Interviews - TV

Leisha Hailey – A Whole Lot of L

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Q.  We know that the latest season of “The L Word” just began airing.  Do you like where your character has gone this season and do you think that it is realistic for the six months not shown?

A.  That’s an excellent question, I do like where my character is just because it’s fun for me to play something different, even if it is a little off the wall and crazy and slightly unrealistic, it’s still crazy and fun for me.  It made work different, like it just wasn’t me hanging out at The Planet hanging out with my friends.  It was actually something to do and as far as the six months go, I would like to see what happened in the six months.  They give us back-stories so we’re sure we know what has happened but I’m sure as an audience member it becomes frustrating, because you want to see that played out.

Q.  The show has been up and down ratings wise.  Do you feel the show is strong enough to carry into a fourth season?

A.  Yeah, I think we have a strong enough built in audience and it actually has been doing really well this season with the ratings.  It’s gone up from last year so that gives me pretty strong hope that we’ll get picked up.  But, you never know.

Q.  You recently guest starred on the show “CSI.”  What made you want to be a part of this show?

A.  Well, I wanted to do some different things on my hiatus, we have about six months off.  I didn’t want to just hang around waiting for the word, if we’re getting picked up or not.  So, I started going out on auditions for guest spots and I got the “CSI” and I also got a “Grey’s Anatomy” episode.  I am planning on auditioning still for lots more. 

Q.  You had to go through a big transformation for the role on that show.  What was the hair and makeup process like for you for that role?

A.  It was itchy, it took about two and a half hours to glue all of the hair on my face.  I just thought it would be interesting for me to play something completely and totally different than anything else I’ve played.  I think it’s fun for anyone to play the sort of monster character, it’s just another form of an outcast and I really find that interesting.

Q.  Will your band Gush be coming out with a new CD soon?  Will you be adding any more artists to your record label?

A.  Well we’re not together anymore, we ended that band about three years ago.  If there is any other music I put out again it would either be something that would be a new project that I would do alone or it would be a reunion with Heather and I for The Murmurs.  I plan to add more artists to the record label, I’d like to sign a country act some time but right now I’m focusing on putting Amy’s record out, Amy Cook, and the website is up now so people can actually buy the record now.  It’s

Q.  You are involved with acting, producing and music.  Is there anything else you would like to try your hand at?

A.  Not right now, I don’t have any big plans, I just sort of want to focus on acting and that’s pretty much it for this year.  I am really psyched to do different things because I can get bored pretty easily so I like to switch it up all the time. 

Q.  As a role model, what do you recommend for a person who has come out to their family and they don’t accept?

A.  That’s a really hard question I think it can be so different for so many people it depends.  That’s hard, I think you really just have to have a strong support system with your friends and I think that family comes in lots of different ways.  So you form families in life I think as a gay person where your friends become your family, so I think that if someone is having a hard time with their biological family you just need to reach out, find local support groups or friends to talk to.  You actually build your own support system that way.

Q.  As Alice on “The L Word” you have wonderful comedic timing.  Is this something that comes naturally to you or is it something that you’re constantly working at?

A.  I guess it comes slightly naturally, I don’t know why.  I’m nothing like that in person so maybe it’s just the fact that you have funny lines written for you so it’s really about delivery.  It’s pretty easy for me, it takes a lot of the pressure off so instead of coming up with something funny to say, it’s already there.  So, you just have to deliver it in a funny way and that doesn’t seem so hard to me. 

Q.  Since the show is in its third season, how do you think the cast keeps up with the chemistry between each other?

A.  Well, it comes naturally, I mean we’re all really good friends.  I think the closer we become the more natural and real the relationships between the characters become.  So, it actually just grows deeper I think.

Q.  What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

A.  I love to run, I run every morning by myself.  I love to go out to dinner, I love to see movies, I like to paint and that’s pretty much it.

Q.  What is your latest obsession?  Are you into any particular book, music group, sport or activity?

A.  I just bought a bike so I want to start training because one of my dreams is to do the AIDS ride.  So, I’m going to start doing that and I’m really into The Like, that band.

Q.  Now that it is 2006, what are you most looking forward to this year?

A.  I really this year want to focus on stretching myself in the audition process.  So, when I go out for things I can feel proud of what I did in the room.  I really want to grow as an actress and that’s my focus right now.

Q.  What would you like to say to all of your fans and supporters?

A.  I just really want to thank everyone for supporting the show and really getting behind it and understanding there are flaws but at the same time being huge supporters of it.  I really appreciate the compliments that I get and I am very thankful for all of that, I feel very lucky.

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