
Legacies – You Can’t Save Them All

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



Alaric (Matt Davis) is being hunted by his former students. We’re treated to some Ric “The Vampire Slayer” moves, which help him escape from Wendy (Ronni Hawk) and Diego (Carlos Sanson). Unfortunately, he runs into Jade (Giorgia Whigham).


They fight and then suddenly Jade stops, seemingly distressed. Jade, who previously turned off her humanity post-accidental massacre, tearfully apologizes to Ric. Then, she collapses. Behind her is Josie (Kaylee Bryant), who has absorbed the dark magic and explains that she fixed her.


In the real world we see Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) isn’t having a much better night. There are creepy school children singing the prophecy about a new hero rising, but when the arrow finds him the hero dies. Presumably, this is all about Landon (Aria Shahghasemi). She has a disturbing vision of Landon bleeding out! Josie tells her they’re not alone. Then, she wakes up from what was a nightmare.


Remember how Landon floated in the last episode? He really wants to do it again. So much that he leaped off the garage and broke his arm. Hope is not happy. She tells him about the dream where she couldn’t save him. Landon tries to reassure her that she doesn’t have to fix everything and that she’s not alone.


They strike a deal. Hope won’t try to astral project into the prison world because that’s super dangerous and in turn Landon will hold off on flying attempts until the golden arrow is found. Speaking of that…Jed (Ben Levin), MG (Quincy Fouse) and Kaleb (Chris Lee) are leading the search effort and fighting a whole lot.


Josie is bringing new meaning to the word detached and Alaric is concerned as they walk down the road. Ric wonders what did Josie do to Jade and why’d she break the sandclock. Josie doesn’t remember, but she can sense Lizzie (Jenny Boyd). She didn’t die in the car accident, but she’s in bad shape. She tells her father she drank vampire blood and begs him not to let her die. Ric says he won’t.


Back in Mystic Falls Kai (Chris Wood) goes to The Salvatore School. Since he jumped into Malivore no one knows him. So, he tells Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) he’s Joshua, an old friend of Alaric’s with an open invitation to crash. He says he went to Jo and Ric’s wedding, omitting that he murdered Jo that one time. Dorian’s apprehensive with all the monsters running around so Kai (witch/vampire) compels him into inviting him in.


The Saltzmans go to a hospital without any doctors. Alaric asks if Josie can do anything to help and her eyes go completely black. Josie says she’ll be unconscious for a bit, but he shouldn’t worry. When Josie nods off, Jade appears offering her help. It turns out Josie turned her humanity back on. Before everything went sideways, she wanted to be an EMT and she really wants to help Lizzie. But there’s a catch, she can’t deal with the blood so she has to talk Ric through it.


Hope is trying to put the ascendant back together without much success. “Joshua” offers to help Hope and Landon rescue the Saltzmans.


Jed and Kaleb are snapping at eachother. MG thinks it’s because of the werewolf vs. vampire cold war, but it’s really about Alyssa (Olivia Liang). Alyssa likes MG while Jed and Kaleb are both into Alyssa. The bickering over who is going to win her affection is interrupted by a lead on the arrow.


Elsewhere, Hope and Landon worry about the twins and Ric. Hope says they’re trapped with their mother’s murderer. Since the Malivore memory wipe doesn’t work on her, let’s just safely assume she’s never seen a picture of Kai Parker. She decides she has to astral project to the prison world only to be interrupted by Dorian.


“Joshua” says there’s a truth serum flower that can get Alyssa to fess up. This will probably end badly.


Jade talks Ric through using the Laughlin clamp, a special technique her birth mother Jo invented. Once Lizzie is in the clear Josie wakes up. They realize someone’s missing from their memories courtesy of Malivore.


Kai is cooking and summons the Necromancer’s (Ben Geurens) astral projection into the kitchen. Kai gloats over getting inside. But the Necromancer says to underestimate the Tribrid at his own risk. The Heretic says he can deal with Hope.


Landon is stoked to see the Falls in Mystic Falls, but Dorian’s eyes glaze over and he knocks Dorian out. This screams vampire compulsion.


Kai goes down to the dungeon where Alyssa is still on lockdown. He tells her he’s a big fan of her work (unsurprising) and offers her a partnership.


In the prison world Josie gives everyone their Malivore memories back and Ric is not happy. Kai is out in the real world, but there’s hope as the prison world is made of magic. Therefore, it can be siphoned. They can make holes in the prison world, but there’s a catch – someone would have to stay behind to be the anchor. Ric says no one is getting left behind.


Hope astral projects into the prison world and thanks to the dark magic Josie can see her. Alaric warns Hope that Kai is on the loose and tells her to spread the word. Alaric says they should do the spell, but he’ll be the anchor. They were all his students once, so he owes them this.


Back in the real world Hope comes face to face with Kai. She plays dumb and Kai sniffs out the backup ascendant Alyssa hid in a stuffed elephant. Kai tells Hope that Alyssa just needed a compassionate ear to bend. They just need a celestial event. Hope says she knows where one is, but they just need to go off campus.


They go to an abandoned warehouse. Hope tries to stake Kai, but the deflects. Trivia lesson…Once upon a time Kai was a siphoner witch like Josie and Lizzie. Normally, a witch who becomes a vampire loses their magic, but siphoners keep their ability to wield magic because they didn’t technically have their own to begin with, becoming what is not so affectionately called a heretic one of nature’s loopholes.  Hope the tribrid has werewolf and witch abilities, so she and Kai are pretty evenly matched in the fight they have in the warehouse.


Hope knocks Kai down and makes and observation: he could’ve blocked her kick. Kai says he just needed to distract her. Elsewhere Alyssa is severing his connection to the prison world. Since the world was created just for him if the connection is gone, the world will collapse with everyone inside it. Or so it seems…


Hope thanks him for the villain monologue and says she’s deal with him later. But wait! Kai says he’s got Landon walking straight into the path of a golden arrow. He says Hope will never be able to save the Saltzmans and Landon, who will she choose.


Jed, MG and Kaleb take down a zombie and bicker a little. MG goes inside a trailer and finds an unconscious Rafael (Peyon Alex Smith), who was supposed to be bonding with his father.


Josie explains once she starts the spell that she can’t stop. So, once the door opens the gang has to go, one at a time. While she’s spellcasting Lizzie begs Alaric not to be the anchor. Sebastian (Thomas Doherty) is still around and will likely have a literal ax to grind. Ric says he’ll be fine and they have to go.


Under Kai’s compulsion, Dorian is dragging a tied up Landon through the woods while Hope tries to figure out who to save. Kai told Dorian to hold Landon while they shoot the golden arrow.


Alyssa is chanting away to sever the connection and gets interrupted by Hope. Unfortunately, there’s a barrier spell. So, Hope tries to reason with Alyssa by telling her if she severs the connection everyone in the prison world will die. She tells her being responsible for someone’s death stays with you. But despite Alyssa stopping, the ascendant keeps ticking.


Dorian was compelled to hold Landon while a cloaked figure shoots the arrow, but magic always has a loophole. So, whilst holding Landon we see Dorian turn around – taking an arrow to the back instead. The figure runs away. Landon vows to get Dorian help, but Dorian says he won’t make it in time. Dorian just asks him to stay.


Wendy appears at the school, so Josie’s plan is working. Lizzie goes next. It’s supposed to be Diego next though, but he wolfs out and attacks Ric. However, Sebastian knocks him out. Sebastian says that some people don’t know what to do with a second chance. Alaric thanks him and Sebastian admits he endangered Lizzie. If he wants to thank him, he can take care of her. He then offers to be the anchor instead of Ric.  He says to Josie for her to tell Lizzie something a better man would say.


Seemingly free of dark magic, Josie comes back. But they need to save Landon.

Everyone goes to the woods and Hope is desperately seeking Landon, but she can’t see him. Josie; however, does find him.  Landon is flying with wings made of flames and is carrying Dorian.


Lizzie astral projects to the crumbling world to say goodbye to Sebastian. She offers him an out through Malivore. He apologizes for trying to turn her and she’s sorry she has such bad taste in men. She then tells him to go to Malivore and he fades out.


Dorian doesn’t die and Raf tries to explain what happened, but his memories have holes. He was headed back to school and got jumped by someone in a red cloak. Alaric says the important thing is no one is dead and lets them toast with scotch.


Landon and Hope share a moment. Landon says she did the right thing, saving six lives vs saving one. But he understands how hard the prospect of loss is for her and tells her that’s why she’s the hero. She can do what others can’t. Then they talk about what it was like to fly: it’s like falling away from the earth.


The necromancer and Kai have a chillier conversation. Severing the connection to the prison world would’ve killed the dark witch the necromancer needs, so their deal is off. With that said, The Necromancer ghosts away and Alaric takes Kai Parker’s head off with a sword. This, he says, is for Jo.


Speaking of her namesake..Josie eyes open and are pitch black. She’s not as free of the dark magic as everyone believed.

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