stands there and makes the kind of hissing sounds you’d hear in a haunted house. They assumed it’d want money but it doesn’t. Alaric says it wants personal items to identify Landon. So, Cleo and Kaleb go to Landon’s room.
MG and Lizzie are going on a mini trip yet the destination Lizzie says is a surprise. They make a stop for gas and MG says he has something to tell her. He wants to thank her for taking his side when no one else did. MG says that Lizzie is his person and now he realizes that he is hers too and he’s just really grateful. Lizzie walks over and places her arms on his shoulders and says she wishes he’d wait to make the big declarations. She starts siphoning and says she wishes she’d been more appreciative of his willingness to see the good in her. She’s also sorry for the times she’s taken advantage of him and never will again, starting tomorrow. So, why is she doing it today? Hope has Josie and Lizzie has to save her. Lizzie siphons magic from MG until he passes out with one final apology.
Lizzie puts the kibosh on Josie helping Hope by hiding the coin Josie stashed her magic in. Lizzie is annoyed at Hope but determined that Josie deserves her shot at a magic free life. So, they’re going to do the spell together. Elsewhere Alaric is serenading Charon, badly. Kaleb offers to sing again which the creature responds well to. Then, he has Cleo and Alaric join him in singing “Someone to Watch Over Me” and request the creature retrieve Landon Kirby. If this is at all confusing Alaric explains that in the original myth heroes have to charm Charon with poetry and music instead of money.
Lizzie and Hope perform the spell and things go sideways quickly. The necromancer was full of dark magic when he was banished, so Josie reasons the prison world is probably now infected too. Josie tells them to abandon ship because the dark magic is starting to infect them. But Hope says they can power through up. Up until Lizzie and Hope are covered in black veins and she realizes that maybe this wasn’t the best idea. There’s a flash of light and the girls are thrown. Landon appears, but it’s not clear if it’s due to the spell or Charon. Either way he and Hope share a happy reunion.
Cleo and Kaleb have a heart to heart over breakfast to celebrate. They’re both pretty happy and Kaleb says he’s gonna mend fences with MG. Although, Lizzie is first in line. She’s delivering blood bags and apologizing for the deception. Lizzie says she’s done doing favors for Hope. This time; however, MG can’t accept her apology. He feels used and says that people used to listen to him yet now it is not so much. He goes on to stay that if no one is going to have his back he doesn’t think he can stay at the Salvatore school.
The good news is that Josie is dark magic free according to the tests Alaric ran. But Josie has also had enough. She wants even more distance from the Salvatore School. She spoke to Caroline and she said they’ve got friends in town that she can stay with. She needs to be away for a while.
Hope and Landon talk about his experience. They catch up on what’s been happening in each other’s lives. The pair agrees that they can probably never have sex again. Hope admits she made a lot of people angry in her mission to save him. It reminds her that going scorched earth to save loved ones is a family tradition, but things are rarely the same afterwards. We cut away with them holding each other and in the bushes a monster from Malivore is watching and lying in wait.
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